Recent logs - TEKKEN 6

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Game title Version Latest Report Message
TEKKEN 6 v1.10-6-g8ac4efd3c 2024-07-24 Bad vertex address 001043f4!
TEKKEN 6 v1.10-6-g8ac4efd3c 2024-07-24 Bad vertex address 001043cc!
TEKKEN 6 v1.10-6-g8ac4efd3c 2024-07-24 Bad vertex address 001043a4!
TEKKEN 6 v1.10-6-g8ac4efd3c 2024-07-24 Bad vertex address 0010437c!
TEKKEN 6 v1.10-6-g8ac4efd3c 2024-07-24 Bad vertex address 00104484!
TEKKEN 6 v1.10-6-g8ac4efd3c 2024-07-24 Bad vertex address 00104544!
TEKKEN 6 v1.10-6-g8ac4efd3c 2024-07-24 Bad vertex address 00104994!
TEKKEN 6 v1.10-6-g8ac4efd3c 2024-07-24 Bad vertex address 0010496c!
TEKKEN 6 v1.10-6-g8ac4efd3c 2024-07-24 Bad vertex address 00104944!
TEKKEN 6 v1.10-6-g8ac4efd3c 2024-07-24 Bad vertex address 0010491c!
TEKKEN 6 v1.10-6-g8ac4efd3c 2024-07-24 Bad vertex address 001048f4!
TEKKEN 6 v1.10-6-g8ac4efd3c 2024-07-24 Bad vertex address 001048cc!
TEKKEN 6 v1.10-6-g8ac4efd3c 2024-07-24 Bad vertex address 00104b74!
TEKKEN 6 v1.10-6-g8ac4efd3c 2024-07-24 Bad vertex address 00104b4c!
TEKKEN 6 v1.10-6-g8ac4efd3c 2024-07-24 Bad vertex address 00104b24!
TEKKEN 6 v1.10-6-g8ac4efd3c 2024-07-24 Bad vertex address 00104afc!
TEKKEN 6 v1.10-6-g8ac4efd3c 2024-07-24 Bad vertex address 00104ad4!
TEKKEN 6 v1.10-6-g8ac4efd3c 2024-07-24 Bad vertex address 00104aac!
TEKKEN 6 v1.10-6-g8ac4efd3c 2024-07-24 Bad vertex address 00104cf4!
TEKKEN 6 v1.10-6-g8ac4efd3c 2024-07-24 Bad vertex address 00104ccc!
TEKKEN 6 v1.10-6-g8ac4efd3c 2024-07-24 Bad vertex address 00104d54!
TEKKEN 6 v1.10-6-g8ac4efd3c 2024-07-24 Bad vertex address 00104d2c!
TEKKEN 6 v1.10-6-g8ac4efd3c 2024-07-24 Bad vertex address 00104d04!
TEKKEN 6 v1.10-6-g8ac4efd3c 2024-07-24 Bad vertex address 00104cdc!
TEKKEN 6 v1.10-6-g8ac4efd3c 2024-07-24 Bad vertex address 00105124!
TEKKEN 6 v1.10-6-g8ac4efd3c 2024-07-24 Bad vertex address 001050ac!
TEKKEN 6 v1.10-6-g8ac4efd3c 2024-07-24 Bad vertex address 00105034!
TEKKEN 6 v1.10-6-g8ac4efd3c 2024-07-24 Bad vertex address 001050f0!
TEKKEN 6 v1.10-6-g8ac4efd3c 2024-07-24 Bad vertex address 0010508c!
TEKKEN 6 v1.10-6-g8ac4efd3c 2024-07-24 Bad vertex address 001051b0!
TEKKEN 6 v1.10-6-g8ac4efd3c 2024-07-24 Bad vertex address 0010514c!
TEKKEN 6 v1.10-6-g8ac4efd3c 2024-07-24 Bad vertex address 0010527c!
TEKKEN 6 v1.10-6-g8ac4efd3c 2024-07-24 Bad vertex address 00105204!
TEKKEN 6 v1.10-6-g8ac4efd3c 2024-07-24 Bad vertex address 001051b4!
TEKKEN 6 v1.10-6-g8ac4efd3c 2024-07-24 Bad vertex address 00105f20!
TEKKEN 6 v1.10-6-g8ac4efd3c 2024-07-24 Bad vertex address 00105ee4!
TEKKEN 6 v1.10-6-g8ac4efd3c 2024-07-24 Bad vertex address 00105e80!
TEKKEN 6 v1.10-6-g8ac4efd3c 2024-07-24 Bad vertex address 00105e1c!
TEKKEN 6 v1.10-6-g8ac4efd3c 2024-07-24 Bad vertex address 00105de0!
TEKKEN 6 v1.10-6-g8ac4efd3c 2024-07-24 Bad vertex address 00105d7c!
TEKKEN 6 v1.10-6-g8ac4efd3c 2024-07-24 Bad vertex address 00105cc8!
TEKKEN 6 v1.10-6-g8ac4efd3c 2024-07-24 Bad vertex address 00105c50!
TEKKEN 6 v1.10-6-g8ac4efd3c 2024-07-24 Bad vertex address 00105c14!
TEKKEN 6 v1.9.0 2024-07-20 Error in shader program link: info: Link Error: Fragment shader is missing. fs: thin3d #ifdef GL_ES precision mediump float; #endif #ifdef GL_ES precision lowp float; #endif #if __VERSION__ >= 130 #define varying in #define texture2D texture #define gl_FragColor fragColor0 out vec4 fragColor0; #endif varying vec4 oColor0; varying vec2 oTexCoord0; uniform sampler2D Sampler0; void main() { gl_FragColor = texture2D(Sampler0, oTexCoord0).zyxw * oColor0; } vs: thin3d #if __VERSION__ >= 130 #define attribute in #define varying out #endif attribute vec3 Position; attribute vec4 Color0; attribute vec2 TexCoord0; varying vec4 oColor0; varying vec2 oTexCoord0; uniform mat4 WorldViewProj; void main() { gl_Position = WorldViewProj * vec4(Position, 1.0); oColor0 = Color0; oTexCoord0 = TexCoord0; }
TEKKEN 6 v1.12.3 2024-07-20 scePsmfPlayerSetPsmf*: incorrect PSMF magic (c9afa400), bad data
TEKKEN 6 v1.12.3 2024-07-18 scePsmfPlayerSetPsmf*: incorrect PSMF magic (cba34c00), bad data
TEKKEN 6 v1.17.1 2024-07-18 ReadFromHardware: Invalid address 0a000001 near PC 0880eb18 LR 0881b954
TEKKEN 6 v1.17.1 2024-07-18 WriteToHardware: Invalid address 00062828 near PC 08000000 LR 08000000
TEKKEN 6 v1.7.5 2024-07-14 WriteToHardware: Invalid address 3f800018 near PC 0880c3d4 LR 0880bca4
TEKKEN 6 v1.16.5 2024-07-12 ReadFromHardware: Invalid address 1c3914c4 near PC 08b4b498 LR 08b4b4b8
TEKKEN 6 v1.16.5 2024-07-09 __KernelStopThread: thread 349 does not exist (helper deleted)
TEKKEN 6 v1.16.6 2024-07-06 ReadFromHardware: Invalid address 00000006 near PC 089eff88 LR 089f1814
TEKKEN 6 v1.17.1 2024-07-05 WriteToHardware: Invalid address 000007d4 near PC 08b55f88 LR 08b55ddc
TEKKEN 6 v1.17.1 2024-07-04 800200d2=scePsmfPlayerSetPsmfCB(090d26a4, disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/movie/title.pmf): too many streams in PSMF video, bogus data
TEKKEN 6 v1.17.1 2024-07-04 scePsmfPlayerSetPsmf*: incorrect PSMF magic (06fc21d8), bad data
TEKKEN 6 v1.17.1 2024-07-04 800200d2=scePsmfPlayerSetPsmfCB(090e8364, disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/movie/title.pmf): too many streams in PSMF video, bogus data
TEKKEN 6 v1.17.1 2024-07-04 scePsmfPlayerSetPsmf*: incorrect PSMF magic (87db4fd1), bad data
TEKKEN 6 v1.17.1 2024-07-04 800200d2=scePsmfPlayerSetPsmfCB(090ecd64, disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/movie/title.pmf): too many streams in PSMF video, bogus data
TEKKEN 6 v1.11.3 2024-06-30 WriteToHardware: Invalid address 000000b0 near PC 088aa2f0 LR 088aa2fc
TEKKEN 6 v1.17 2024-06-29 WriteToHardware: Invalid address 00000018 near PC 08ae7604 LR 08aeb3e4
TEKKEN 6 v1.17.1 2024-06-29 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 0000009f
TEKKEN 6 v1.17.1 2024-06-29 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 000009ff
TEKKEN 6 v1.17.1 2024-06-29 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 0005affe
TEKKEN 6 v1.17.1 2024-06-29 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 00004ffc
TEKKEN 6 v1.17.1 2024-06-29 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 07fd0000
TEKKEN 6 v1.17.1 2024-06-29 Branch in branch delay slot at 088a1ab4 with different target
TEKKEN 6 v1.12.3 2024-06-29 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 00001801
TEKKEN 6 v1.9.4 2024-06-28 Bad vertex address 00132592!
TEKKEN 6 v1.9.4 2024-06-28 Bad vertex address 001324cc!
TEKKEN 6 v1.11.3 2024-06-23 __KernelStopThread: thread 638 does not exist
TEKKEN 6 v1.6.3 2024-06-22 Error in shader program link: info: cannot find a matched output for input v_texcoordNC0 cannot find a matched output for input v_texcoordNC1 cannot find a matched output for input v_texcoordNC2 cannot find a matched output for input v_texcoordNC3 fs: postshader //Note : Recommend to use PPSSPP v1.1.1-183-gb411fc0 or newer for full functionality, there were some bugs in earlier versions. //Note2 : Upscaling, smoothing and sharpening filters are not set to be mixed between each other since the results are pointless(they counter each other). // Awas ngelag! :u //====================================================================================================================================================================== //SMOOTHING FILTERS: //If you love smooth graphics ~ those are also great for downscaling - to do that, you need to use higher rendering res than your display res //================ #define FXAA 1 //ON:1/OFF:0 /default FXAA, orginal info below //================ #define GAUSS_SQ 0 //ON:1/OFF:0 /full square gauss filtering #define Gsmoothing 2.5 //Default: 3.5 /increase for smoother(blurry) graphics //================ #define GAUSS_S 0 //ON:1/OFF:0 /simple gauss filtering by Bigpet, slightly different from above /you can find standalone in //================ //SHARPENING FILTERS: //if you need very sharp image, add lots of aliasing //================ #define SHARPEN 0 //ON:1/OFF:0 /a simple sharpen filter, might be counterproductive to FXAA and BLOOM, hence disabled by default #define value 0.98 //Default: 7.5 /higher = more visible effect //================ #define S_COM_V2 0 //Sharpen Complex v2 from similar to above in effect, maybe more accurate #define S_val0 5.0 //Default: 5.0 /higher ~ increases sharpness /negative ~ can add extra blurr/strange effect //================ //UPSCALING FILTERS: //To use those, you have to set rendering res to smaller than window/display size(x1 for best results) and screen scaling filter to "nearest" //Starting from v1.1.1-28-g70e9979 you can also add Upscaling=True to ini file(check example) to do it automatically //================ #define xBR 1 //ON:1/OFF:0 /5xBR upscale, nice for 2D games especially those that might be buggy with higher rendering res, initially made by Hyllian - license below #define VariantB 0 //ON:1/OFF:0 /slightly less effect on fonts, dots and other small details //================ #define xHQ 0 //ON:1/OFF:0 same as 4xHQ in PPSSPP, but actually using output resolution #define scaleoffset 0.75 //Default: 0.75 /you can tweek it between 0.5 and 1.0, Note: to little = no effect, to high = ugliness //================ //OTHER FILTERS: //Most effects from here on can be fully mixed without loosing previous effects. Exceptions: Natural Colors, Advanced Cartoon //================ #define BLOOM 0 //ON:1/OFF:0 /bloom implementation from "my heroics" blog #define KIMOCHI 1 //Senpai! #define samples 3 //Default: 4 /higher = more glow, worse performance #define quality 0.22 //Default: 0.18 /lower = smaller glow, better quality #define Bpower 1.0 //Default: 1.0 /amount of bloom mixed //================ #define COLORED 1 //ON:1/OFF:0 /coloring part of KrossX Overlay Bloom shader from here #define Cpower 0.69 //Default: 0.5 /strenght of the effect //================ #define NATURALC 0 //ON:1/OFF:0 /by popular demand, natular colors, note: this shader can't be fully mixed with smoothing/sharpening/upscaling effects #define ncpower 0.5 //Default:0.5 / higher = more natural color, check note line above //================ #define ACARTOON 0 //ON:1/OFF:0 Advanced Cartoon from Guest shader pack #define th 0.10 //D
TEKKEN 6 v1.9.4 2024-06-21 Bad vertex address 000fcc84!
TEKKEN 6 v1.9.4 2024-06-21 Bad vertex address 000fccbc!
TEKKEN 6 v1.9.4 2024-06-21 Bad vertex address 000fcd34!
TEKKEN 6 v1.9.4 2024-06-21 Bad vertex address 000fcc5c!
TEKKEN 6 v1.9.4 2024-06-21 Bad vertex address 000fccd4!
TEKKEN 6 v1.9.4 2024-06-21 Bad vertex address 000fccac!
TEKKEN 6 v1.9.4 2024-06-21 Bad vertex address 000fc524!
TEKKEN 6 v1.9.4 2024-06-21 Bad vertex address 000fc404!
TEKKEN 6 v1.9.4 2024-06-21 Bad vertex address 000fce2c!
TEKKEN 6 v1.9.4 2024-06-21 Bad vertex address 000fcce4!
TEKKEN 6 v1.9.4 2024-06-21 Bad vertex address 000fcdb4!
TEKKEN 6 v1.9.4 2024-06-21 Bad vertex address 000fcc0c!
TEKKEN 6 v1.9.4 2024-06-21 Bad vertex address 000fcc34!
TEKKEN 6 v1.9.4 2024-06-21 Bad vertex address 000fce54!
TEKKEN 6 v1.9.4 2024-06-21 Bad vertex address 000fcd0c!
TEKKEN 6 v1.9.4 2024-06-21 Bad vertex address 000fcc6c!
TEKKEN 6 v1.9.4 2024-06-21 Bad vertex address 000fcc94!
TEKKEN 6 v1.9.4 2024-06-21 Bad vertex address 000fcddc!
TEKKEN 6 v1.9.4 2024-06-21 Bad vertex address 000fcd8c!
TEKKEN 6 v1.9.4 2024-06-21 Bad vertex address 000fd0d8!
TEKKEN 6 v1.9.4 2024-06-21 Bad vertex address 000fce9c!
TEKKEN 6 v1.9.4 2024-06-21 Bad vertex address 000fce3c!
TEKKEN 6 v1.9.4 2024-06-21 Bad vertex address 000fcfe8!
TEKKEN 6 v1.9.4 2024-06-21 Bad vertex address 000fcf14!
TEKKEN 6 v1.9.4 2024-06-21 Bad vertex address 000fceb4!
TEKKEN 6 v1.9.4 2024-06-21 Bad vertex address 000fce8c!
TEKKEN 6 v1.9.4 2024-06-21 Bad vertex address 000fce04!
TEKKEN 6 v1.9.4 2024-06-21 Bad vertex address 000fce64!
TEKKEN 6 v1.9.4 2024-06-21 Bad vertex address 000fcec4!