Recent logs - ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0

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Game title Version Latest Report Message
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.18.1 2024-12-04 Unknown GetPointer 0d17fb28 PC 088e7aa8 LR 088e7acc
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.9.4 2024-11-13 WriteToHardware: Invalid address 00002e57 near PC 088ef854 LR 088ef854
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.17.1 2024-11-10 sceKernelLoadModule: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=08805e14, pos=0, access=1, data=1, text=1
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.17.1 2024-11-11 sceKernelLoadModuleByID: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=0896e957, pos=0, access=1, data=1, text=1
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.17.1 2024-11-08 sceKernelLoadModule: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=08bf68e0, pos=0, access=1, data=1, text=1
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.17.1 2024-11-08 Traditional relocations unsupported.
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.18.1 2024-11-06 WriteToHardware: Invalid address 0000148c near PC 08000000 LR 08000000
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.12.3 2024-11-06 80630006=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(097290c0, 000ad24c): invalid RIFF header
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.12.3 2024-11-04 80630006=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(099deca0, 000ad24c): invalid RIFF header
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.17.4-1 2024-11-02 Unknown GetPointerWrite 45c08c20 PC 0890c1bc LR 0887a1c0
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.12.3 2024-10-28 80630006=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(0994dbf0, 000ad24c): invalid RIFF header
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.12.3 2024-10-25 80630006=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(092ac1f0, 000ad24c): invalid RIFF header
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.12.3 2024-10-21 80630006=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(099a1c00, 000ad24c): invalid RIFF header
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.12.3 2024-10-21 80630006=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(0992f260, 000ad24c): invalid RIFF header
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.12.3 2024-10-20 80630006=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(0992ebd0, 000ad24c): invalid RIFF header
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.12.3 2024-10-20 80630006=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(097ec430, 000ad24c): invalid RIFF header
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.12.3 2024-10-20 80630006=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(092638b0, 000ad24c): invalid RIFF header
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.12.3 2024-10-20 80630006=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(097a5a70, 000ad24c): invalid RIFF header
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.12.3 2024-10-20 80630006=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(09263950, 000ad24c): invalid RIFF header
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.12.3 2024-10-20 80630006=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(0993f990, 000ad24c): invalid RIFF header
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.17.1 2024-10-05 WriteToHardware: Invalid address 00000080 near PC 08000000 LR 08000000
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.17.1 2024-09-27 __KernelStopThread: thread 442 does not exist (ApctlThread deleted)
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.11.3 2024-09-18 Unknown GetPointer 00110cc4 PC 00000000 LR 00000000
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.17.1 2024-09-18 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 00010005
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.17.1 2024-09-18 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 01069701
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.17.1 2024-09-18 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 00020001
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.17.1 2024-09-18 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 00100005
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.11.3 2024-09-16 Unknown GE command : d1b8a496
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.17.4-1 2024-09-21 Error in shader program link: info: WARNING: Could not find vertex shader attribute 'Normal' to match BindAttributeLocation request. WARNING: Could not find vertex shader attribute 'Color1' to match BindAttributeLocation request. WARNING: Could not find vertex shader attribute 'TexCoord0' to match BindAttributeLocation request. WARNING: Could not find vertex shader attribute 'Position' to match BindAttributeLocation request. WARNING: Could not find vertex shader attribute 'Tangent' to match BindAttributeLocation request. WARNING: Could not find vertex shader attribute 'Binormal' to match BindAttributeLocation request. WARNING: Could not find vertex shader attribute 'Color0' to match BindAttributeLocation request. WARNING: Output of vertex shader 'v_texcoordNC0' not read by fragment shader WARNING: Output of vertex shader 'v_texcoordNC2' not read by fragment shader WARNING: Output of vertex shader 'v_texcoordNC3' not read by fragment shader WARNING: Output of vertex shader 'v_texcoordNC1' not read by fragment shader ERROR: Uniform precision mismatch 'u_texelDelta' fs: postshader #version 300 es precision mediump float; precision highp int; uniform vec2 u_texelDelta; uniform vec2 u_pixelDelta; uniform mediump sampler2D sampler0; uniform vec4 u_time; in vec2 v_texcoord0; out vec4 _RESERVED_IDENTIFIER_FIXUP_gl_FragColor; in vec4 v_texcoordNC0; in vec4 v_texcoordNC1; in vec4 v_texcoordNC2; in vec4 v_texcoordNC3; mediump int SEPIA; mediump int GRAYSCALE; mediump int NEGATIVE; mediump int PSPCOLORS; bvec4 _and_(bvec4 A, bvec4 B) { return bvec4(A.x && B.x, A.y && B.y, A.z && B.z, A.w && B.w); } vec4 df(vec4 A, vec4 B) { return abs(A - B); } bvec4 close(vec4 A, vec4 B) { vec4 param = A; vec4 param_1 = B; return lessThan(df(param, param_1), vec4(15.0)); } bvec4 _or_(bvec4 A, bvec4 B) { return bvec4(A.x || B.x, A.y || B.y, A.z || B.z, A.w || B.w); } vec4 weighted_distance(vec4 a, vec4 b, vec4 c, vec4 d, vec4 e, vec4 f, vec4 g, vec4 h) { vec4 param = a; vec4 param_1 = b; vec4 param_2 = a; vec4 param_3 = c; vec4 param_4 = d; vec4 param_5 = e; vec4 param_6 = d; vec4 param_7 = f; vec4 param_8 = g; vec4 param_9 = h; return (((df(param, param_1) + df(param_2, param_3)) + df(param_4, param_5)) + df(param_6, param_7)) + (df(param_8, param_9) * 4.0); } vec3 processxBR(vec3 color) { vec2 pS = vec2(1.0) / u_texelDelta; vec2 fp = fract(v_texcoord0 * pS); vec2 TexCoord_0 = v_texcoord0 - (fp * u_pixelDelta); vec2 dx = vec2(u_texelDelta.x, 0.0); vec2 dy = vec2(0.0, u_texelDelta.y); vec2 y2 = dy + dy; vec2 x2 = dx + dx; vec3 A = texture(sampler0, (TexCoord_0 - dx) - dy).xyz; vec3 B = texture(sampler0, TexCoord_0 - dy).xyz; vec3 C = texture(sampler0, (TexCoord_0 + dx) - dy).xyz; vec3 D = texture(sampler0, TexCoord_0 - dx).xyz; vec3 E = texture(sampler0, TexCoord_0).xyz; vec3 F = texture(sampler0, TexCoord_0 + dx).xyz; vec3 G = texture(sampler0, (TexCoord_0 - dx) + dy).xyz; vec3 H = texture(sampler0, TexCoord_0 + dy).xyz; vec3 I = texture(sampler0, (TexCoord_0 + dx) + dy).xyz; vec3 A1 = texture(sampler0, (TexCoord_0 - dx) - y2).xyz; vec3 C1 = texture(sampler0, (TexCoord_0 + dx) - y2).xyz; vec3 A0 = texture(sampler0, (TexCoord_0 - x2) - dy).xyz; vec3 G0 = texture(sampler0, (TexCoord_0 - x2) + dy).xyz; vec3 C4 = texture(sampler0, (TexCoord_0 + x2) - dy).xyz; vec3 I4 = texture(sampler0, (TexCoord_0 + x2) + dy).xyz; vec3 G5 = texture(sampler0, (TexCoord_0 - dx) + y2).xyz; vec3 I5 = texture(sampler0, (TexCoord_0 + dx) + y2).xyz; vec3 B1 = texture(sampler0, TexCoord_0 - y2).xyz; vec3 D0 = texture(sampler0, TexCoord_0 - x2).xyz; vec3 H5 = texture(sampler0, TexCoord_0 + y2).xyz; vec3 F4 = texture(sampler0, TexCoord_0 + x2).xyz; vec4 b = vec4(dot(B, vec3(16.1630001068115234375, 23.3509998321533203125, 8.477199554443359375)), dot(D, vec3(16.1630001068115234375, 23.3509998321533203125, 8.477199554443359375)), dot(H, vec3(16.1630001068115234375, 23.3509998321533203125, 8.
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.17.1 2024-09-14 sceKernelLoadModule: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=088eb174, pos=0, access=1, data=1, text=1
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.17.1 2024-09-11 WriteToHardware: Invalid address 00002e25 near PC 088f3468 LR 088f3468
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.17.3 2024-08-11 Unknown GE command : fb3c3e35
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.11.3 2024-08-07 WriteToHardware: Invalid address 00002e57 near PC 0890bd18 LR 0890bb30
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.17.4-1 2024-11-17 Unknown GetPointer 1fc75b4c PC 0890c0b0 LR 088e7acc
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.17.1 2024-07-24 sceGeBreak(mode=0, unknown=090c4ba8): unknown ptr (valid)
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.9.0 2024-07-18 ReadFromHardware: Invalid address 00000000 near PC 00000000 LR 08879058
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.9.0 2024-07-18 Branch in Jump delay slot at 08020100 in block starting at 08012214
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.17.1 2024-07-14 WriteToHardware: Invalid address 0000146a near PC 088f3468 LR 088f3468
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.17.1 2024-07-09 sceKernelLoadModule: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=0898786c, pos=0, access=1, data=2, text=2
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.17.1 2024-07-09 sceKernelLoadModule: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=0898786c, pos=0, access=1, data=1, text=1
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.17.1-817-g13506d3d02 2024-07-06 Software: Unsupported texture format: c
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.9.0 2024-07-01 ReadFromHardware: Invalid address e567f150 near PC e567f150 LR 08808278
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.17.1 2024-09-18 Branch in JumpReg delay slot at 08f6c08c in block starting at 08f6c044
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.17.1 2024-06-29 Unknown GetPointer 1b9a6ff6 PC 088e7aa8 LR 088e7acc
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.14.1 2024-06-24 UI scissor out of bounds in MainScreen: 0,0-1802,378 / 1372,720
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.17.1 2024-06-23 sceKernelLoadModule: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=00000021, pos=0, access=1, data=2, text=2
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.11.3 2024-06-21 ReadFromHardware: Invalid address ae00ac00 near PC ae00ac00 LR 08879a5c
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.15.4 2024-06-20 MFIC instruction hit (70020024) at 08901204
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.17.1 2024-06-14 Unaligned icache invalidation of 0886dd07 (0886dd08 + -1) at PC=08876644
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.11.3 2024-06-12 Unknown GE command : b6bdcd1b
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.17.1 2024-09-07 Unexpected mpeg first timestamp: d59a080000 / 917412249600
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.17.1 2024-06-08 Could not setup streams, unexpected stream count: 13414
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.11.3 2024-06-02 Bad index address 0e342fee!
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.11.3 2024-06-02 Unknown GE command : 4e685737
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.12.3 2024-05-30 ReadFromHardware: Invalid address 0000000c near PC 088d4008 LR 088d4b78
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.12.3 2024-05-30 ReadFromHardware: Invalid address 00000097 near PC 088d4004 LR 088d4b78
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.17.1 2024-05-23 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000800)
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.17.1 2024-05-22 sceUtilityMsgDialogInitStart: invalid status
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.17.1 2024-10-03 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00001000)
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.17.1 2024-05-16 80630011=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(092ec950, 0000007c): no data chunk
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.11.3 2024-05-11 Bad index address 0e3453ee!
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.11.3 2024-05-11 Bad vertex address 01ef4511!
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.11.3 2024-05-11 Unknown GE command : ef010232
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.17.1 2024-05-03 80630006=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(08acd000, 00001020): invalid RIFF header
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.17.1 2024-05-03 sceKernelLoadModule: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=00000001, pos=0, access=1, data=2, text=2
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.17.1 2024-05-01 Unknown GetPointer 0b6108c4 PC 088e7aa8 LR 088e7acc
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.17.1 2024-04-28 WriteToHardware: Invalid address f5ec53db near PC 08000000 LR 08000000
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.17.1 2024-04-23 sceKernelLoadModule: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=08806550, pos=0, access=1, data=2, text=2
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.17.1 2024-04-21 VTYPE with morph used: THRU=1 TC=2 COL=5 POS=2 NRM=2 WT=0 NW=6 IDX=0 MC=8
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.17.1 2024-04-21 Unknown GE command : 0d0bab39
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.9.0 2024-04-20 Jump to invalid address: 06289940
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.9.0 2024-04-20 Jump to invalid address: 06286080
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.17.1 2024-04-16 sceKernelLoadModule: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=00010000, pos=0, access=1, data=2, text=2
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.17.1 2024-04-10 sceKernelLoadModuleByID: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=00000001, pos=0, access=1, data=1, text=1
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.17.1 2024-04-10 sceKernelLoadModuleByID: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=00001234, pos=0, access=1, data=2, text=2
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.16.6 2024-04-02 __KernelStopThread: thread 418 does not exist (helper deleted)
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.12.3 2024-03-31 sceKernelCreateThread(name=update_thread): unsupported attributes a0000000
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.17.1 2024-06-08 Failed to read valid video stream data from header
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.17.1 2024-03-25 Could not setup streams, unexpected stream count: 13462
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.17.1 2024-03-25 Unexpected mpeg first timestamp: 5579a080000 / 5873804509184
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.17.1 2024-03-15 Unusual bezier/spline vtype: 120017c1, morph: 0, bones: 1
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.17.1 2024-03-13 sceKernelLoadModule: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=08821c30, pos=0, access=1, data=1, text=1
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.17.1 2024-03-23 sceKernelLoadModule: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=0881d51c, pos=0, access=1, data=1, text=1
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.16.6 2024-02-21 Unknown GetPointer ec8b7470 PC 0890c0b0 LR 088e7acc
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.11.3 2024-02-21 Bad vertex address 0e223532!
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.11.3 2024-02-21 Unknown GE command : fb8f9b98
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.17.1 2024-02-20 80630011=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(08a87000, 00000000): buffer too small
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.17.1 2024-03-29 Unknown GE command : b7c0c0c0
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.16.6 2024-01-28 Branch in JumpReg delay slot at 08801010 in block starting at 08801000
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.14.4 2024-01-20 Replacement rowPitch=512, but w=2880 (level=0)
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.16.6 2024-01-17 sceSasSetSimpleADSR(08a11b40, 0, fdf9, 7a35): Invalid ADSREnv2
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.16.6 2024-01-17 sceSasSetSimpleADSR(08a11b40, 0, ff22, 7d99): Invalid ADSREnv2
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.16.6 2024-01-17 sceSasSetSimpleADSR(08a11b40, 0, ff24, 7d76): Invalid ADSREnv2
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.16.6 2024-01-17 80630006=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(09065820, 00099584): invalid RIFF header
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.16.6 2024-01-17 sceSasSetSimpleADSR(08a11b40, 0, fe0c, 7ab0): Invalid ADSREnv2
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.16.6 2024-01-17 sceSasSetSimpleADSR(08a11b40, 0, ffc7, 7ef9): Invalid ADSREnv2
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.16.6 2024-01-17 sceSasSetSimpleADSR(08a11b40, 0, ff2d, 7dea): Invalid ADSREnv2
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.16.6 2024-01-17 sceSasSetSimpleADSR(08a11b40, 0, fe2a, 7c12): Invalid ADSREnv2
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.16.6 2024-01-17 80630006=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(090fedb0, 00073ed4): invalid RIFF header
ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 0 v1.16.6 2024-01-10 Unknown GetPointer d9b73f50 PC 088e7aa8 LR 088e7acc