Recent logs - Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team

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Game title Version Latest Report Message
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.17.1 2024-07-24 sceGeBreak(mode=0, unknown=09fff4e0): unknown ptr (valid)
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.5.4-956-ga3bbe8791 2024-07-24 WriteToHardware: Invalid address 00000080 near PC 08a64804 LR 08834554
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.17.1 2024-07-22 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 40d5fc20
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.17.1 2024-07-22 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 6e140220
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.17.1 2024-07-19 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction edf9c180
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.17 2024-07-17 ReadFromHardware: Invalid address 00000000 near PC 00000000 LR 08a2e5c0
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.17.1 2024-07-14 Unknown GetPointerWrite 00000000 PC 08816148 LR 0881615c
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.14 2024-07-11 UI scissor out of bounds in GamePauseScreen: 1605,20-300,1060 / 960,544
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.14 2024-07-11 UI scissor out of bounds in GamePauseScreen: 0,20-1595,1060 / 960,544
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.6.3 2024-07-08 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 711ed708
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.6.3 2024-07-08 Branch in Jump delay slot at 08a6a884 in block starting at 08a6a87c
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.6.3 2024-07-08 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 711f871c
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.6.3 2024-07-08 Branch in Jump delay slot at 08a6a914 in block starting at 08a6a90c
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.6.3 2024-07-08 Branch in Jump delay slot at 08a6a974 in block starting at 08a6a96c
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.6.3 2024-07-08 Jump to invalid address: 021f1bc0
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.6.3 2024-07-08 Jump to invalid address: 021f09c0
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.6.3 2024-07-08 Branch in Jump delay slot at 08a6a854 in block starting at 08a6a84c
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.6.3 2024-07-08 Branch in Jump delay slot at 08a6a904 in block starting at 08a6a8fc
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.6.3 2024-07-08 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 711f5bd0
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.6.3 2024-07-08 Branch in Jump delay slot at 08a6a8e4 in block starting at 08a6a8dc
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.6.3 2024-07-08 Jump to invalid address: 06dedb04
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.6.3 2024-07-08 Branch in Jump delay slot at 08a6a8d4 in block starting at 08a6a8cc
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.6.3 2024-07-08 Branch in Jump delay slot at 08a6a984 in block starting at 08a6a97c
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.6.3 2024-07-08 Branch in Jump delay slot at 08a6a834 in block starting at 08a6a82c
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.6.3 2024-07-08 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 711f5d78
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.6.3 2024-07-08 Branch in Jump delay slot at 08a6a954 in block starting at 08a6a94c
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.6.3 2024-07-08 Branch in Jump delay slot at 08a6a8b4 in block starting at 08a6a8ac
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.6.3 2024-07-08 Branch in Jump delay slot at 08a6a934 in block starting at 08a6a92c
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.6.3 2024-07-08 Branch in Jump delay slot at 08a6a924 in block starting at 08a6a91c
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.6.3 2024-07-08 Branch in Jump delay slot at 08a6a844 in block starting at 08a6a83c
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.6.3 2024-07-08 Branch in Jump delay slot at 08a6a824 in block starting at 08a6a81c
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.6.3 2024-07-08 Branch in Jump delay slot at 08a6a8c4 in block starting at 08a6a8bc
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.6.3 2024-07-08 Branch in Jump delay slot at 08a6a9b4 in block starting at 08a6a9ac
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.6.3 2024-07-08 Jump to invalid address: 021f2530
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.6.3 2024-07-08 Branch in Jump delay slot at 08a6a814 in block starting at 08a6a810
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.6.3 2024-07-08 Branch in Jump delay slot at 08a6a994 in block starting at 08a6a98c
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.6.3 2024-07-08 Jump to invalid address: 021f2970
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.6.3 2024-07-08 Jump to invalid address: 021f1b50
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.6.3 2024-07-08 Branch in Jump delay slot at 08a6a8a4 in block starting at 08a6a89c
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.6.3 2024-07-08 Branch in Jump delay slot at 08a6a944 in block starting at 08a6a93c
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.6.3 2024-07-08 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 711f87a0
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.6.3 2024-07-08 Branch in Jump delay slot at 08a6a9a4 in block starting at 08a6a99c
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.6.3 2024-07-08 Jump to invalid address: 05726a00
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.6.3 2024-07-08 Jump to invalid address: 021f2200
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.6.3 2024-07-08 Jump to invalid address: 021f0a80
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.6.3 2024-07-08 Jump to invalid address: 021f0e50
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.6.3 2024-07-08 Jump to invalid address: 021eff10
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.6.3 2024-07-08 Jump to invalid address: 021f2950
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.6.3 2024-07-08 Jump to invalid address: 021f2510
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.6.3 2024-07-08 Jump to invalid address: 021f1490
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.6.3 2024-07-08 Branch in Jump delay slot at 08a6a894 in block starting at 08a6a88c
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.6.3 2024-07-08 Branch in Jump delay slot at 08a6a864 in block starting at 08a6a85c
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.6.3 2024-07-08 Jump to invalid address: 021f0e70
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.6.3 2024-07-08 Branch in Jump delay slot at 08a6a8f4 in block starting at 08a6a8ec
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.6.3 2024-07-08 Jump to invalid address: 021f1c00
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.6.3 2024-07-08 Jump to invalid address: 021f0b40
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.6.3 2024-07-08 Jump to invalid address: 021f2220
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.6.3 2024-07-08 Jump to invalid address: 021f1b70
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.6.3 2024-07-08 Branch in Jump delay slot at 08a6a964 in block starting at 08a6a95c
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.6.3 2024-07-08 Branch in Jump delay slot at 08a6a874 in block starting at 08a6a86c
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.6.3 2024-07-08 Error in shader program link: info: Link failed because of missing vertex shader. fs: 00000000:01000032 Tex TexAlpha StenToAlpha StenUniform TFuncAdd #version 300 es #extension GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch : require precision lowp float; uniform sampler2D tex; uniform float u_stencilReplaceValue; in vec4 v_color0; in mediump vec3 v_texcoord; inout vec4 fragColor0; void main() { vec4 t = texture(tex, v_texcoord.xy); vec4 p = v_color0; vec4 v = vec4(p.rgb + t.rgb, p.a * t.a); fragColor0 = vec4(v.rgb, u_stencilReplaceValue); } vs: 00000000:00000910 HWX T Tex #version 300 es precision highp float; in vec3 position; in vec2 texcoord; uniform mat4 u_proj; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform vec4 u_uvscaleoffset; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump vec3 v_texcoord; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = u_matambientalpha; v_texcoord = vec3(texcoord.xy * u_uvscaleoffset.xy, 0.0); }
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.6.3 2024-07-08 WriteToHardware: Invalid address 00018808 near PC 08902b8c LR 08902b8c
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.17.1 2024-06-30 sceKernelLoadModuleByID: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=00000135, pos=0, access=1, data=2, text=2
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.17.1 2024-06-29 Unknown GetPointerWrite 000000cc PC 08a50f58 LR 08a83c5c
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.17.1 2024-06-28 UNIMPL sceIoChstat(ms0:/PSP/SAVEDATA/ULUS10457DATA/SOUL.BD, 09fa0140, 00000002)
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.17.1 2024-06-27 Jump to invalid address: 075b0400
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.17.1 2024-06-27 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 40d54ee3
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.11.3-1276-g192a43c1c 2024-06-25 Error in shader compilation: info: 0:19: S0027: Cannot modify an input variable 00000000:0000001a THR C Tex #version 320 es // Mali-G52 MC1 - GLSL 320 precision highp float; #define gl_VertexIndex gl_VertexID #define splat3(x) vec3(x) #define mul(x, y) ((x) * (y)) in vec4 position; in vec2 texcoord; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump vec3 v_texcoord; in float h_depth; in vec3 h_normal; void main() { v_texcoord = vec3(texcoord, 1.0); v_color0 = color0; vec4 outPos = mul(u_proj_through, vec4(, 1.0)); gl_Position = outPos; h_depth = outPos.z/outPos.w; h_normal = vec3(-1.0); }
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.11.3-1276-g192a43c1c 2024-06-25 Error in shader compilation: info: 0:31: S0027: Cannot modify an input variable 00000000:00000020 Cull #version 320 es // Mali-G52 MC1 - GLSL 320 precision highp float; #define gl_VertexIndex gl_VertexID #define splat3(x) vec3(x) #define mul(x, y) ((x) * (y)) in vec4 position; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj; uniform highp vec4 u_depthRange; uniform highp vec4 u_cullRangeMin; uniform highp vec4 u_cullRangeMax; out lowp vec4 v_color0; in float h_depth; in vec3 h_normal; void main() { v_color0 = color0; vec4 outPos = mul(u_proj, vec4(, 1.0)); vec3 projPos = / outPos.w; float projZ = (projPos.z - u_depthRange.z) * u_depthRange.w; if (u_cullRangeMin.w <= 0.0 || projZ * outPos.w > -outPos.w) { if (projPos.x < u_cullRangeMin.x || projPos.y < u_cullRangeMin.y || projPos.x > u_cullRangeMax.x || projPos.y > u_cullRangeMax.y) { outPos.xyzw = u_cullRangeMax.wwww; } } if (u_cullRangeMin.w <= 0.0) { if (projPos.z < u_cullRangeMin.z || projPos.z > u_cullRangeMax.z) { outPos.xyzw = u_cullRangeMax.wwww; } } gl_Position = outPos; h_depth = outPos.z/outPos.w; h_normal = vec3(-1.0); }
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.11.3-1276-g192a43c1c 2024-06-25 Error in shader compilation: info: 0:19: S0027: Cannot modify an input variable 00000000:00000012 THR Tex #version 320 es // Mali-G52 MC1 - GLSL 320 precision highp float; #define gl_VertexIndex gl_VertexID #define splat3(x) vec3(x) #define mul(x, y) ((x) * (y)) in vec4 position; in vec2 texcoord; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump vec3 v_texcoord; in float h_depth; in vec3 h_normal; void main() { v_texcoord = vec3(texcoord, 1.0); v_color0 = color0; vec4 outPos = mul(u_proj_through, vec4(, 1.0)); gl_Position = outPos; h_depth = outPos.z/outPos.w; h_normal = vec3(-1.0); }
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.11.3-1276-g192a43c1c 2024-06-25 Error in shader compilation: info: 0:34: S0027: Cannot modify an input variable 00000000:00000030 Tex Cull #version 320 es // Mali-G52 MC1 - GLSL 320 precision highp float; #define gl_VertexIndex gl_VertexID #define splat3(x) vec3(x) #define mul(x, y) ((x) * (y)) in vec4 position; in vec2 texcoord; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj; uniform highp vec4 u_depthRange; uniform highp vec4 u_cullRangeMin; uniform highp vec4 u_cullRangeMax; out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump vec3 v_texcoord; in float h_depth; in vec3 h_normal; void main() { v_texcoord = vec3(texcoord, 1.0); v_color0 = color0; vec4 outPos = mul(u_proj, vec4(, 1.0)); vec3 projPos = / outPos.w; float projZ = (projPos.z - u_depthRange.z) * u_depthRange.w; if (u_cullRangeMin.w <= 0.0 || projZ * outPos.w > -outPos.w) { if (projPos.x < u_cullRangeMin.x || projPos.y < u_cullRangeMin.y || projPos.x > u_cullRangeMax.x || projPos.y > u_cullRangeMax.y) { outPos.xyzw = u_cullRangeMax.wwww; } } if (u_cullRangeMin.w <= 0.0) { if (projPos.z < u_cullRangeMin.z || projPos.z > u_cullRangeMax.z) { outPos.xyzw = u_cullRangeMax.wwww; } } gl_Position = outPos; h_depth = outPos.z/outPos.w; h_normal = vec3(-1.0); }
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.11.3-1276-g192a43c1c 2024-06-25 Error in shader compilation: info: 0:34: S0027: Cannot modify an input variable 00000000:00000038 C Tex Cull #version 320 es // Mali-G52 MC1 - GLSL 320 precision highp float; #define gl_VertexIndex gl_VertexID #define splat3(x) vec3(x) #define mul(x, y) ((x) * (y)) in vec4 position; in vec2 texcoord; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj; uniform highp vec4 u_depthRange; uniform highp vec4 u_cullRangeMin; uniform highp vec4 u_cullRangeMax; out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump vec3 v_texcoord; in float h_depth; in vec3 h_normal; void main() { v_texcoord = vec3(texcoord, 1.0); v_color0 = color0; vec4 outPos = mul(u_proj, vec4(, 1.0)); vec3 projPos = / outPos.w; float projZ = (projPos.z - u_depthRange.z) * u_depthRange.w; if (u_cullRangeMin.w <= 0.0 || projZ * outPos.w > -outPos.w) { if (projPos.x < u_cullRangeMin.x || projPos.y < u_cullRangeMin.y || projPos.x > u_cullRangeMax.x || projPos.y > u_cullRangeMax.y) { outPos.xyzw = u_cullRangeMax.wwww; } } if (u_cullRangeMin.w <= 0.0) { if (projPos.z < u_cullRangeMin.z || projPos.z > u_cullRangeMax.z) { outPos.xyzw = u_cullRangeMax.wwww; } } gl_Position = outPos; h_depth = outPos.z/outPos.w; h_normal = vec3(-1.0); }
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.11.3-1276-g192a43c1c 2024-06-25 Error in shader compilation: info: 0:16: S0027: Cannot modify an input variable 00000000:0000000a THR C #version 320 es // Mali-G52 MC1 - GLSL 320 precision highp float; #define gl_VertexIndex gl_VertexID #define splat3(x) vec3(x) #define mul(x, y) ((x) * (y)) in vec4 position; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; out lowp vec4 v_color0; in float h_depth; in vec3 h_normal; void main() { v_color0 = color0; vec4 outPos = mul(u_proj_through, vec4(, 1.0)); gl_Position = outPos; h_depth = outPos.z/outPos.w; h_normal = vec3(-1.0); }
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.11.3-1276-g192a43c1c 2024-06-25 Error in shader compilation: info: 0:15: S0027: Cannot modify an input variable 00000000:00000002 THR #version 320 es // Mali-G52 MC1 - GLSL 320 precision highp float; #define gl_VertexIndex gl_VertexID #define splat3(x) vec3(x) #define mul(x, y) ((x) * (y)) in vec4 position; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; out lowp vec4 v_color0; in float h_depth; void main() { v_color0 = color0; vec4 outPos = mul(u_proj_through, vec4(, 1.0)); gl_Position = outPos; h_depth = outPos.z/outPos.w; }
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.11.3-1276-g192a43c1c 2024-06-25 Error in shader compilation: info: 0:18: S0027: Cannot modify an input variable 00000000:0000001a THR C Tex #version 320 es // Mali-G52 MC1 - GLSL 320 precision highp float; #define gl_VertexIndex gl_VertexID #define splat3(x) vec3(x) #define mul(x, y) ((x) * (y)) in vec4 position; in vec2 texcoord; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump vec3 v_texcoord; in float h_depth; void main() { v_texcoord = vec3(texcoord, 1.0); v_color0 = color0; vec4 outPos = mul(u_proj_through, vec4(, 1.0)); gl_Position = outPos; h_depth = outPos.z/outPos.w; }
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.11.3-1276-g192a43c1c 2024-06-25 Error in shader compilation: info: 0:30: S0027: Cannot modify an input variable 00000000:00000020 Cull #version 320 es // Mali-G52 MC1 - GLSL 320 precision highp float; #define gl_VertexIndex gl_VertexID #define splat3(x) vec3(x) #define mul(x, y) ((x) * (y)) in vec4 position; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj; uniform highp vec4 u_depthRange; uniform highp vec4 u_cullRangeMin; uniform highp vec4 u_cullRangeMax; out lowp vec4 v_color0; in float h_depth; void main() { v_color0 = color0; vec4 outPos = mul(u_proj, vec4(, 1.0)); vec3 projPos = / outPos.w; float projZ = (projPos.z - u_depthRange.z) * u_depthRange.w; if (u_cullRangeMin.w <= 0.0 || projZ * outPos.w > -outPos.w) { if (projPos.x < u_cullRangeMin.x || projPos.y < u_cullRangeMin.y || projPos.x > u_cullRangeMax.x || projPos.y > u_cullRangeMax.y) { outPos.xyzw = u_cullRangeMax.wwww; } } if (u_cullRangeMin.w <= 0.0) { if (projPos.z < u_cullRangeMin.z || projPos.z > u_cullRangeMax.z) { outPos.xyzw = u_cullRangeMax.wwww; } } gl_Position = outPos; h_depth = outPos.z/outPos.w; }
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.11.3-1276-g192a43c1c 2024-06-25 Error in shader compilation: info: 0:18: S0027: Cannot modify an input variable 00000000:00000012 THR Tex #version 320 es // Mali-G52 MC1 - GLSL 320 precision highp float; #define gl_VertexIndex gl_VertexID #define splat3(x) vec3(x) #define mul(x, y) ((x) * (y)) in vec4 position; in vec2 texcoord; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump vec3 v_texcoord; in float h_depth; void main() { v_texcoord = vec3(texcoord, 1.0); v_color0 = color0; vec4 outPos = mul(u_proj_through, vec4(, 1.0)); gl_Position = outPos; h_depth = outPos.z/outPos.w; }
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.11.3-1276-g192a43c1c 2024-06-25 Error in shader compilation: info: 0:33: S0027: Cannot modify an input variable 00000000:00000030 Tex Cull #version 320 es // Mali-G52 MC1 - GLSL 320 precision highp float; #define gl_VertexIndex gl_VertexID #define splat3(x) vec3(x) #define mul(x, y) ((x) * (y)) in vec4 position; in vec2 texcoord; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj; uniform highp vec4 u_depthRange; uniform highp vec4 u_cullRangeMin; uniform highp vec4 u_cullRangeMax; out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump vec3 v_texcoord; in float h_depth; void main() { v_texcoord = vec3(texcoord, 1.0); v_color0 = color0; vec4 outPos = mul(u_proj, vec4(, 1.0)); vec3 projPos = / outPos.w; float projZ = (projPos.z - u_depthRange.z) * u_depthRange.w; if (u_cullRangeMin.w <= 0.0 || projZ * outPos.w > -outPos.w) { if (projPos.x < u_cullRangeMin.x || projPos.y < u_cullRangeMin.y || projPos.x > u_cullRangeMax.x || projPos.y > u_cullRangeMax.y) { outPos.xyzw = u_cullRangeMax.wwww; } } if (u_cullRangeMin.w <= 0.0) { if (projPos.z < u_cullRangeMin.z || projPos.z > u_cullRangeMax.z) { outPos.xyzw = u_cullRangeMax.wwww; } } gl_Position = outPos; h_depth = outPos.z/outPos.w; }
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.11.3-1276-g192a43c1c 2024-06-25 Error in shader compilation: info: 0:33: S0027: Cannot modify an input variable 00000000:00000038 C Tex Cull #version 320 es // Mali-G52 MC1 - GLSL 320 precision highp float; #define gl_VertexIndex gl_VertexID #define splat3(x) vec3(x) #define mul(x, y) ((x) * (y)) in vec4 position; in vec2 texcoord; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj; uniform highp vec4 u_depthRange; uniform highp vec4 u_cullRangeMin; uniform highp vec4 u_cullRangeMax; out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump vec3 v_texcoord; in float h_depth; void main() { v_texcoord = vec3(texcoord, 1.0); v_color0 = color0; vec4 outPos = mul(u_proj, vec4(, 1.0)); vec3 projPos = / outPos.w; float projZ = (projPos.z - u_depthRange.z) * u_depthRange.w; if (u_cullRangeMin.w <= 0.0 || projZ * outPos.w > -outPos.w) { if (projPos.x < u_cullRangeMin.x || projPos.y < u_cullRangeMin.y || projPos.x > u_cullRangeMax.x || projPos.y > u_cullRangeMax.y) { outPos.xyzw = u_cullRangeMax.wwww; } } if (u_cullRangeMin.w <= 0.0) { if (projPos.z < u_cullRangeMin.z || projPos.z > u_cullRangeMax.z) { outPos.xyzw = u_cullRangeMax.wwww; } } gl_Position = outPos; h_depth = outPos.z/outPos.w; }
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.11.3-1276-g192a43c1c 2024-06-25 Error in shader compilation: info: 0:15: S0027: Cannot modify an input variable 00000000:0000000a THR C #version 320 es // Mali-G52 MC1 - GLSL 320 precision highp float; #define gl_VertexIndex gl_VertexID #define splat3(x) vec3(x) #define mul(x, y) ((x) * (y)) in vec4 position; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; out lowp vec4 v_color0; in float h_depth; void main() { v_color0 = color0; vec4 outPos = mul(u_proj_through, vec4(, 1.0)); gl_Position = outPos; h_depth = outPos.z/outPos.w; }
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.11.3-1276-g192a43c1c 2024-06-25 Error in shader compilation: info: 0:18: S0027: Cannot modify an input variable 00000000:0000001a THR C Tex #version 320 es // Mali-G52 MC1 - GLSL 320 precision highp float; #define gl_VertexIndex gl_VertexID #define splat3(x) vec3(x) #define mul(x, y) ((x) * (y)) in vec4 position; in vec2 texcoord; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump vec3 v_texcoord; in vec3 h_normal; void main() { v_texcoord = vec3(texcoord, 1.0); v_color0 = color0; vec4 outPos = mul(u_proj_through, vec4(, 1.0)); gl_Position = outPos; h_normal = vec3(-1.0); }
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.11.3-1276-g192a43c1c 2024-06-25 Error in shader compilation: info: 0:30: S0027: Cannot modify an input variable 00000000:00000020 Cull #version 320 es // Mali-G52 MC1 - GLSL 320 precision highp float; #define gl_VertexIndex gl_VertexID #define splat3(x) vec3(x) #define mul(x, y) ((x) * (y)) in vec4 position; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj; uniform highp vec4 u_depthRange; uniform highp vec4 u_cullRangeMin; uniform highp vec4 u_cullRangeMax; out lowp vec4 v_color0; in vec3 h_normal; void main() { v_color0 = color0; vec4 outPos = mul(u_proj, vec4(, 1.0)); vec3 projPos = / outPos.w; float projZ = (projPos.z - u_depthRange.z) * u_depthRange.w; if (u_cullRangeMin.w <= 0.0 || projZ * outPos.w > -outPos.w) { if (projPos.x < u_cullRangeMin.x || projPos.y < u_cullRangeMin.y || projPos.x > u_cullRangeMax.x || projPos.y > u_cullRangeMax.y) { outPos.xyzw = u_cullRangeMax.wwww; } } if (u_cullRangeMin.w <= 0.0) { if (projPos.z < u_cullRangeMin.z || projPos.z > u_cullRangeMax.z) { outPos.xyzw = u_cullRangeMax.wwww; } } gl_Position = outPos; h_normal = vec3(-1.0); }
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.11.3-1276-g192a43c1c 2024-06-25 Error in shader compilation: info: 0:18: S0027: Cannot modify an input variable 00000000:00000012 THR Tex #version 320 es // Mali-G52 MC1 - GLSL 320 precision highp float; #define gl_VertexIndex gl_VertexID #define splat3(x) vec3(x) #define mul(x, y) ((x) * (y)) in vec4 position; in vec2 texcoord; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump vec3 v_texcoord; in vec3 h_normal; void main() { v_texcoord = vec3(texcoord, 1.0); v_color0 = color0; vec4 outPos = mul(u_proj_through, vec4(, 1.0)); gl_Position = outPos; h_normal = vec3(-1.0); }
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.11.3-1276-g192a43c1c 2024-06-25 Error in shader compilation: info: 0:33: S0027: Cannot modify an input variable 00000000:00000030 Tex Cull #version 320 es // Mali-G52 MC1 - GLSL 320 precision highp float; #define gl_VertexIndex gl_VertexID #define splat3(x) vec3(x) #define mul(x, y) ((x) * (y)) in vec4 position; in vec2 texcoord; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj; uniform highp vec4 u_depthRange; uniform highp vec4 u_cullRangeMin; uniform highp vec4 u_cullRangeMax; out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump vec3 v_texcoord; in vec3 h_normal; void main() { v_texcoord = vec3(texcoord, 1.0); v_color0 = color0; vec4 outPos = mul(u_proj, vec4(, 1.0)); vec3 projPos = / outPos.w; float projZ = (projPos.z - u_depthRange.z) * u_depthRange.w; if (u_cullRangeMin.w <= 0.0 || projZ * outPos.w > -outPos.w) { if (projPos.x < u_cullRangeMin.x || projPos.y < u_cullRangeMin.y || projPos.x > u_cullRangeMax.x || projPos.y > u_cullRangeMax.y) { outPos.xyzw = u_cullRangeMax.wwww; } } if (u_cullRangeMin.w <= 0.0) { if (projPos.z < u_cullRangeMin.z || projPos.z > u_cullRangeMax.z) { outPos.xyzw = u_cullRangeMax.wwww; } } gl_Position = outPos; h_normal = vec3(-1.0); }
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.11.3-1276-g192a43c1c 2024-06-25 Error in shader compilation: info: 0:33: S0027: Cannot modify an input variable 00000000:00000038 C Tex Cull #version 320 es // Mali-G52 MC1 - GLSL 320 precision highp float; #define gl_VertexIndex gl_VertexID #define splat3(x) vec3(x) #define mul(x, y) ((x) * (y)) in vec4 position; in vec2 texcoord; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj; uniform highp vec4 u_depthRange; uniform highp vec4 u_cullRangeMin; uniform highp vec4 u_cullRangeMax; out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump vec3 v_texcoord; in vec3 h_normal; void main() { v_texcoord = vec3(texcoord, 1.0); v_color0 = color0; vec4 outPos = mul(u_proj, vec4(, 1.0)); vec3 projPos = / outPos.w; float projZ = (projPos.z - u_depthRange.z) * u_depthRange.w; if (u_cullRangeMin.w <= 0.0 || projZ * outPos.w > -outPos.w) { if (projPos.x < u_cullRangeMin.x || projPos.y < u_cullRangeMin.y || projPos.x > u_cullRangeMax.x || projPos.y > u_cullRangeMax.y) { outPos.xyzw = u_cullRangeMax.wwww; } } if (u_cullRangeMin.w <= 0.0) { if (projPos.z < u_cullRangeMin.z || projPos.z > u_cullRangeMax.z) { outPos.xyzw = u_cullRangeMax.wwww; } } gl_Position = outPos; h_normal = vec3(-1.0); }
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.11.3-1276-g192a43c1c 2024-06-25 Error in shader compilation: info: 0:15: S0027: Cannot modify an input variable 00000000:0000000a THR C #version 320 es // Mali-G52 MC1 - GLSL 320 precision highp float; #define gl_VertexIndex gl_VertexID #define splat3(x) vec3(x) #define mul(x, y) ((x) * (y)) in vec4 position; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; out lowp vec4 v_color0; in vec3 h_normal; void main() { v_color0 = color0; vec4 outPos = mul(u_proj_through, vec4(, 1.0)); gl_Position = outPos; h_normal = vec3(-1.0); }
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.17.1 2024-06-24 Jump to invalid address: 038c0000
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.17.1 2024-06-24 Jump to invalid address: 038c03f0
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.17.1 2024-06-24 WriteToHardware: Invalid address 00000000 near PC 088fd910 LR 088fd910
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.17.1 2024-06-21 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 4a101010
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.17.1 2024-06-21 Branch in branch delay slot at 094ad4a0 with different target
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.17.1 2024-06-21 ReadFromHardware: Invalid address dead7590 near PC 094ad490 LR 0883e554
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.17.1 2024-06-20 ReadFromHardware: Invalid address 31858b0e near PC 08a9b960 LR 08a9b960
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.17.1 2024-06-20 WriteToHardware: Invalid address 31e99520 near PC 08a9b890 LR 08a9b890
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.17.1 2024-06-20 ReadFromHardware: Invalid address 28e98c44 near PC 08a88a70 LR 08a88b04
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.6.3 2024-06-18 WriteToHardware: Invalid address 0a000000 near PC 089bfd98 LR 089bfd98
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.17.1 2024-06-11 sceGeBreak(mode=0, unknown=08a6ac20): unknown ptr (valid)
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.17.1 2024-07-26 sceNetAdhocMatchingInit(3000) at 088c68f0
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.17.1 2024-06-04 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 00000015
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.17.1 2024-06-04 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 437491d7