Recent logs - LocoRoco™ 2

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Game title Version Latest Report Message
LocoRoco™ 2 v1.17.1 2024-08-22 sceKernelLoadModule: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=00000000, pos=0, access=1, data=2, text=2
LocoRoco™ 2 v1.9.0 2022-06-23 Unimplemented HLE function sceKernelStopUnloadSelfModule
LocoRoco™ 2 v1.9.0 2022-06-23 sceKernelLoadModule: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=00000000, pos=1, access=1, data=2, text=2
LocoRoco™ 2 v1.9.0 2022-06-23 sceKernelLoadModule: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=00000000, pos=0, access=1, data=1, text=1
LocoRoco™ 2 v1.10.3 2021-08-31 sceKernelLoadModule: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=09fbfaf0, pos=0, access=1, data=1, text=1
LocoRoco™ 2 v1.10.3 2021-08-31 sceKernelLoadModule: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=09fbfaf0, pos=0, access=1, data=2, text=2
LocoRoco™ 2 v1.9.0 2021-08-03 Unknown GetPointer 00000000 PC 08a9c45c LR 08000030
LocoRoco™ 2 v1.11.3 2021-06-06 Jump to invalid address: 00000000
LocoRoco™ 2 v1.11.3 2021-06-06 WriteToHardware: Invalid address 00000000 near PC 08000028 LR 08000020
LocoRoco™ 2 v1.10.3 2020-12-15 Ignoring func export scePsmf/4e624a34, already implemented in HLE.
LocoRoco™ 2 v1.10.3 2020-12-15 Ignoring func export scePsmf/7491c438, already implemented in HLE.
LocoRoco™ 2 v1.10.3 2020-12-15 Ignoring func export scePsmf/eaed89cd, already implemented in HLE.
LocoRoco™ 2 v1.10.3 2020-12-15 Ignoring func export scePsmf/bd8ae0d8, already implemented in HLE.
LocoRoco™ 2 v1.10.3 2020-12-15 Ignoring func export scePsmf/c7db3a5b, already implemented in HLE.
LocoRoco™ 2 v1.10.3 2020-12-15 Ignoring func export scePsmf/c22c8327, already implemented in HLE.
LocoRoco™ 2 v1.10.3 2020-11-23 D3D error in shader compilation: info: G:\Program Files (x86)\PPSSPP\Shader@0x000002820DB751D0(91,31-45): error X3004: undeclared identifier 'u_spline_counts' / code: #pragma warning( disable : 3571 ) float4x4 u_proj : register(c0); float4 u_matambientalpha : register(c20); float4x3 u_world : register(c11); float4x3 u_view : register(c8); float4 u_cullRangeMin : register(c80); float4 u_cullRangeMax : register(c81); struct VS_IN { float4 color0 : COLOR0; float3 normal : NORMAL; float3 position : POSITION; }; struct VS_OUT { float4 v_color0 : COLOR0; float4 gl_Position : POSITION; }; float2 tess_sample(in float2 points[16], float4x4 weights) { float2 pos = float2(0.0, 0.0); pos += weights[0][0] * points[0]; pos += weights[0][1] * points[1]; pos += weights[0][2] * points[2]; pos += weights[0][3] * points[3]; pos += weights[1][0] * points[4]; pos += weights[1][1] * points[5]; pos += weights[1][2] * points[6]; pos += weights[1][3] * points[7]; pos += weights[2][0] * points[8]; pos += weights[2][1] * points[9]; pos += weights[2][2] * points[10]; pos += weights[2][3] * points[11]; pos += weights[3][0] * points[12]; pos += weights[3][1] * points[13]; pos += weights[3][2] * points[14]; pos += weights[3][3] * points[15]; return pos; } float3 tess_sample(in float3 points[16], float4x4 weights) { float3 pos = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); pos += weights[0][0] * points[0]; pos += weights[0][1] * points[1]; pos += weights[0][2] * points[2]; pos += weights[0][3] * points[3]; pos += weights[1][0] * points[4]; pos += weights[1][1] * points[5]; pos += weights[1][2] * points[6]; pos += weights[1][3] * points[7]; pos += weights[2][0] * points[8]; pos += weights[2][1] * points[9]; pos += weights[2][2] * points[10]; pos += weights[2][3] * points[11]; pos += weights[3][0] * points[12]; pos += weights[3][1] * points[13]; pos += weights[3][2] * points[14]; pos += weights[3][3] * points[15]; return pos; } float4 tess_sample(in float4 points[16], float4x4 weights) { float4 pos = float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); pos += weights[0][0] * points[0]; pos += weights[0][1] * points[1]; pos += weights[0][2] * points[2]; pos += weights[0][3] * points[3]; pos += weights[1][0] * points[4]; pos += weights[1][1] * points[5]; pos += weights[1][2] * points[6]; pos += weights[1][3] * points[7]; pos += weights[2][0] * points[8]; pos += weights[2][1] * points[9]; pos += weights[2][2] * points[10]; pos += weights[2][3] * points[11]; pos += weights[3][0] * points[12]; pos += weights[3][1] * points[13]; pos += weights[3][2] * points[14]; pos += weights[3][3] * points[15]; return pos; } float4x4 outerProduct(float4 u, float4 v) { return mul((float4x1)v, (float1x4)u); } struct Tess { float3 pos; float4 col; }; void tessellate(in VS_IN In, out Tess tess) { int2 point_pos = int2(In.position.z, In.normal.z); int2 weight_idx = int2(In.position.xy); float3 _pos[16]; float2 _tex[16]; float4 _col[16]; int index; index = (0 + point_pos.y) * u_spline_counts + (0 + point_pos.x); _pos[0] = tess_data[index].pos; index = (0 + point_pos.y) * u_spline_counts + (1 + point_pos.x); _pos[1] = tess_data[index].pos; index = (0 + point_pos.y) * u_spline_counts + (2 + point_pos.x); _pos[2] = tess_data[index].pos; index = (0 + point_pos.y) * u_spline_counts + (3 + point_pos.x); _pos[3] = tess_data[index].pos; index = (1 + point_pos.y) * u_spline_counts + (0 + point_pos.x); _pos[4] = tess_data[index].pos; index = (1 + point_pos.y) * u_spline_counts + (1 + point_pos.x); _pos[5] = tess_data[index].pos; index = (1 + point_pos.y) * u_spline_counts + (2 + point_pos.x); _pos[6] = tess_data[index].pos; index = (1 + point_pos.y) * u_spline_counts + (3 + point_pos.x); _pos[7] = tess_data[index].pos; index = (2 + point_pos.y) * u_spline_counts + (0 + point_pos.x); _pos[8] = tess_data[index].pos; index = (2 + point_pos.y) * u_spline_counts + (1 + point_pos.x); _pos[9] = tess_data[index].pos; index = (2 + poi
LocoRoco™ 2 v1.10.3 2020-11-22 D3D error in shader compilation: info: G:\Program Files (x86)\PPSSPP\Shader@0x19814098(91,31-45): error X3004: undeclared identifier 'u_spline_counts' / code: #pragma warning( disable : 3571 ) float4x4 u_proj : register(c0); float4 u_matambientalpha : register(c20); float4x3 u_world : register(c11); float4x3 u_view : register(c8); float4 u_cullRangeMin : register(c80); float4 u_cullRangeMax : register(c81); struct VS_IN { float4 color0 : COLOR0; float3 normal : NORMAL; float3 position : POSITION; }; struct VS_OUT { float4 v_color0 : COLOR0; float4 gl_Position : POSITION; }; float2 tess_sample(in float2 points[16], float4x4 weights) { float2 pos = float2(0.0, 0.0); pos += weights[0][0] * points[0]; pos += weights[0][1] * points[1]; pos += weights[0][2] * points[2]; pos += weights[0][3] * points[3]; pos += weights[1][0] * points[4]; pos += weights[1][1] * points[5]; pos += weights[1][2] * points[6]; pos += weights[1][3] * points[7]; pos += weights[2][0] * points[8]; pos += weights[2][1] * points[9]; pos += weights[2][2] * points[10]; pos += weights[2][3] * points[11]; pos += weights[3][0] * points[12]; pos += weights[3][1] * points[13]; pos += weights[3][2] * points[14]; pos += weights[3][3] * points[15]; return pos; } float3 tess_sample(in float3 points[16], float4x4 weights) { float3 pos = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); pos += weights[0][0] * points[0]; pos += weights[0][1] * points[1]; pos += weights[0][2] * points[2]; pos += weights[0][3] * points[3]; pos += weights[1][0] * points[4]; pos += weights[1][1] * points[5]; pos += weights[1][2] * points[6]; pos += weights[1][3] * points[7]; pos += weights[2][0] * points[8]; pos += weights[2][1] * points[9]; pos += weights[2][2] * points[10]; pos += weights[2][3] * points[11]; pos += weights[3][0] * points[12]; pos += weights[3][1] * points[13]; pos += weights[3][2] * points[14]; pos += weights[3][3] * points[15]; return pos; } float4 tess_sample(in float4 points[16], float4x4 weights) { float4 pos = float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); pos += weights[0][0] * points[0]; pos += weights[0][1] * points[1]; pos += weights[0][2] * points[2]; pos += weights[0][3] * points[3]; pos += weights[1][0] * points[4]; pos += weights[1][1] * points[5]; pos += weights[1][2] * points[6]; pos += weights[1][3] * points[7]; pos += weights[2][0] * points[8]; pos += weights[2][1] * points[9]; pos += weights[2][2] * points[10]; pos += weights[2][3] * points[11]; pos += weights[3][0] * points[12]; pos += weights[3][1] * points[13]; pos += weights[3][2] * points[14]; pos += weights[3][3] * points[15]; return pos; } float4x4 outerProduct(float4 u, float4 v) { return mul((float4x1)v, (float1x4)u); } struct Tess { float3 pos; float4 col; }; void tessellate(in VS_IN In, out Tess tess) { int2 point_pos = int2(In.position.z, In.normal.z); int2 weight_idx = int2(In.position.xy); float3 _pos[16]; float2 _tex[16]; float4 _col[16]; int index; index = (0 + point_pos.y) * u_spline_counts + (0 + point_pos.x); _pos[0] = tess_data[index].pos; index = (0 + point_pos.y) * u_spline_counts + (1 + point_pos.x); _pos[1] = tess_data[index].pos; index = (0 + point_pos.y) * u_spline_counts + (2 + point_pos.x); _pos[2] = tess_data[index].pos; index = (0 + point_pos.y) * u_spline_counts + (3 + point_pos.x); _pos[3] = tess_data[index].pos; index = (1 + point_pos.y) * u_spline_counts + (0 + point_pos.x); _pos[4] = tess_data[index].pos; index = (1 + point_pos.y) * u_spline_counts + (1 + point_pos.x); _pos[5] = tess_data[index].pos; index = (1 + point_pos.y) * u_spline_counts + (2 + point_pos.x); _pos[6] = tess_data[index].pos; index = (1 + point_pos.y) * u_spline_counts + (3 + point_pos.x); _pos[7] = tess_data[index].pos; index = (2 + point_pos.y) * u_spline_counts + (0 + point_pos.x); _pos[8] = tess_data[index].pos; index = (2 + point_pos.y) * u_spline_counts + (1 + point_pos.x); _pos[9] = tess_data[index].pos; index = (2 + point_pos.y
LocoRoco™ 2 v1.9.0 2020-06-27 scePsmfPlayerSetPsmf*: incorrect PSMF magic, bad data
LocoRoco™ 2 v1.6.3 2020-06-24 Unimplemented HLE function sceNetFreeThreadinfo
LocoRoco™ 2 v1.9.4 2024-01-16 Unknown GetPointer 0000002c PC 08adb2d8 LR 08adbe64
LocoRoco™ 2 v1.9.4 2024-10-06 avcodec_decode_audio4: Error decoding audio -1094995529 / bebbb1b7
LocoRoco™ 2 v1.4.2-467-g686726533 2021-10-16 Loading module sceFont_Library with version 0101, devkit 03090510
LocoRoco™ 2 v1.4.2-467-g686726533 2021-10-16 Loading module scePsmfP_library with version 0101, devkit 03090510
LocoRoco™ 2 v1.4.2-467-g686726533 2021-10-16 Loading module scePsmf_library with version 0101, devkit 03090510
LocoRoco™ 2 v1.9.4 2023-11-12 Ignoring func export scePsmfPlayer/df089680, already implemented in HLE.
LocoRoco™ 2 v1.9.4 2023-11-12 Ignoring func export scePsmfPlayer/a0b8ca55, already implemented in HLE.
LocoRoco™ 2 v1.9.4 2023-11-12 Ignoring func export scePsmfPlayer/f3efaa91, already implemented in HLE.
LocoRoco™ 2 v1.9.4 2023-11-12 Ignoring func export scePsmfPlayer/3ed62233, already implemented in HLE.
LocoRoco™ 2 v1.9.4 2023-11-12 Ignoring func export scePsmfPlayer/8a9ebdcd, already implemented in HLE.
LocoRoco™ 2 v1.9.4 2023-11-12 Ignoring func export scePsmfPlayer/75f03fa2, already implemented in HLE.
LocoRoco™ 2 v1.9.4 2023-11-12 Ignoring func export scePsmfPlayer/235d8787, already implemented in HLE.
LocoRoco™ 2 v1.9.4 2023-11-12 Ignoring func export scePsmfPlayer/95a84ee5, already implemented in HLE.
LocoRoco™ 2 v1.9.4 2023-11-12 Ignoring func export scePsmfPlayer/e792cd94, already implemented in HLE.
LocoRoco™ 2 v1.9.4 2023-11-12 Ignoring func export scePsmfPlayer/9ff2b2e7, already implemented in HLE.
LocoRoco™ 2 v1.9.4 2023-11-12 Ignoring func export scePsmfPlayer/2beb1569, already implemented in HLE.
LocoRoco™ 2 v1.9.4 2023-11-12 Ignoring func export scePsmfPlayer/f8ef08a6, already implemented in HLE.
LocoRoco™ 2 v1.9.4 2023-11-12 Ignoring func export scePsmfPlayer/3ea82a4b, already implemented in HLE.
LocoRoco™ 2 v1.9.4 2023-11-12 Ignoring func export scePsmfPlayer/b8d10c56, already implemented in HLE.
LocoRoco™ 2 v1.9.4 2023-11-12 Ignoring func export scePsmfPlayer/3d6d25a9, already implemented in HLE.
LocoRoco™ 2 v1.9.4 2023-11-12 Ignoring func export scePsmfPlayer/46f61f8b, already implemented in HLE.
LocoRoco™ 2 v1.9.4 2023-11-12 Ignoring func export scePsmfPlayer/1078c008, already implemented in HLE.
LocoRoco™ 2 v1.9.4 2023-11-12 Ignoring func export scePsmfPlayer/a3d81169, already implemented in HLE.
LocoRoco™ 2 v1.9.4 2023-11-12 Ignoring func export scePsmfPlayer/9b71a274, already implemented in HLE.
LocoRoco™ 2 v1.9.4 2023-11-12 Ignoring func export scePsmfPlayer/b9848a74, already implemented in HLE.
LocoRoco™ 2 v1.9.4 2023-11-12 Ignoring func export scePsmfPlayer/68f07175, already implemented in HLE.
LocoRoco™ 2 v1.9.4 2023-11-12 Ignoring func export scePsmfPlayer/1e57a8e7, already implemented in HLE.
LocoRoco™ 2 v1.9.4 2023-11-12 Ignoring func export scePsmfPlayer/85461eff, already implemented in HLE.