Recent logs - Marvel Super Hero Squad

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Game title Version Latest Report Message
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.12.3 2024-09-29 80630007=sceAtracSetData(2, 08d4b180, 00018000): atracID uses different codec type than data
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.12.3 2024-09-29 80630007=sceAtracSetData(2, 08d4b180, 00019800): atracID uses different codec type than data
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.12.3 2024-09-29 80630007=sceAtracSetData(2, 08d4b180, 0000fe00): atracID uses different codec type than data
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.12.3 2024-09-29 80630007=sceAtracSetData(2, 08d4b180, 00015700): atracID uses different codec type than data
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.12.3 2024-09-29 80630007=sceAtracSetData(2, 08d13140, 00038000): atracID uses different codec type than data
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.12.3 2024-09-29 Rendering to framebuffer offset: 040cc000 +65x0
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.12.3 2024-09-29 Error in shader program link: info: Vertex info ----------- (0) : fatal error C9999: Can't convert to expr: 1f + @TMP0, 1f + @TMP1 fs: 00010000:0000f022 Tex TexAlpha TFuncMod AlphaTest >= #version 330 #extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : enable // GeForce 210/PCI/SSE2 - GLSL 330 #define DISCARD discard #define lowp #define mediump #define highp #define splat3(x) vec3(x) #define mul(x, y) ((x) * (y)) uniform sampler2D tex; uniform sampler2D testtex; in lowp vec4 v_color0; in mediump vec3 v_texcoord; out vec4 fragColor0; void main() { vec4 t = texture(tex, v_texcoord.xy); vec4 p = v_color0; vec4 v = p * t; float aResult = texture(testtex, vec2(v.a * 0.996094 + 0.001953, 0)).a; if (aResult < 0.5) v.a = 0.0; fragColor0 = v; } vs: 00000000:00320b38 HWX C T N Tex UVEnv 0: c:0 t:0 3: c:0 t:0 Cull #version 330 #extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : enable // GeForce 210/PCI/SSE2 - GLSL 330 #define gl_VertexIndex gl_VertexID #define lowp #define mediump #define highp #define splat3(x) vec3(x) #define mul(x, y) ((x) * (y)) in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; in vec2 texcoord; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform vec4 u_uvscaleoffset; uniform vec3 u_lightpos0; uniform vec3 u_lightpos3; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec4 u_cullRangeMin; uniform highp vec4 u_cullRangeMax; out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump vec3 v_texcoord; vec3 normalizeOr001(vec3 v) { return length(v) == 0.0 ? vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) : normalize(v); } void main() { vec3 worldpos = mul(vec4(position, 1.0), u_world).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalizeOr001(mul(vec4(normal, 0.0), u_world).xyz); vec4 viewPos = vec4(mul(vec4(worldpos, 1.0), u_view).xyz, 1.0); vec4 outPos = mul(u_proj, viewPos); v_color0 = color0; v_texcoord = vec3(u_uvscaleoffset.xy * vec2(1.0 + (length(u_lightpos0) == 0.0 ? worldnormal.z : dot(normalize(u_lightpos0), worldnormal)), 1.0 + (length(u_lightpos3) == 0.0 ? worldnormal.z : dot(normalize(u_lightpos3), worldnormal))) * 0.5, 1.0); vec3 projPos = / outPos.w; if (u_cullRangeMin.w <= 0.0 || (projPos.z >= u_cullRangeMin.z && projPos.z <= u_cullRangeMax.z)) { if (projPos.x < u_cullRangeMin.x || projPos.y < u_cullRangeMin.y || projPos.z < u_cullRangeMin.z || projPos.x > u_cullRangeMax.x || projPos.y > u_cullRangeMax.y || projPos.z > u_cullRangeMax.z) { outPos.xyzw = u_cullRangeMax.wwww; } } gl_Position = outPos; }
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.12.3 2024-09-29 Error in shader program link: info: Vertex info ----------- (0) : fatal error C9999: Can't convert to expr: 1f + @TMP0, 1f + @TMP1 fs: 00000000:00200802 Tex LM Fog TFuncMod #version 330 #extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : enable // GeForce 210/PCI/SSE2 - GLSL 330 #define DISCARD discard #define lowp #define mediump #define highp #define splat3(x) vec3(x) #define mul(x, y) ((x) * (y)) uniform sampler2D tex; in lowp vec4 v_color0; in lowp vec3 v_color1; uniform vec3 u_fogcolor; in mediump float v_fogdepth; in mediump vec3 v_texcoord; out vec4 fragColor0; void main() { vec4 s = vec4(v_color1, 0.0); vec4 t = texture(tex, v_texcoord.xy); vec4 p = v_color0; vec4 v = vec4(t.rgb * p.rgb, p.a) + s; float fogCoef = clamp(v_fogdepth, 0.0, 1.0); v = mix(vec4(u_fogcolor, v.a), v, fogCoef); fragColor0 = v; } vs: 01170000:00320b3d HWX C T N LM Fog Tex UVEnv Light: 0: c:0 t:0 3: c:0 t:0 MatUp:7 Cull #version 330 #extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : enable // GeForce 210/PCI/SSE2 - GLSL 330 #define gl_VertexIndex gl_VertexID #define lowp #define mediump #define highp #define splat3(x) vec3(x) #define mul(x, y) ((x) * (y)) in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; in vec2 texcoord; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform vec4 u_uvscaleoffset; uniform vec3 u_lightpos0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse0; uniform vec3 u_lightpos3; uniform lowp vec4 u_ambient; uniform lowp vec4 u_matspecular; uniform lowp vec3 u_matemissive; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec2 u_fogcoef; uniform highp vec4 u_cullRangeMin; uniform highp vec4 u_cullRangeMax; out lowp vec4 v_color0; out lowp vec3 v_color1; out mediump vec3 v_texcoord; out mediump float v_fogdepth; vec3 normalizeOr001(vec3 v) { return length(v) == 0.0 ? vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) : normalize(v); } void main() { vec3 worldpos = mul(vec4(position, 1.0), u_world).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalizeOr001(mul(vec4(normal, 0.0), u_world).xyz); vec4 viewPos = vec4(mul(vec4(worldpos, 1.0), u_view).xyz, 1.0); vec4 outPos = mul(u_proj, viewPos); lowp vec4 lightSum0 = u_ambient * color0 + vec4(u_matemissive, 0.0); vec3 toLight; lowp vec3 diffuse; mediump float ldot; toLight = u_lightpos0; ldot = dot(toLight, worldnormal); diffuse = (u_lightdiffuse0 * color0.rgb) * max(ldot, 0.0); lightSum0.rgb += (u_lightambient0 * color0.rgb + diffuse); v_color0 = clamp(lightSum0, 0.0, 1.0); v_color1 = splat3(0.0); v_texcoord = vec3(u_uvscaleoffset.xy * vec2(1.0 + (length(u_lightpos0) == 0.0 ? worldnormal.z : dot(normalize(u_lightpos0), worldnormal)), 1.0 + (length(u_lightpos3) == 0.0 ? worldnormal.z : dot(normalize(u_lightpos3), worldnormal))) * 0.5, 1.0); v_fogdepth = (viewPos.z + u_fogcoef.x) * u_fogcoef.y; vec3 projPos = / outPos.w; if (u_cullRangeMin.w <= 0.0 || (projPos.z >= u_cullRangeMin.z && projPos.z <= u_cullRangeMax.z)) { if (projPos.x < u_cullRangeMin.x || projPos.y < u_cullRangeMin.y || projPos.z < u_cullRangeMin.z || projPos.x > u_cullRangeMax.x || projPos.y > u_cullRangeMax.y || projPos.z > u_cullRangeMax.z) { outPos.xyzw = u_cullRangeMax.wwww; } } gl_Position = outPos; }
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.12.3 2024-09-29 Error in shader program link: info: Vertex info ----------- (0) : fatal error C9999: Can't convert to expr: 1f + @TMP0, 1f + @TMP1 fs: 00000000:0020f802 Tex LM Fog TFuncMod AlphaTest >= #version 330 #extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : enable // GeForce 210/PCI/SSE2 - GLSL 330 #define DISCARD discard #define lowp #define mediump #define highp #define splat3(x) vec3(x) #define mul(x, y) ((x) * (y)) uniform sampler2D tex; uniform sampler2D testtex; in lowp vec4 v_color0; in lowp vec3 v_color1; uniform vec3 u_fogcolor; in mediump float v_fogdepth; in mediump vec3 v_texcoord; out vec4 fragColor0; void main() { vec4 s = vec4(v_color1, 0.0); vec4 t = texture(tex, v_texcoord.xy); vec4 p = v_color0; vec4 v = vec4(t.rgb * p.rgb, p.a) + s; float fogCoef = clamp(v_fogdepth, 0.0, 1.0); v = mix(vec4(u_fogcolor, v.a), v, fogCoef); float aResult = texture(testtex, vec2(v.a * 0.996094 + 0.001953, 0)).a; if (aResult < 0.5) DISCARD; fragColor0 = v; } vs: 01971000:00320b35 HWX T N LM Fog Tex UVEnv Light: 0: c:0 t:0 3: c:1 t:0 MatUp:7 Cull #version 330 #extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : enable // GeForce 210/PCI/SSE2 - GLSL 330 #define gl_VertexIndex gl_VertexID #define lowp #define mediump #define highp #define splat3(x) vec3(x) #define mul(x, y) ((x) * (y)) in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; in vec2 texcoord; uniform mat4 u_proj; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform vec4 u_uvscaleoffset; uniform vec3 u_lightpos0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse0; uniform vec3 u_lightpos3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular3; uniform lowp vec4 u_ambient; uniform lowp vec3 u_matdiffuse; uniform lowp vec4 u_matspecular; uniform lowp vec3 u_matemissive; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec2 u_fogcoef; uniform highp vec4 u_cullRangeMin; uniform highp vec4 u_cullRangeMax; out lowp vec4 v_color0; out lowp vec3 v_color1; out mediump vec3 v_texcoord; out mediump float v_fogdepth; vec3 normalizeOr001(vec3 v) { return length(v) == 0.0 ? vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) : normalize(v); } void main() { vec3 worldpos = mul(vec4(position, 1.0), u_world).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalizeOr001(mul(vec4(normal, 0.0), u_world).xyz); vec4 viewPos = vec4(mul(vec4(worldpos, 1.0), u_view).xyz, 1.0); vec4 outPos = mul(u_proj, viewPos); lowp vec4 lightSum0 = u_ambient * u_matambientalpha + vec4(u_matemissive, 0.0); lowp vec3 lightSum1 = splat3(0.0); vec3 toLight; lowp vec3 diffuse; mediump float ldot; toLight = u_lightpos0; ldot = dot(toLight, worldnormal); diffuse = (u_lightdiffuse0 * u_matdiffuse) * max(ldot, 0.0); lightSum0.rgb += (u_lightambient0 * u_matambientalpha.rgb + diffuse); toLight = u_lightpos3; ldot = dot(toLight, worldnormal); diffuse = (u_lightdiffuse3 * u_matdiffuse) * max(ldot, 0.0); if (ldot >= 0.0) { ldot = dot(normalize(toLight + vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)), worldnormal); if (u_matspecular.a <= 0.0) { ldot = 1.0; } else { ldot = pow(max(ldot, 0.0), u_matspecular.a); } if (ldot > 0.0) lightSum1 += u_lightspecular3 * u_matspecular.rgb * ldot ; } lightSum0.rgb += (u_lightambient3 * u_matambientalpha.rgb + diffuse); v_color0 = clamp(lightSum0, 0.0, 1.0); v_color1 = clamp(lightSum1, 0.0, 1.0); v_texcoord = vec3(u_uvscaleoffset.xy * vec2(1.0 + (length(u_lightpos0) == 0.0 ? worldnormal.z : dot(normalize(u_lightpos0), worldnormal)), 1.0 + (length(u_lightpos3) == 0.0 ? worldnormal.z : dot(normalize(u_lightpos3), worldnormal))) * 0.5, 1.0); v_fogdepth = (viewPos.z + u_fogcoef.x) * u_fogcoef.y; vec3 projPos = / outPos.w; if (u_cullRangeMin.w <= 0.0 || (projPos.z >= u_cullRangeMin.z && projPos.z <= u_cullRangeMax.z)) { if (projPos.x < u_cullRangeMin.x || projPos.y < u_cullRangeMin.y || projPos.z < u_cullRangeMin.z || projPos.x > u_cullRangeMax.x || projPos.y > u_cullRangeMax.y || projPos.z > u_cullRangeMax.z) { outPos.xyzw = u_cullRangeMax.wwww; } } gl_Position = outPos; }
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.12.3 2024-10-26 Error in shader program link: info: Vertex info ----------- (0) : fatal error C9999: Can't convert to expr: 1f + @TMP0, 1f + @TMP1 fs: 00000000:00200802 Tex LM Fog TFuncMod #version 330 #extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : enable // GeForce 210/PCI/SSE2 - GLSL 330 #define DISCARD discard #define lowp #define mediump #define highp #define splat3(x) vec3(x) #define mul(x, y) ((x) * (y)) uniform sampler2D tex; in lowp vec4 v_color0; in lowp vec3 v_color1; uniform vec3 u_fogcolor; in mediump float v_fogdepth; in mediump vec3 v_texcoord; out vec4 fragColor0; void main() { vec4 s = vec4(v_color1, 0.0); vec4 t = texture(tex, v_texcoord.xy); vec4 p = v_color0; vec4 v = vec4(t.rgb * p.rgb, p.a) + s; float fogCoef = clamp(v_fogdepth, 0.0, 1.0); v = mix(vec4(u_fogcolor, v.a), v, fogCoef); fragColor0 = v; } vs: 01170000:00320b35 HWX T N LM Fog Tex UVEnv Light: 0: c:0 t:0 3: c:0 t:0 MatUp:7 Cull #version 330 #extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : enable // GeForce 210/PCI/SSE2 - GLSL 330 #define gl_VertexIndex gl_VertexID #define lowp #define mediump #define highp #define splat3(x) vec3(x) #define mul(x, y) ((x) * (y)) in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; in vec2 texcoord; uniform mat4 u_proj; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform vec4 u_uvscaleoffset; uniform vec3 u_lightpos0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse0; uniform vec3 u_lightpos3; uniform lowp vec4 u_ambient; uniform lowp vec3 u_matdiffuse; uniform lowp vec4 u_matspecular; uniform lowp vec3 u_matemissive; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec2 u_fogcoef; uniform highp vec4 u_cullRangeMin; uniform highp vec4 u_cullRangeMax; out lowp vec4 v_color0; out lowp vec3 v_color1; out mediump vec3 v_texcoord; out mediump float v_fogdepth; vec3 normalizeOr001(vec3 v) { return length(v) == 0.0 ? vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) : normalize(v); } void main() { vec3 worldpos = mul(vec4(position, 1.0), u_world).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalizeOr001(mul(vec4(normal, 0.0), u_world).xyz); vec4 viewPos = vec4(mul(vec4(worldpos, 1.0), u_view).xyz, 1.0); vec4 outPos = mul(u_proj, viewPos); lowp vec4 lightSum0 = u_ambient * u_matambientalpha + vec4(u_matemissive, 0.0); vec3 toLight; lowp vec3 diffuse; mediump float ldot; toLight = u_lightpos0; ldot = dot(toLight, worldnormal); diffuse = (u_lightdiffuse0 * u_matdiffuse) * max(ldot, 0.0); lightSum0.rgb += (u_lightambient0 * u_matambientalpha.rgb + diffuse); v_color0 = clamp(lightSum0, 0.0, 1.0); v_color1 = splat3(0.0); v_texcoord = vec3(u_uvscaleoffset.xy * vec2(1.0 + (length(u_lightpos0) == 0.0 ? worldnormal.z : dot(normalize(u_lightpos0), worldnormal)), 1.0 + (length(u_lightpos3) == 0.0 ? worldnormal.z : dot(normalize(u_lightpos3), worldnormal))) * 0.5, 1.0); v_fogdepth = (viewPos.z + u_fogcoef.x) * u_fogcoef.y; vec3 projPos = / outPos.w; if (u_cullRangeMin.w <= 0.0 || (projPos.z >= u_cullRangeMin.z && projPos.z <= u_cullRangeMax.z)) { if (projPos.x < u_cullRangeMin.x || projPos.y < u_cullRangeMin.y || projPos.z < u_cullRangeMin.z || projPos.x > u_cullRangeMax.x || projPos.y > u_cullRangeMax.y || projPos.z > u_cullRangeMax.z) { outPos.xyzw = u_cullRangeMax.wwww; } } gl_Position = outPos; }
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.12.3 2024-10-26 Error in shader program link: info: Vertex info ----------- (0) : fatal error C9999: Can't convert to expr: 1f + @TMP0, 1f + @TMP1 fs: 00000000:00200802 Tex LM Fog TFuncMod #version 330 #extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : enable // GeForce 210/PCI/SSE2 - GLSL 330 #define DISCARD discard #define lowp #define mediump #define highp #define splat3(x) vec3(x) #define mul(x, y) ((x) * (y)) uniform sampler2D tex; in lowp vec4 v_color0; in lowp vec3 v_color1; uniform vec3 u_fogcolor; in mediump float v_fogdepth; in mediump vec3 v_texcoord; out vec4 fragColor0; void main() { vec4 s = vec4(v_color1, 0.0); vec4 t = texture(tex, v_texcoord.xy); vec4 p = v_color0; vec4 v = vec4(t.rgb * p.rgb, p.a) + s; float fogCoef = clamp(v_fogdepth, 0.0, 1.0); v = mix(vec4(u_fogcolor, v.a), v, fogCoef); fragColor0 = v; } vs: 01971000:00320b35 HWX T N LM Fog Tex UVEnv Light: 0: c:0 t:0 3: c:1 t:0 MatUp:7 Cull #version 330 #extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : enable // GeForce 210/PCI/SSE2 - GLSL 330 #define gl_VertexIndex gl_VertexID #define lowp #define mediump #define highp #define splat3(x) vec3(x) #define mul(x, y) ((x) * (y)) in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; in vec2 texcoord; uniform mat4 u_proj; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform vec4 u_uvscaleoffset; uniform vec3 u_lightpos0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse0; uniform vec3 u_lightpos3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular3; uniform lowp vec4 u_ambient; uniform lowp vec3 u_matdiffuse; uniform lowp vec4 u_matspecular; uniform lowp vec3 u_matemissive; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec2 u_fogcoef; uniform highp vec4 u_cullRangeMin; uniform highp vec4 u_cullRangeMax; out lowp vec4 v_color0; out lowp vec3 v_color1; out mediump vec3 v_texcoord; out mediump float v_fogdepth; vec3 normalizeOr001(vec3 v) { return length(v) == 0.0 ? vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) : normalize(v); } void main() { vec3 worldpos = mul(vec4(position, 1.0), u_world).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalizeOr001(mul(vec4(normal, 0.0), u_world).xyz); vec4 viewPos = vec4(mul(vec4(worldpos, 1.0), u_view).xyz, 1.0); vec4 outPos = mul(u_proj, viewPos); lowp vec4 lightSum0 = u_ambient * u_matambientalpha + vec4(u_matemissive, 0.0); lowp vec3 lightSum1 = splat3(0.0); vec3 toLight; lowp vec3 diffuse; mediump float ldot; toLight = u_lightpos0; ldot = dot(toLight, worldnormal); diffuse = (u_lightdiffuse0 * u_matdiffuse) * max(ldot, 0.0); lightSum0.rgb += (u_lightambient0 * u_matambientalpha.rgb + diffuse); toLight = u_lightpos3; ldot = dot(toLight, worldnormal); diffuse = (u_lightdiffuse3 * u_matdiffuse) * max(ldot, 0.0); if (ldot >= 0.0) { ldot = dot(normalize(toLight + vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)), worldnormal); if (u_matspecular.a <= 0.0) { ldot = 1.0; } else { ldot = pow(max(ldot, 0.0), u_matspecular.a); } if (ldot > 0.0) lightSum1 += u_lightspecular3 * u_matspecular.rgb * ldot ; } lightSum0.rgb += (u_lightambient3 * u_matambientalpha.rgb + diffuse); v_color0 = clamp(lightSum0, 0.0, 1.0); v_color1 = clamp(lightSum1, 0.0, 1.0); v_texcoord = vec3(u_uvscaleoffset.xy * vec2(1.0 + (length(u_lightpos0) == 0.0 ? worldnormal.z : dot(normalize(u_lightpos0), worldnormal)), 1.0 + (length(u_lightpos3) == 0.0 ? worldnormal.z : dot(normalize(u_lightpos3), worldnormal))) * 0.5, 1.0); v_fogdepth = (viewPos.z + u_fogcoef.x) * u_fogcoef.y; vec3 projPos = / outPos.w; if (u_cullRangeMin.w <= 0.0 || (projPos.z >= u_cullRangeMin.z && projPos.z <= u_cullRangeMax.z)) { if (projPos.x < u_cullRangeMin.x || projPos.y < u_cullRangeMin.y || projPos.z < u_cullRangeMin.z || projPos.x > u_cullRangeMax.x || projPos.y > u_cullRangeMax.y || projPos.z > u_cullRangeMax.z) { outPos.xyzw = u_cullRangeMax.wwww; } } gl_Position = outPos; }
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.12.3 2024-10-26 Error in shader program link: info: Vertex info ----------- (0) : fatal error C9999: Can't convert to expr: 1f + @TMP0, 1f + @TMP1 fs: 00000000:00200802 Tex LM Fog TFuncMod #version 330 #extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : enable // GeForce 210/PCI/SSE2 - GLSL 330 #define DISCARD discard #define lowp #define mediump #define highp #define splat3(x) vec3(x) #define mul(x, y) ((x) * (y)) uniform sampler2D tex; in lowp vec4 v_color0; in lowp vec3 v_color1; uniform vec3 u_fogcolor; in mediump float v_fogdepth; in mediump vec3 v_texcoord; out vec4 fragColor0; void main() { vec4 s = vec4(v_color1, 0.0); vec4 t = texture(tex, v_texcoord.xy); vec4 p = v_color0; vec4 v = vec4(t.rgb * p.rgb, p.a) + s; float fogCoef = clamp(v_fogdepth, 0.0, 1.0); v = mix(vec4(u_fogcolor, v.a), v, fogCoef); fragColor0 = v; } vs: 01971000:00320b3d HWX C T N LM Fog Tex UVEnv Light: 0: c:0 t:0 3: c:1 t:0 MatUp:7 Cull #version 330 #extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : enable // GeForce 210/PCI/SSE2 - GLSL 330 #define gl_VertexIndex gl_VertexID #define lowp #define mediump #define highp #define splat3(x) vec3(x) #define mul(x, y) ((x) * (y)) in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; in vec2 texcoord; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform vec4 u_uvscaleoffset; uniform vec3 u_lightpos0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse0; uniform vec3 u_lightpos3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular3; uniform lowp vec4 u_ambient; uniform lowp vec4 u_matspecular; uniform lowp vec3 u_matemissive; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec2 u_fogcoef; uniform highp vec4 u_cullRangeMin; uniform highp vec4 u_cullRangeMax; out lowp vec4 v_color0; out lowp vec3 v_color1; out mediump vec3 v_texcoord; out mediump float v_fogdepth; vec3 normalizeOr001(vec3 v) { return length(v) == 0.0 ? vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) : normalize(v); } void main() { vec3 worldpos = mul(vec4(position, 1.0), u_world).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalizeOr001(mul(vec4(normal, 0.0), u_world).xyz); vec4 viewPos = vec4(mul(vec4(worldpos, 1.0), u_view).xyz, 1.0); vec4 outPos = mul(u_proj, viewPos); lowp vec4 lightSum0 = u_ambient * color0 + vec4(u_matemissive, 0.0); lowp vec3 lightSum1 = splat3(0.0); vec3 toLight; lowp vec3 diffuse; mediump float ldot; toLight = u_lightpos0; ldot = dot(toLight, worldnormal); diffuse = (u_lightdiffuse0 * color0.rgb) * max(ldot, 0.0); lightSum0.rgb += (u_lightambient0 * color0.rgb + diffuse); toLight = u_lightpos3; ldot = dot(toLight, worldnormal); diffuse = (u_lightdiffuse3 * color0.rgb) * max(ldot, 0.0); if (ldot >= 0.0) { ldot = dot(normalize(toLight + vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)), worldnormal); if (u_matspecular.a <= 0.0) { ldot = 1.0; } else { ldot = pow(max(ldot, 0.0), u_matspecular.a); } if (ldot > 0.0) lightSum1 += u_lightspecular3 * color0.rgb * ldot ; } lightSum0.rgb += (u_lightambient3 * color0.rgb + diffuse); v_color0 = clamp(lightSum0, 0.0, 1.0); v_color1 = clamp(lightSum1, 0.0, 1.0); v_texcoord = vec3(u_uvscaleoffset.xy * vec2(1.0 + (length(u_lightpos0) == 0.0 ? worldnormal.z : dot(normalize(u_lightpos0), worldnormal)), 1.0 + (length(u_lightpos3) == 0.0 ? worldnormal.z : dot(normalize(u_lightpos3), worldnormal))) * 0.5, 1.0); v_fogdepth = (viewPos.z + u_fogcoef.x) * u_fogcoef.y; vec3 projPos = / outPos.w; if (u_cullRangeMin.w <= 0.0 || (projPos.z >= u_cullRangeMin.z && projPos.z <= u_cullRangeMax.z)) { if (projPos.x < u_cullRangeMin.x || projPos.y < u_cullRangeMin.y || projPos.z < u_cullRangeMin.z || projPos.x > u_cullRangeMax.x || projPos.y > u_cullRangeMax.y || projPos.z > u_cullRangeMax.z) { outPos.xyzw = u_cullRangeMax.wwww; } } gl_Position = outPos; }
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.12.3 2024-10-26 Error in shader program link: info: Vertex info ----------- (0) : fatal error C9999: Can't convert to expr: 1f + @TMP0, 1f + @TMP1 fs: 00010000:0020f822 Tex TexAlpha LM Fog TFuncMod AlphaTest >= #version 330 #extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : enable // GeForce 210/PCI/SSE2 - GLSL 330 #define DISCARD discard #define lowp #define mediump #define highp #define splat3(x) vec3(x) #define mul(x, y) ((x) * (y)) uniform sampler2D tex; uniform sampler2D testtex; in lowp vec4 v_color0; in lowp vec3 v_color1; uniform vec3 u_fogcolor; in mediump float v_fogdepth; in mediump vec3 v_texcoord; out vec4 fragColor0; void main() { vec4 s = vec4(v_color1, 0.0); vec4 t = texture(tex, v_texcoord.xy); vec4 p = v_color0; vec4 v = p * t + s; float fogCoef = clamp(v_fogdepth, 0.0, 1.0); v = mix(vec4(u_fogcolor, v.a), v, fogCoef); float aResult = texture(testtex, vec2(v.a * 0.996094 + 0.001953, 0)).a; if (aResult < 0.5) v.a = 0.0; fragColor0 = v; } vs: 01971000:00320b35 HWX T N LM Fog Tex UVEnv Light: 0: c:0 t:0 3: c:1 t:0 MatUp:7 Cull #version 330 #extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : enable // GeForce 210/PCI/SSE2 - GLSL 330 #define gl_VertexIndex gl_VertexID #define lowp #define mediump #define highp #define splat3(x) vec3(x) #define mul(x, y) ((x) * (y)) in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; in vec2 texcoord; uniform mat4 u_proj; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform vec4 u_uvscaleoffset; uniform vec3 u_lightpos0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse0; uniform vec3 u_lightpos3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular3; uniform lowp vec4 u_ambient; uniform lowp vec3 u_matdiffuse; uniform lowp vec4 u_matspecular; uniform lowp vec3 u_matemissive; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec2 u_fogcoef; uniform highp vec4 u_cullRangeMin; uniform highp vec4 u_cullRangeMax; out lowp vec4 v_color0; out lowp vec3 v_color1; out mediump vec3 v_texcoord; out mediump float v_fogdepth; vec3 normalizeOr001(vec3 v) { return length(v) == 0.0 ? vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) : normalize(v); } void main() { vec3 worldpos = mul(vec4(position, 1.0), u_world).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalizeOr001(mul(vec4(normal, 0.0), u_world).xyz); vec4 viewPos = vec4(mul(vec4(worldpos, 1.0), u_view).xyz, 1.0); vec4 outPos = mul(u_proj, viewPos); lowp vec4 lightSum0 = u_ambient * u_matambientalpha + vec4(u_matemissive, 0.0); lowp vec3 lightSum1 = splat3(0.0); vec3 toLight; lowp vec3 diffuse; mediump float ldot; toLight = u_lightpos0; ldot = dot(toLight, worldnormal); diffuse = (u_lightdiffuse0 * u_matdiffuse) * max(ldot, 0.0); lightSum0.rgb += (u_lightambient0 * u_matambientalpha.rgb + diffuse); toLight = u_lightpos3; ldot = dot(toLight, worldnormal); diffuse = (u_lightdiffuse3 * u_matdiffuse) * max(ldot, 0.0); if (ldot >= 0.0) { ldot = dot(normalize(toLight + vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)), worldnormal); if (u_matspecular.a <= 0.0) { ldot = 1.0; } else { ldot = pow(max(ldot, 0.0), u_matspecular.a); } if (ldot > 0.0) lightSum1 += u_lightspecular3 * u_matspecular.rgb * ldot ; } lightSum0.rgb += (u_lightambient3 * u_matambientalpha.rgb + diffuse); v_color0 = clamp(lightSum0, 0.0, 1.0); v_color1 = clamp(lightSum1, 0.0, 1.0); v_texcoord = vec3(u_uvscaleoffset.xy * vec2(1.0 + (length(u_lightpos0) == 0.0 ? worldnormal.z : dot(normalize(u_lightpos0), worldnormal)), 1.0 + (length(u_lightpos3) == 0.0 ? worldnormal.z : dot(normalize(u_lightpos3), worldnormal))) * 0.5, 1.0); v_fogdepth = (viewPos.z + u_fogcoef.x) * u_fogcoef.y; vec3 projPos = / outPos.w; if (u_cullRangeMin.w <= 0.0 || (projPos.z >= u_cullRangeMin.z && projPos.z <= u_cullRangeMax.z)) { if (projPos.x < u_cullRangeMin.x || projPos.y < u_cullRangeMin.y || projPos.z < u_cullRangeMin.z || projPos.x > u_cullRangeMax.x || projPos.y > u_cullRangeMax.y || projPos.z > u_cullRangeMax.z) { outPos.xyzw = u_cullRangeMax.wwww; } } gl_Position = outPos; }
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.17.1 2024-04-25 Branch in Jump delay slot at 09cb8b68 in block starting at 09cb8b58
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.17.1 2024-04-25 Branch in Jump delay slot at 09cb8b64 in block starting at 09cb8b58
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.17.1 2024-04-25 Branch in Jump delay slot at 09cb8b60 in block starting at 09cb8b58
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.17.1 2024-04-25 Branch in Jump delay slot at 09cb8b5c in block starting at 09cb8b58
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.17.1 2024-04-25 Branch in Jump delay slot at 09cb8b58 in block starting at 09cb8b58
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.17.1 2024-04-25 Jump to invalid address: 072e2d60
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.17.1 2024-04-20 Branch in Jump delay slot at 09cb867c in block starting at 09cb866c
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.17.1 2024-04-20 Branch in Jump delay slot at 09cb8678 in block starting at 09cb866c
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.17.1 2024-04-20 Branch in Jump delay slot at 09cb8674 in block starting at 09cb866c
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.17.1 2024-04-20 Branch in Jump delay slot at 09cb8670 in block starting at 09cb866c
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.17.1 2024-04-20 Branch in Jump delay slot at 09cb866c in block starting at 09cb866c
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.17.1 2024-04-20 Jump to invalid address: 072e19b0
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.17.1 2024-04-07 Unknown GetPointer ffffffff PC 08b5e3dc LR 08b57a3c
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.17.1 2024-10-13 Can't draw: No current render step. Step count: 0
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.14.1 2024-02-27 UI scissor out of bounds in SavedataScreen: 592,194-0,35 / 583,272
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.14.1 2024-02-27 UI scissor out of bounds in SavedataScreen: 592,155-0,38 / 583,272
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.14.1 2024-02-27 UI scissor out of bounds in SavedataScreen: 592,116-0,38 / 583,272
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.14.1 2024-02-27 UI scissor out of bounds in SavedataScreen: 592,77-0,38 / 583,272
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.14.1 2024-02-27 UI scissor out of bounds in SavedataScreen: 592,37-0,38 / 583,272
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.14.1 2024-02-27 UI scissor out of bounds in SavedataScreen: 641,194-0,35 / 583,272
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.14.1 2024-02-27 UI scissor out of bounds in SavedataScreen: 641,155-0,38 / 583,272
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.14.1 2024-02-27 UI scissor out of bounds in SavedataScreen: 641,116-0,38 / 583,272
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.14.1 2024-02-27 UI scissor out of bounds in SavedataScreen: 641,77-0,38 / 583,272
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.14.1 2024-02-27 UI scissor out of bounds in SavedataScreen: 641,37-0,38 / 583,272
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.14.1 2024-02-27 UI scissor out of bounds in SavedataScreen: 645,194-0,35 / 583,272
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.14.1 2024-02-27 UI scissor out of bounds in SavedataScreen: 645,155-0,38 / 583,272
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.14.1 2024-02-27 UI scissor out of bounds in SavedataScreen: 645,116-0,38 / 583,272
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.14.1 2024-02-27 UI scissor out of bounds in SavedataScreen: 645,77-0,38 / 583,272
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.14.1 2024-02-27 UI scissor out of bounds in SavedataScreen: 645,37-0,38 / 583,272
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.14.1 2024-02-27 UI scissor out of bounds in SavedataScreen: 599,194-0,35 / 583,272
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.14.1 2024-02-27 UI scissor out of bounds in SavedataScreen: 599,155-0,38 / 583,272
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.14.1 2024-02-27 UI scissor out of bounds in SavedataScreen: 599,116-0,38 / 583,272
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.14.1 2024-02-27 UI scissor out of bounds in SavedataScreen: 599,77-0,38 / 583,272
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.14.1 2024-02-27 UI scissor out of bounds in SavedataScreen: 599,37-0,38 / 583,272
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.14.1 2024-02-27 UI scissor out of bounds in SavedataScreen: 639,194-0,35 / 583,272
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.14.1 2024-02-27 UI scissor out of bounds in SavedataScreen: 639,155-0,38 / 583,272
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.14.1 2024-02-27 UI scissor out of bounds in SavedataScreen: 639,116-0,38 / 583,272
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.14.1 2024-02-27 UI scissor out of bounds in SavedataScreen: 639,77-0,38 / 583,272
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.14.1 2024-02-27 UI scissor out of bounds in SavedataScreen: 639,37-0,38 / 583,272
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.14.1 2024-02-27 UI scissor out of bounds in SavedataScreen: 658,194-0,35 / 583,272
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.14.1 2024-02-27 UI scissor out of bounds in SavedataScreen: 658,155-0,38 / 583,272
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.14.1 2024-02-27 UI scissor out of bounds in SavedataScreen: 658,116-0,38 / 583,272
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.14.1 2024-02-27 UI scissor out of bounds in SavedataScreen: 658,77-0,38 / 583,272
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.14.1 2024-02-27 UI scissor out of bounds in SavedataScreen: 658,37-0,38 / 583,272
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.14.1 2024-01-16 UI scissor out of bounds in GamePauseScreen: 910,4-324,123 / 583,272
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.14.1 2024-01-16 UI scissor out of bounds in GamePauseScreen: 42,4-857,123 / 583,272
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.16.6 2024-01-01 Unknown GE command : 4ff60000
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.16.6 2023-12-10 Video out requested, not supported: mode=0 size=0,0
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.16.6 2023-10-22 Unknown GetPointerWrite 00000030 PC 08000020 LR 08000020
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.16.6 2023-10-22 Unknown GetPointer 00000000 PC 08000020 LR 08000020
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.16.6 2023-10-22 Unknown GE command : 0d827cc4
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.11.3 2023-05-28 ReadFromHardware: Invalid address 3f800000 near PC 3f800000 LR 3f800000
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.14.4 2023-03-11 sceGeBreak(mode=0, unknown=08dfeba8): unknown ptr (valid)
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.14.4 2023-03-11 GE Interrupt: newState might be 1
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.14.4 2023-01-16 Decoding texture from VRAM mirror at 0421d680 swizzle=0
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.12.3 2022-07-20 Traditional relocations unsupported.
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.12.3 2022-07-20 sectionToModify = -1 - ignoring relocation sector 51
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.12.3 2022-07-20 sceKernelLoadModule: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=08bf68e0, pos=0, access=1, data=1, text=1
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.12.3 2022-07-20 sceKernelLoadModule: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=00000000, pos=0, access=1, data=2, text=2
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.12.3 2022-05-28 sceKernelLoadModule: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=00000000, pos=0, access=1, data=1, text=1
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.12.3 2022-04-16 Decoding texture from VRAM mirror at 0424c000 swizzle=0
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.12.3 2022-04-11 80630006=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(08a87000, 80020323): invalid RIFF header
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.13.1 2022-12-21 VTYPE with morph used: THRU=0 TC=0 COL=0 POS=0 NRM=0 WT=0 NW=1 IDX=0 MC=5
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.16.6 2024-01-01 Unknown GE command : fb30004d
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.12.3 2022-03-08 80630006=sceAtracSetData(2, 08d13140, 00038000): invalid RIFF header
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.12.3 2022-03-01 sceKernelLoadModule: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=00000000, pos=0, access=0, data=2, text=2
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.12.3 2022-01-06 Jump to invalid address: 031e5750
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.11.3 2021-12-24 sceKernelCreateSema(RealMutex) unsupported options parameter, size = 145269936
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.11.3 2021-12-24 sceKernelCreateSema(RealMutex) unsupported options parameter, size = 145257684
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.12.3 2022-09-03 Jump to invalid address: 07f36a30
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.12.3 2022-09-03 Jump to invalid address: 07f36a00
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.12.3 2022-01-06 Jump to invalid address: 03282370
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.14.4 2023-01-09 Jump to invalid address: 031e5800
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.14.4 2023-01-09 Branch in Jump delay slot at 09b9ab2c in block starting at 09b9ab10
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.14.4 2023-01-09 Branch in Jump delay slot at 09b9ab28 in block starting at 09b9ab10
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.14.4 2023-01-09 Jump to invalid address: 06efe4c0
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.14.4 2023-01-09 Jump to invalid address: 02e246e0
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.11.3 2021-06-24 Jump to invalid address: 031aee40
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.10.3 2021-06-09 Render to area containing texture at 04230000 +0x112
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.11.3 2021-06-03 sceKernelCreateThread(name=sceNetAdhocAuth_Service): unsupported attributes 00001006
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.11.3 2021-06-03 sceKernelCreateThread(name=sceMemab): unsupported attributes 00001006
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.11.3 2021-06-03 sceKernelCreateThread(name=sceNetIfhandle_Service): unsupported attributes 00001006
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.11.3 2021-06-03 sceKernelCreateSema(RealMutex) unsupported options parameter, size = 144940664
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.11.3 2021-06-03 sceKernelCreateSema(RealMutex) unsupported options parameter, size = 146133816
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.11.3 2021-12-24 sceKernelCreateSema(RealMutex) unsupported options parameter, size = -1082130432
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.11.3 2021-12-24 sceKernelCreateSema(SNDMUTEX) unsupported options parameter, size = 13070
Marvel Super Hero Squad v1.11.3 2021-12-24 sceKernelCreateSema(SNDMUTEX) unsupported options parameter, size = 142623468