Recent logs - eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu

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Game title Version Latest Report Message
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.17.1 2024-06-17 Unknown GetPointer 00342c22 PC 0884d7b4 LR 0884d7d4
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.14.2 2024-03-15 Unknown GetPointer 00008eab PC 0881c0fc LR 0881c10c
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.14.2 2024-03-13 Unknown GetPointer 0000a334 PC 0881c428 LR 0881c438
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.7.5 2024-04-30 Unknown GetPointer 80020142 PC 08220d4c LR 08220d4c
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.15.3 2024-02-09 Jump to invalid address: 0735e340
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.15.3 2024-02-09 Branch in branch delay slot at 00010058 with different target
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.15.3 2024-02-09 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 00766701
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.15.3 2024-02-09 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 00103401
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.15.3 2024-02-09 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 9c048d7d
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.15.3 2024-02-09 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 016a2845
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.15.3 2024-02-09 Jump to invalid address: 02083194
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.15.3 2024-02-09 Jump to invalid address: 01a83294
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.15.3 2024-02-09 Jump to invalid address: 07385100
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.16.6 2024-01-21 Unknown GetPointer a8b0a8aa PC 08815fc8 LR 08815fd4
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.15.3 2024-01-19 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 00480537
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.15.3 2024-01-19 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 7a000c0c
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.16.6 2024-01-16 Unknown GetPointerWrite 00000017 PC 08a02afc LR 0887138c
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.16.6 2024-01-16 Unknown GetPointerWrite 00000005 PC 08a02afc LR 0887138c
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.14.2 2024-01-14 Unknown GetPointer 0000c4ba PC 0881c428 LR 0881c438
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.16.6 2023-12-09 Bad vertex address 00d600bd!
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.16.6 2023-12-09 Bad vertex address 00d60043!
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.16.6 2023-12-09 Bad bounding box data: 0000e4
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.16.6 2023-12-09 Invalid inds in bounding box check
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.16.6 2023-12-09 Drawing region rate add non-zero: 04e1, 013f of 01df, 010f
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.16.6 2023-12-09 VTYPE with morph used: THRU=1 TC=3 COL=3 POS=1 NRM=2 WT=1 NW=5 IDX=2 MC=4
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.16.6 2023-12-09 Block transfer invalid: 00000000/0 -> ff7bb4f0/0, 512x960x2 (0,0)->(3,187)
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.16.6 2023-12-09 Unknown GE command : 52e00027
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.10.2 2023-12-02 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 7909b47b
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.10.2 2023-12-02 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction b7200980
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.10.2 2023-12-02 Jump to invalid address: 075c4280
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.10.2 2023-12-02 Jump to invalid address: 07347b80
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.16.6 2023-12-10 Unknown GetPointerWrite 00000003 PC 08a02afc LR 089f1774
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.8.0 2024-03-12 GL ran out of GPU memory; switching to low memory mode
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.16.6 2023-11-25 Can't draw: No current render step. Step count: 0
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.13.1 2023-11-20 Unknown GetPointer 00000060 PC 088e4910 LR 088e4938
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.16.6 2023-11-13 Error in shader program link: info: Error: Uniform u_texelDelta precision mismatch with other stage. Error: Linking failed. fs: postshader #version 320 es precision mediump float; precision highp int; uniform vec2 u_texelDelta; uniform vec2 u_pixelDelta; layout(binding = 0) uniform mediump sampler2D sampler0; uniform vec4 u_time; in vec2 v_texcoord0; out vec4 _RESERVED_IDENTIFIER_FIXUP_gl_FragColor; in vec4 v_texcoordNC0; in vec4 v_texcoordNC1; in vec4 v_texcoordNC2; in vec4 v_texcoordNC3; mediump int SEPIA; mediump int GRAYSCALE; mediump int NEGATIVE; mediump int PSPCOLORS; bvec4 _and_(bvec4 A, bvec4 B) { return bvec4(A.x && B.x, A.y && B.y, A.z && B.z, A.w && B.w); } vec4 df(vec4 A, vec4 B) { return abs(A - B); } bvec4 close(vec4 A, vec4 B) { vec4 param = A; vec4 param_1 = B; return lessThan(df(param, param_1), vec4(15.0)); } bvec4 _or_(bvec4 A, bvec4 B) { return bvec4(A.x || B.x, A.y || B.y, A.z || B.z, A.w || B.w); } vec4 weighted_distance(vec4 a, vec4 b, vec4 c, vec4 d, vec4 e, vec4 f, vec4 g, vec4 h) { vec4 param = a; vec4 param_1 = b; vec4 param_2 = a; vec4 param_3 = c; vec4 param_4 = d; vec4 param_5 = e; vec4 param_6 = d; vec4 param_7 = f; vec4 param_8 = g; vec4 param_9 = h; return (((df(param, param_1) + df(param_2, param_3)) + df(param_4, param_5)) + df(param_6, param_7)) + (df(param_8, param_9) * 4.0); } vec3 processxBR(vec3 color) { vec2 pS = vec2(1.0) / u_texelDelta; vec2 fp = fract(v_texcoord0 * pS); vec2 TexCoord_0 = v_texcoord0 - (fp * u_pixelDelta); vec2 dx = vec2(u_texelDelta.x, 0.0); vec2 dy = vec2(0.0, u_texelDelta.y); vec2 y2 = dy + dy; vec2 x2 = dx + dx; vec3 A = texture(sampler0, (TexCoord_0 - dx) - dy).xyz; vec3 B = texture(sampler0, TexCoord_0 - dy).xyz; vec3 C = texture(sampler0, (TexCoord_0 + dx) - dy).xyz; vec3 D = texture(sampler0, TexCoord_0 - dx).xyz; vec3 E = texture(sampler0, TexCoord_0).xyz; vec3 F = texture(sampler0, TexCoord_0 + dx).xyz; vec3 G = texture(sampler0, (TexCoord_0 - dx) + dy).xyz; vec3 H = texture(sampler0, TexCoord_0 + dy).xyz; vec3 I = texture(sampler0, (TexCoord_0 + dx) + dy).xyz; vec3 A1 = texture(sampler0, (TexCoord_0 - dx) - y2).xyz; vec3 C1 = texture(sampler0, (TexCoord_0 + dx) - y2).xyz; vec3 A0 = texture(sampler0, (TexCoord_0 - x2) - dy).xyz; vec3 G0 = texture(sampler0, (TexCoord_0 - x2) + dy).xyz; vec3 C4 = texture(sampler0, (TexCoord_0 + x2) - dy).xyz; vec3 I4 = texture(sampler0, (TexCoord_0 + x2) + dy).xyz; vec3 G5 = texture(sampler0, (TexCoord_0 - dx) + y2).xyz; vec3 I5 = texture(sampler0, (TexCoord_0 + dx) + y2).xyz; vec3 B1 = texture(sampler0, TexCoord_0 - y2).xyz; vec3 D0 = texture(sampler0, TexCoord_0 - x2).xyz; vec3 H5 = texture(sampler0, TexCoord_0 + y2).xyz; vec3 F4 = texture(sampler0, TexCoord_0 + x2).xyz; vec4 b = vec4(dot(B, vec3(16.1630001068115234375, 23.3509998321533203125, 8.477199554443359375)), dot(D, vec3(16.1630001068115234375, 23.3509998321533203125, 8.477199554443359375)), dot(H, vec3(16.1630001068115234375, 23.3509998321533203125, 8.477199554443359375)), dot(F, vec3(16.1630001068115234375, 23.3509998321533203125, 8.477199554443359375))); vec4 c = vec4(dot(C, vec3(16.1630001068115234375, 23.3509998321533203125, 8.477199554443359375)), dot(A, vec3(16.1630001068115234375, 23.3509998321533203125, 8.477199554443359375)), dot(G, vec3(16.1630001068115234375, 23.3509998321533203125, 8.477199554443359375)), dot(I, vec3(16.1630001068115234375, 23.3509998321533203125, 8.477199554443359375))); vec4 d = vec4(b.y, b.z, b.w, b.x); vec4 e = vec4(dot(E, vec3(16.1630001068115234375, 23.3509998321533203125, 8.477199554443359375))); vec4 f = vec4(b.w, b.x, b.y, b.z); vec4 g = vec4(c.z, c.w, c.x, c.y); vec4 h = vec4(b.z, b.w, b.x, b.y); vec4 i = vec4(c.w, c.x, c.y, c.z); vec4 i4 = vec4(dot(I4, vec3(16.1630001068115234375, 23.3509998321533203125, 8.477199554443359375)), dot(C1, vec3(16.1630001068115234375, 23.3509998321533203125, 8.4771995544
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.10.2 2023-11-11 Jump to invalid address: 00000080
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.10.2 2023-11-11 Jump to invalid address: 00ff8000
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.16.6 2023-11-10 Unexpected mpeg first timestamp: fffffffffff / 17592186044415
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.16.6 2023-11-08 Branch in Jump delay slot at 08e1afd0 in block starting at 08e1a580
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.16.6 2023-11-08 Jump to invalid address: 0386be20
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.16.6 2023-11-08 Branch in Jump delay slot at 08e1afb0 in block starting at 08e1a580
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.16.6 2023-11-08 Jump to invalid address: 029fe2a0
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.16.6 2023-11-08 Jump to invalid address: 0386bf20
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.16.6 2023-11-08 Branch in Jump delay slot at 08e1af90 in block starting at 08e1a580
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.16.6 2023-11-08 Jump to invalid address: 0386c020
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.16.6 2023-11-08 Jump to invalid address: 02a0ac60
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.16.6 2023-11-08 Jump to invalid address: 056ffda0
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.16.6 2023-11-08 Branch in Jump delay slot at 08e1af70 in block starting at 08e1a580
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.16.6 2023-11-08 Jump to invalid address: 038695a0
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.16.6 2023-11-08 Jump to invalid address: 029bcc40
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.16.6 2023-11-08 Branch in Jump delay slot at 08e1af58 in block starting at 08e1a580
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.16.6 2023-11-08 Jump to invalid address: 0270c5f0
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.16.6 2023-11-08 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 00000001
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.16.6 2023-11-08 Jump to invalid address: 0386c000
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.16.6 2023-11-08 Branch in Jump delay slot at 08e1af48 in block starting at 08e1a580
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.16.6 2023-11-08 Branch in Jump delay slot at 08e1af44 in block starting at 08e1a580
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.16.6 2023-11-08 Jump to invalid address: 0386c120
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.16.6 2023-11-08 Branch in Jump delay slot at 08e1af40 in block starting at 08e1a580
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.16.6 2023-11-03 __KernelStopThread: thread 337 does not exist (helper deleted)
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.15.3 2023-10-30 Unknown GetPointerWrite 0000000e PC 08a02afc LR 0887138c
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.16.6 2023-10-15 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 01010101
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.16.6 2023-10-15 Unknown GetPointerWrite 00000009 PC 08a02afc LR 08efedbc
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.14.2 2024-02-26 UI scissor out of bounds in GamePauseScreen: 814,13-200,587 / 600,1024
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.14.2 2024-02-26 UI scissor out of bounds in GamePauseScreen: 0,13-808,587 / 600,1024
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.12.3 2023-10-12 Unknown GetPointer 00000000 PC 088287f8 LR 08828800
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.14.2 2023-10-12 UI scissor out of bounds in GameSettingsScreen: 0,102-494,2237 / 843,1440
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.14.2 2023-10-12 UI scissor out of bounds in GameSettingsScreen: 196,0-1233,844 / 843,1440
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.14.2 2023-11-03 Unknown GetPointer 00003300 PC 0884d7b4 LR 0884d7d4
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.14.2 2023-09-18 Unknown GetPointer 00002900 PC 0884d7b4 LR 0884d7d4
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.14.2 2024-04-12 UI scissor out of bounds in GamePauseScreen: 456,13-134,1011 / 1024,600
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.14.2 2024-04-12 UI scissor out of bounds in GamePauseScreen: 0,13-450,1011 / 1024,600
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.14.2 2024-04-12 UI scissor out of bounds in GamePauseScreen: 1389,7-342,344 / 1024,600
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.14.2 2024-04-12 UI scissor out of bounds in GamePauseScreen: 0,7-1378,344 / 1024,600
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.10.2 2023-09-09 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 06efe100
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.10.2 2023-09-09 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 0009ffff
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.10.2 2023-11-11 Unknown GetPointer 00000000 PC 08824a58 LR 088113dc
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.16.6 2023-10-15 Unknown GetPointerWrite 00000001 PC 08a02afc LR 0887138c
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.15.4 2023-09-10 807f00fd=sceMp3Init(00000000): invalid bitrate v3 l0 rate 000f
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.15.4 2023-08-18 Unknown GetPointer 00000000 PC 0881c2d8 LR 0881c2e8
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.15.4 2023-11-03 Unknown GetPointer 00001b00 PC 0884d7b4 LR 0884d7d4
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.15.4 2023-08-15 Unknown GetPointer 000ffb8e PC 0884d7b4 LR 0884d7d4
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.15.4 2023-08-14 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 775f6174
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.15.4 2023-08-14 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 73697361
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.15.4 2023-08-14 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 746e6166
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.15.4 2023-08-14 Branch in Jump delay slot at 08d27818 in block starting at 08d1c958
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.15.4 2023-08-14 Jump to invalid address: 034b3a00
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.15.4 2023-08-14 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 000003fc
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.15.4 2023-08-14 Jump to invalid address: 0349e000
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.15.4 2023-08-12 Unknown GetPointer 00002bf6 PC 0881c428 LR 0881c438
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.15.4 2023-08-09 Branch in branch delay slot at 00010060 with different target
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.15.4 2023-08-09 Jump to invalid address: 0f2e6064
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.15.4 2023-08-09 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 02a408b8
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.15.4 2023-08-09 Jump to invalid address: 0650cee0
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.15.4 2023-08-09 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 05360606
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.15.4 2023-08-09 Jump to invalid address: 07290200
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.15.4 2023-08-09 Jump to invalid address: 073fc840
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.15.4 2023-12-17 Unknown GetPointer 0000ab01 PC 0881c428 LR 0881c438
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.15.4 2023-08-05 Unknown GetPointer 0002fb01 PC 0881c428 LR 0881c438
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.15.4 2023-08-04 Unknown GetPointer 00605d3a PC 0884d7b4 LR 0884d7d4