Recent logs - Dragon Ball Z: Densetsu Tenkaichi

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Game title Version Latest Report Message
Dragon Ball Z: Densetsu Tenkaichi v1.17.3 2024-07-16 AT3 header map lacks entry for bpf: 0 channels: 0
Dragon Ball Z: Densetsu Tenkaichi v1.6.3 2024-06-26 Error in shader program link: info: Link Error: Vertex shader is missing. fs: 00000000:00800002 Tex 2x TFuncMod #version 300 es #extension GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch : require precision lowp float; uniform sampler2D tex; in vec4 v_color0; in highp vec3 v_texcoord; inout vec4 fragColor0; void main() { vec4 t = texture(tex, v_texcoord.xy); vec4 p = v_color0; vec4 v = vec4(t.rgb * p.rgb, p.a); v.rgb = v.rgb * 2.0; fragColor0 = v; } vs: 00000000:00000012 THR Tex #version 300 es precision highp float; in vec4 position; in vec2 texcoord; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; out lowp vec4 v_color0; out highp vec3 v_texcoord; void main() { v_texcoord = vec3(texcoord, 1.0); v_color0 = color0; gl_Position = u_proj_through * vec4(, 1.0); }
Dragon Ball Z: Densetsu Tenkaichi v1.6.3 2024-06-26 Error in shader program link: info: Link Error: Vertex shader is missing. fs: 00000000:00800022 Tex TexAlpha 2x TFuncMod #version 300 es #extension GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch : require precision lowp float; uniform sampler2D tex; in vec4 v_color0; in highp vec3 v_texcoord; inout vec4 fragColor0; void main() { vec4 t = texture(tex, v_texcoord.xy); vec4 p = v_color0; vec4 v = p * t; v.rgb = v.rgb * 2.0; fragColor0 = v; } vs: 00000000:00000012 THR Tex #version 300 es precision highp float; in vec4 position; in vec2 texcoord; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; out lowp vec4 v_color0; out highp vec3 v_texcoord; void main() { v_texcoord = vec3(texcoord, 1.0); v_color0 = color0; gl_Position = u_proj_through * vec4(, 1.0); }
Dragon Ball Z: Densetsu Tenkaichi v1.6.3 2024-06-26 Error in shader program link: info: Link Error: Vertex shader is missing. fs: 00001d83:00000000 ReplaceBlend_3A:6_B:7_Eq:0 #version 300 es #extension GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch : require precision lowp float; in vec4 v_color0; inout vec4 fragColor0; void main() { vec4 v = v_color0 ; v.rgb = v.rgb * vec3(v.a * 2.0); v.a = v.a * 2.0; fragColor0 = v; } vs: 00000000:0000000a THR C #version 300 es precision highp float; in vec4 position; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; out lowp vec4 v_color0; void main() { v_color0 = color0; gl_Position = u_proj_through * vec4(, 1.0); }
Dragon Ball Z: Densetsu Tenkaichi v1.6.3 2024-06-26 GL ran out of GPU memory; switching to low memory mode
Dragon Ball Z: Densetsu Tenkaichi v1.15.4-69-gca75e2015 2024-03-30 avcodec_decode_audio4: Error decoding audio -1094995529 / bebbb1b7
Dragon Ball Z: Densetsu Tenkaichi v1.12.2 2024-01-06 0 depal unsupported: shift=5 mask=ff offset=0
Dragon Ball Z: Densetsu Tenkaichi v1.14.4 2023-02-05 sceGeListEnqueue: invalid address 40000000
Dragon Ball Z: Densetsu Tenkaichi v1.9.4 2024-06-26 Render to texture using CLUT with different strides 512 != 64
Dragon Ball Z: Densetsu Tenkaichi v1.17.3 2024-07-16 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000800)