Recent logs - The Sims™ 2

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Game title Version Latest Report Message
The Sims™ 2 v1.17.1 2024-11-24 sceKernelLoadModule: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=09fffec0, pos=0, access=1, data=2, text=2
The Sims™ 2 v1.17.1 2024-11-24 sceKernelLoadModule: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=09fffec0, pos=0, access=1, data=1, text=1
The Sims™ 2 v1.17.1 2024-11-24 sceSasSetADSRMode(08acd140, 30, 15, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000): invalid modes
The Sims™ 2 v1.17.1 2024-11-24 sceSasSetADSRMode(08acd140, 29, 15, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000): invalid modes
The Sims™ 2 v1.17.1 2024-11-24 sceSasSetADSRMode(08acd140, 28, 15, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000): invalid modes
The Sims™ 2 v1.17.1 2024-11-24 sceSasSetADSRMode(08acd140, 27, 15, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000): invalid modes
The Sims™ 2 v1.17.1 2024-11-24 sceSasSetADSRMode(08acd140, 26, 15, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000): invalid modes
The Sims™ 2 v1.17.1 2024-11-24 sceSasSetADSRMode(08acd140, 25, 15, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000): invalid modes
The Sims™ 2 v1.17.1 2024-11-24 sceSasSetADSRMode(08acd140, 24, 15, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000): invalid modes
The Sims™ 2 v1.17.1 2024-11-24 sceSasSetADSRMode(08acd140, 23, 15, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000): invalid modes
The Sims™ 2 v1.17.1 2024-11-24 sceSasSetADSRMode(08acd140, 22, 15, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000): invalid modes
The Sims™ 2 v1.17.1 2024-08-21 WriteToHardware: Invalid address 00000300 near PC 088b53c0 LR 088b53c0
The Sims™ 2 v1.17.1 2024-08-21 ReadFromHardware: Invalid address 00000300 near PC 08836f98 LR 08837020
The Sims™ 2 v1.11.3 2024-05-31 sceKernelCreateSema(SNDMUTEX) unsupported options parameter, size = 19536
The Sims™ 2 v1.11.3 2024-05-31 sceKernelCreateSema(RealMutex) unsupported options parameter, size = 145983264
The Sims™ 2 v1.11.3 2024-05-31 sceKernelCreateSema(RealMutex) unsupported options parameter, size = 145971944
The Sims™ 2 v1.11.3 2024-05-31 sceKernelLoadModule: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=08a1f518, pos=0, access=1, data=2, text=2
The Sims™ 2 v1.11.3 2024-05-31 Module linking debug info: sceNetIfhandle_driver ver=0000, flags=0009, size=5, numVars=0, numFuncs=10, nidData=0822f114, firstSym=0822ee1c, varData=00000000, extra=00000000 sceMemab_driver ver=0000, flags=0001, size=5, numVars=0, numFuncs=11, nidData=0822f0e8, firstSym=0822edc4, varData=00000000, extra=00000000 SysclibForKernel ver=0000, flags=0001, size=5, numVars=0, numFuncs=3, nidData=0822f098, firstSym=0822ed24, varData=00000000, extra=00000000 ThreadManForKernel ver=0000, flags=0001, size=5, numVars=0, numFuncs=17, nidData=0822f0a4, firstSym=0822ed3c, varData=00000000, extra=00000000 InterruptManagerForKernel ver=0000, flags=0009, size=5, numVars=0, numFuncs=2, nidData=0822f090, firstSym=0822ed14, varData=00000000, extra=00000000
The Sims™ 2 v1.11.3 2024-05-31 Module linking debug info: ThreadManForKernel ver=0000, flags=0001, size=5, numVars=0, numFuncs=4, nidData=08228844, firstSym=082286c0, varData=00000000, extra=00000000 sceIdStorage_driver ver=0000, flags=0001, size=5, numVars=0, numFuncs=1, nidData=08228854, firstSym=082286e0, varData=00000000, extra=00000000 semaphore ver=0000, flags=0001, size=5, numVars=0, numFuncs=1, nidData=08228858, firstSym=082286e8, varData=00000000, extra=00000000
The Sims™ 2 v1.11.3 2024-05-31 Crazy varData address 01011006, skipping rest of module
The Sims™ 2 v1.11.3 2024-05-31 sceKernelLoadModule: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=08a1f518, pos=0, access=1, data=1, text=1
The Sims™ 2 v1.11.3 2024-05-31 sceKernelCreateSema(RealMutex) unsupported options parameter, size = 145089204
The Sims™ 2 v1.17.1 2024-03-07 VTYPE with morph used: THRU=0 TC=2 COL=0 POS=2 NRM=1 WT=1 NW=6 IDX=1 MC=7
The Sims™ 2 v1.11.3 2024-01-23 sceKernelLoadModule: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=ffffffff, pos=0, access=1, data=2, text=2
The Sims™ 2 v1.16.6 2024-01-23 80630006=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(08baccc0, 80020323): invalid RIFF header
The Sims™ 2 v1.16.6 2023-11-15 Error in shader compilation: info: Compile failed. WARNING: 0:64: 'function_call_constructor@vec4_vec4@12' : used without being initialised WARNING: 0:68: 'function_call_constructor@uint_uint@33' : used without being initialised WARNING: 0:88: 'function_call_constructor@vec3_vec3@99' : used without being initialised WARNING: 0:104: 'function_call_constructor@float_float@141' : used without being initialised WARNING: 4 compilation warnings. 01000000:80050b28 HWX C T N TexProjUV UVMtx Light: LightUberShader Cull #version 130 // Driver: Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator 3600 Series - GLSL 130 #define gl_VertexIndex gl_VertexID #define lowp #define mediump #define highp #define splat3(x) vec3(x) #define mul(x, y) ((x) * (y)) // 01000000:80050b28 HWX C T N TexProjUV UVMtx Light: LightUberShader Cull in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; in vec2 texcoord; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform mediump mat4 u_texmtx; uniform vec4 u_uvscaleoffset; uniform uint u_lightControl; uniform vec3 u_lightpos0; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt0; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir0; uniform mediump vec2 u_lightangle_spotCoef0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular0; uniform vec3 u_lightpos1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir1; uniform mediump vec2 u_lightangle_spotCoef1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular1; uniform vec3 u_lightpos2; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt2; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir2; uniform mediump vec2 u_lightangle_spotCoef2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular2; uniform vec3 u_lightpos3; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt3; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir3; uniform mediump vec2 u_lightangle_spotCoef3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular3; uniform lowp vec4 u_ambient; uniform lowp vec3 u_matdiffuse; uniform lowp vec4 u_matspecular; uniform lowp vec3 u_matemissive; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec2 u_fogcoef; uniform highp vec4 u_depthRange; uniform highp vec4 u_cullRangeMin; uniform highp vec4 u_cullRangeMax; out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump vec3 v_texcoord; out mediump float v_fogdepth; vec3 normalizeOr001(vec3 v) { return length(v) == 0.0 ? vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) : normalize(v); } void main() { vec3 worldpos = mul(vec4(position, 1.0), u_world).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalizeOr001(mul(vec4(normal, 0.0), u_world).xyz); vec4 viewPos = vec4(mul(vec4(worldpos, 1.0), u_view).xyz, 1.0); vec4 outPos = mul(u_proj, viewPos); vec4 ambientColor = ((u_lightControl & (1u << 0x14u)) != 0x0u) ? color0 : u_matambientalpha; vec3 diffuseColor = ((u_lightControl & (1u << 0x15u)) != 0x0u) ? color0.rgb : u_matdiffuse; vec3 specularColor = ((u_lightControl & (1u << 0x16u)) != 0x0u) ? color0.rgb : u_matspecular.rgb; lowp vec4 lightSum0 = u_ambient * ambientColor + vec4(u_matemissive, 0.0); lowp vec3 lightSum1 = splat3(0.0); vec3 toLight; lowp vec3 diffuse; float distance; lowp float lightScale; mediump float ldot; lowp float angle; uint comp; uint type; float attenuation; if ((u_lightControl & 0x1u) != 0x0u) { comp = (u_lightControl >> 0x04u) & 0x3u; type = (u_lightControl >> 0x06u) & 0x3u; toLight = u_lightpos0; if (type != 0x0u) { toLight -= worldpos; distance = length(toLight); toLight /= distance; attenuation = clamp(1.0 / dot(u_lightatt0, vec3(1.0, distance, distance*distance)), 0.0, 1.0); if (type == 0x01u) { lightScale = attenuation; } else { angle = dot(u_lightdir0, toLight); if (angle >= u_lightangle_spotCoef0.x) { lightScale = attenuation * (u_lightangle_spotCoef0.y <= 0.0 ? 1.0 : pow(angle, u_lightangle_spotCoef0.y)); } else { lightScale = 0.0; } } } else { lightScale = 1.0; }
The Sims™ 2 v1.16.6 2023-11-15 Error in shader compilation: info: Compile failed. WARNING: 0:63: 'function_call_constructor@vec4_vec4@12' : used without being initialised WARNING: 0:87: 'function_call_constructor@vec3_vec3@99' : used without being initialised WARNING: 0:103: 'function_call_constructor@float_float@141' : used without being initialised WARNING: 3 compilation warnings. 01000000:80000b28 HWX C T N Light: LightUberShader Cull #version 130 // Driver: Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator 3600 Series - GLSL 130 #define gl_VertexIndex gl_VertexID #define lowp #define mediump #define highp #define splat3(x) vec3(x) #define mul(x, y) ((x) * (y)) // 01000000:80000b28 HWX C T N Light: LightUberShader Cull in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; in vec2 texcoord; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform vec4 u_uvscaleoffset; uniform uint u_lightControl; uniform vec3 u_lightpos0; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt0; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir0; uniform mediump vec2 u_lightangle_spotCoef0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular0; uniform vec3 u_lightpos1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir1; uniform mediump vec2 u_lightangle_spotCoef1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular1; uniform vec3 u_lightpos2; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt2; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir2; uniform mediump vec2 u_lightangle_spotCoef2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular2; uniform vec3 u_lightpos3; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt3; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir3; uniform mediump vec2 u_lightangle_spotCoef3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular3; uniform lowp vec4 u_ambient; uniform lowp vec3 u_matdiffuse; uniform lowp vec4 u_matspecular; uniform lowp vec3 u_matemissive; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec2 u_fogcoef; uniform highp vec4 u_depthRange; uniform highp vec4 u_cullRangeMin; uniform highp vec4 u_cullRangeMax; out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump vec3 v_texcoord; out mediump float v_fogdepth; vec3 normalizeOr001(vec3 v) { return length(v) == 0.0 ? vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) : normalize(v); } void main() { vec3 worldpos = mul(vec4(position, 1.0), u_world).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalizeOr001(mul(vec4(normal, 0.0), u_world).xyz); vec4 viewPos = vec4(mul(vec4(worldpos, 1.0), u_view).xyz, 1.0); vec4 outPos = mul(u_proj, viewPos); vec4 ambientColor = ((u_lightControl & (1u << 0x14u)) != 0x0u) ? color0 : u_matambientalpha; vec3 diffuseColor = ((u_lightControl & (1u << 0x15u)) != 0x0u) ? color0.rgb : u_matdiffuse; vec3 specularColor = ((u_lightControl & (1u << 0x16u)) != 0x0u) ? color0.rgb : u_matspecular.rgb; lowp vec4 lightSum0 = u_ambient * ambientColor + vec4(u_matemissive, 0.0); lowp vec3 lightSum1 = splat3(0.0); vec3 toLight; lowp vec3 diffuse; float distance; lowp float lightScale; mediump float ldot; lowp float angle; uint comp; uint type; float attenuation; if ((u_lightControl & 0x1u) != 0x0u) { comp = (u_lightControl >> 0x04u) & 0x3u; type = (u_lightControl >> 0x06u) & 0x3u; toLight = u_lightpos0; if (type != 0x0u) { toLight -= worldpos; distance = length(toLight); toLight /= distance; attenuation = clamp(1.0 / dot(u_lightatt0, vec3(1.0, distance, distance*distance)), 0.0, 1.0); if (type == 0x01u) { lightScale = attenuation; } else { angle = dot(u_lightdir0, toLight); if (angle >= u_lightangle_spotCoef0.x) { lightScale = attenuation * (u_lightangle_spotCoef0.y <= 0.0 ? 1.0 : pow(angle, u_lightangle_spotCoef0.y)); } else { lightScale = 0.0; } } } else { lightScale = 1.0; } ldot = dot(toLight, worldnormal); if (comp == 0x2u) { ldot = u_matspecular.a > 0.0 ? pow(max(ldot, 0.0), u_matspecular.a) : 1.0; } dif
The Sims™ 2 v1.16.6 2023-10-22 sceKernelLoadModule: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=08caf9fc, pos=0, access=1, data=1, text=1
The Sims™ 2 v1.16.6 2023-10-22 sceKernelLoadModule: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=0892b22c, pos=0, access=1, data=2, text=2
The Sims™ 2 v1.16.6 2023-10-17 sceGeBreak(mode=0, unknown=08dfeba8): unknown ptr (valid)
The Sims™ 2 v1.16.6 2024-01-23 Video out requested, not supported: mode=0 size=0,0
The Sims™ 2 v1.15.4 2023-10-15 ReadFromHardware: Invalid address 00000300 near PC 088b535c LR 08837020
The Sims™ 2 v1.15.4 2023-09-28 ReadFromHardware: Invalid address 00000004 near PC 089364c4 LR 08936908
The Sims™ 2 v1.15.4 2023-09-28 ReadFromHardware: Invalid address 00000011 near PC 089148c4 LR 08914890
The Sims™ 2 v1.15.4 2023-09-06 Error in shader compilation: info: 0:1: F0002: Mali-400 GP register allocation failed for vertex shader. Please contact [email protected] with the shader causing the problem, along with this error message. Mali online shader compiler r8p0-00dev0 [Revision 96995]. 01710444:00050b20 HWX T N TexProjUV UVMtx Light: 0: c:0 t:1 1: c:0 t:1 2: c:0 t:1 MatUp:1 Cull #version 100 // Driver: Mali-400 MP - GLSL 100 precision highp float; #define gl_VertexIndex gl_VertexID #define splat3(x) vec3(x) #define mul(x, y) ((x) * (y)) // 01710444:00050b20 HWX T N TexProjUV UVMtx Light: 0: c:0 t:1 1: c:0 t:1 2: c:0 t:1 MatUp:1 Cull attribute vec3 position; attribute mediump vec3 normal; attribute vec2 texcoord; uniform mat4 u_proj; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform mediump mat4 u_texmtx; uniform vec4 u_uvscaleoffset; uniform vec3 u_lightpos0; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse0; uniform vec3 u_lightpos1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse1; uniform vec3 u_lightpos2; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse2; uniform lowp vec4 u_ambient; uniform lowp vec3 u_matdiffuse; uniform lowp vec4 u_matspecular; uniform lowp vec3 u_matemissive; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec2 u_fogcoef; uniform highp vec4 u_depthRange; uniform highp vec4 u_cullRangeMin; uniform highp vec4 u_cullRangeMax; varying lowp vec4 v_color0; varying mediump vec3 v_texcoord; varying mediump float v_fogdepth; vec3 normalizeOr001(vec3 v) { return length(v) == 0.0 ? vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) : normalize(v); } void main() { vec3 worldpos = mul(vec4(position, 1.0), u_world).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalizeOr001(mul(vec4(normal, 0.0), u_world).xyz); vec4 viewPos = vec4(mul(vec4(worldpos, 1.0), u_view).xyz, 1.0); vec4 outPos = mul(u_proj, viewPos); vec4 ambientColor = u_matambientalpha; vec3 diffuseColor = u_matdiffuse.rgb; vec3 specularColor = u_matspecular.rgb; lowp vec4 lightSum0 = u_ambient * ambientColor + vec4(u_matemissive, 0.0); vec3 toLight; lowp vec3 diffuse; float distance; lowp float lightScale; mediump float ldot; toLight = u_lightpos0 - worldpos; distance = length(toLight); toLight /= distance; ldot = dot(toLight, worldnormal); lightScale = clamp(1.0 / dot(u_lightatt0, vec3(1.0, distance, distance*distance)), 0.0, 1.0); diffuse = (u_lightdiffuse0 * diffuseColor) * max(ldot, 0.0); lightSum0.rgb += (u_lightambient0 * ambientColor.rgb + diffuse) * lightScale; toLight = u_lightpos1 - worldpos; distance = length(toLight); toLight /= distance; ldot = dot(toLight, worldnormal); lightScale = clamp(1.0 / dot(u_lightatt1, vec3(1.0, distance, distance*distance)), 0.0, 1.0); diffuse = (u_lightdiffuse1 * diffuseColor) * max(ldot, 0.0); lightSum0.rgb += (u_lightambient1 * ambientColor.rgb + diffuse) * lightScale; toLight = u_lightpos2 - worldpos; distance = length(toLight); toLight /= distance; ldot = dot(toLight, worldnormal); lightScale = clamp(1.0 / dot(u_lightatt2, vec3(1.0, distance, distance*distance)), 0.0, 1.0); diffuse = (u_lightdiffuse2 * diffuseColor) * max(ldot, 0.0); lightSum0.rgb += (u_lightambient2 * ambientColor.rgb + diffuse) * lightScale; v_color0 = clamp(lightSum0, 0.0, 1.0); v_texcoord = mul(vec4(texcoord.xy, 0.0, 1.0), u_texmtx).xyz * vec3(u_uvscaleoffset.xy, 1.0); v_fogdepth = (viewPos.z + u_fogcoef.x) * u_fogcoef.y; vec3 projPos = / outPos.w; float projZ = (projPos.z - u_depthRange.z) * u_depthRange.w; if (u_cullRangeMin.w <= 0.0 || projZ * outPos.w > -outPos.w) { if ((projPos.x < u_cullRangeMin.x || projPos.y < u_cullRangeMin.y) || (projPos.x > u_cullRangeMax.x || projPos.y > u_cullRangeMax.y)) { outPos.xyzw = u_cullRangeMax.wwww; } } if (u_cullRangeMin.w <= 0.0) { if (projPos.z < u_cullRangeMin.z || projPos.z > u_cullRangeMax.z) { outPos.xyzw = u_cullRangeMax.wwww;
The Sims™ 2 v1.15.4 2023-09-04 Error in shader compilation: info: 0:1: F0002: Mali-400 GP register allocation failed for vertex shader. Please contact [email protected] with the shader causing the problem, along with this error message. Mali online shader compiler r8p0-00dev0 [Revision 96995]. 01f14444:00050b28 HWX C T N TexProjUV UVMtx Light: 0: c:0 t:1 1: c:0 t:1 2: c:0 t:1 3: c:0 t:1 MatUp:1 Cull #version 100 // Driver: Mali-400 MP - GLSL 100 precision highp float; #define gl_VertexIndex gl_VertexID #define splat3(x) vec3(x) #define mul(x, y) ((x) * (y)) // 01f14444:00050b28 HWX C T N TexProjUV UVMtx Light: 0: c:0 t:1 1: c:0 t:1 2: c:0 t:1 3: c:0 t:1 MatUp:1 Cull attribute vec3 position; attribute mediump vec3 normal; attribute vec2 texcoord; attribute lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform mediump mat4 u_texmtx; uniform vec4 u_uvscaleoffset; uniform vec3 u_lightpos0; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse0; uniform vec3 u_lightpos1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse1; uniform vec3 u_lightpos2; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse2; uniform vec3 u_lightpos3; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse3; uniform lowp vec4 u_ambient; uniform lowp vec3 u_matdiffuse; uniform lowp vec4 u_matspecular; uniform lowp vec3 u_matemissive; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec2 u_fogcoef; uniform highp vec4 u_depthRange; uniform highp vec4 u_cullRangeMin; uniform highp vec4 u_cullRangeMax; varying lowp vec4 v_color0; varying mediump vec3 v_texcoord; varying mediump float v_fogdepth; vec3 normalizeOr001(vec3 v) { return length(v) == 0.0 ? vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) : normalize(v); } void main() { vec3 worldpos = mul(vec4(position, 1.0), u_world).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalizeOr001(mul(vec4(normal, 0.0), u_world).xyz); vec4 viewPos = vec4(mul(vec4(worldpos, 1.0), u_view).xyz, 1.0); vec4 outPos = mul(u_proj, viewPos); vec4 ambientColor = color0; vec3 diffuseColor = u_matdiffuse.rgb; vec3 specularColor = u_matspecular.rgb; lowp vec4 lightSum0 = u_ambient * ambientColor + vec4(u_matemissive, 0.0); vec3 toLight; lowp vec3 diffuse; float distance; lowp float lightScale; mediump float ldot; toLight = u_lightpos0 - worldpos; distance = length(toLight); toLight /= distance; ldot = dot(toLight, worldnormal); lightScale = clamp(1.0 / dot(u_lightatt0, vec3(1.0, distance, distance*distance)), 0.0, 1.0); diffuse = (u_lightdiffuse0 * diffuseColor) * max(ldot, 0.0); lightSum0.rgb += (u_lightambient0 * ambientColor.rgb + diffuse) * lightScale; toLight = u_lightpos1 - worldpos; distance = length(toLight); toLight /= distance; ldot = dot(toLight, worldnormal); lightScale = clamp(1.0 / dot(u_lightatt1, vec3(1.0, distance, distance*distance)), 0.0, 1.0); diffuse = (u_lightdiffuse1 * diffuseColor) * max(ldot, 0.0); lightSum0.rgb += (u_lightambient1 * ambientColor.rgb + diffuse) * lightScale; toLight = u_lightpos2 - worldpos; distance = length(toLight); toLight /= distance; ldot = dot(toLight, worldnormal); lightScale = clamp(1.0 / dot(u_lightatt2, vec3(1.0, distance, distance*distance)), 0.0, 1.0); diffuse = (u_lightdiffuse2 * diffuseColor) * max(ldot, 0.0); lightSum0.rgb += (u_lightambient2 * ambientColor.rgb + diffuse) * lightScale; toLight = u_lightpos3 - worldpos; distance = length(toLight); toLight /= distance; ldot = dot(toLight, worldnormal); lightScale = clamp(1.0 / dot(u_lightatt3, vec3(1.0, distance, distance*distance)), 0.0, 1.0); diffuse = (u_lightdiffuse3 * diffuseColor) * max(ldot, 0.0); lightSum0.rgb += (u_lightambient3 * ambientColor.rgb + diffuse) * lightScale; v_color0 = clamp(lightSum0, 0.0, 1.0); v_texcoord = mul(vec4(texcoord.xy, 0.0, 1.0), u_texmtx).xyz * vec3(u_uvscaleoffset.xy, 1.0); v_fogdepth = (viewPos.z
The Sims™ 2 v1.16.6 2023-10-17 GE Interrupt: newState might be 1
The Sims™ 2 v1.12.3 2023-07-28 GE Interrupt: newState might be 0
The Sims™ 2 v1.12.3 2023-07-28 GE Interrupt: newState might be 7
The Sims™ 2 v1.15.4 2023-06-30 __KernelStopThread: thread 374 does not exist (helper deleted)
The Sims™ 2 v1.14.4 2023-04-26 sceKernelLoadModuleByID: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=08b62c38, pos=0, access=1, data=2, text=2
The Sims™ 2 v1.14.4 2023-04-19 sceKernelLoadModule: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=0898786c, pos=0, access=1, data=2, text=2
The Sims™ 2 v1.14.4 2023-04-19 sceKernelLoadModule: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=0898786c, pos=0, access=1, data=1, text=1
The Sims™ 2 v1.14.4 2023-04-11 Error in shader compilation: info: 0:1: F0002: Mali-400 GP register allocation failed for vertex shader. Please contact [email protected] with the shader causing the problem, along with this error message. Mali online shader compiler r10p0-00dev0 [Revision 96995]. 01f14444:00050b38 HWX C T N Tex TexProjUV UVMtx Light: 0: c:0 t:1 1: c:0 t:1 2: c:0 t:1 3: c:0 t:1 MatUp:1 Cull #version 100 // Driver: Mali-400 MP - GLSL 100 precision highp float; #define gl_VertexIndex gl_VertexID #define splat3(x) vec3(x) #define mul(x, y) ((x) * (y)) // 01f14444:00050b38 HWX C T N Tex TexProjUV UVMtx Light: 0: c:0 t:1 1: c:0 t:1 2: c:0 t:1 3: c:0 t:1 MatUp:1 Cull attribute vec3 position; attribute mediump vec3 normal; attribute vec2 texcoord; attribute lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform mediump mat4 u_texmtx; uniform vec4 u_uvscaleoffset; uniform vec3 u_lightpos0; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse0; uniform vec3 u_lightpos1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse1; uniform vec3 u_lightpos2; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse2; uniform vec3 u_lightpos3; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse3; uniform lowp vec4 u_ambient; uniform lowp vec3 u_matdiffuse; uniform lowp vec4 u_matspecular; uniform lowp vec3 u_matemissive; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec2 u_fogcoef; uniform highp vec4 u_depthRange; uniform highp vec4 u_cullRangeMin; uniform highp vec4 u_cullRangeMax; varying lowp vec4 v_color0; varying mediump vec3 v_texcoord; varying mediump float v_fogdepth; vec3 normalizeOr001(vec3 v) { return length(v) == 0.0 ? vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) : normalize(v); } void main() { vec3 worldpos = mul(vec4(position, 1.0), u_world).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalizeOr001(mul(vec4(normal, 0.0), u_world).xyz); vec4 viewPos = vec4(mul(vec4(worldpos, 1.0), u_view).xyz, 1.0); vec4 outPos = mul(u_proj, viewPos); vec4 ambientColor = color0; vec3 diffuseColor = u_matdiffuse.rgb; vec3 specularColor = u_matspecular.rgb; lowp vec4 lightSum0 = u_ambient * ambientColor + vec4(u_matemissive, 0.0); vec3 toLight; lowp vec3 diffuse; float distance; lowp float lightScale; mediump float ldot; toLight = u_lightpos0 - worldpos; distance = length(toLight); toLight /= distance; ldot = dot(toLight, worldnormal); lightScale = clamp(1.0 / dot(u_lightatt0, vec3(1.0, distance, distance*distance)), 0.0, 1.0); diffuse = (u_lightdiffuse0 * diffuseColor) * max(ldot, 0.0); lightSum0.rgb += (u_lightambient0 * ambientColor.rgb + diffuse) * lightScale; toLight = u_lightpos1 - worldpos; distance = length(toLight); toLight /= distance; ldot = dot(toLight, worldnormal); lightScale = clamp(1.0 / dot(u_lightatt1, vec3(1.0, distance, distance*distance)), 0.0, 1.0); diffuse = (u_lightdiffuse1 * diffuseColor) * max(ldot, 0.0); lightSum0.rgb += (u_lightambient1 * ambientColor.rgb + diffuse) * lightScale; toLight = u_lightpos2 - worldpos; distance = length(toLight); toLight /= distance; ldot = dot(toLight, worldnormal); lightScale = clamp(1.0 / dot(u_lightatt2, vec3(1.0, distance, distance*distance)), 0.0, 1.0); diffuse = (u_lightdiffuse2 * diffuseColor) * max(ldot, 0.0); lightSum0.rgb += (u_lightambient2 * ambientColor.rgb + diffuse) * lightScale; toLight = u_lightpos3 - worldpos; distance = length(toLight); toLight /= distance; ldot = dot(toLight, worldnormal); lightScale = clamp(1.0 / dot(u_lightatt3, vec3(1.0, distance, distance*distance)), 0.0, 1.0); diffuse = (u_lightdiffuse3 * diffuseColor) * max(ldot, 0.0); lightSum0.rgb += (u_lightambient3 * ambientColor.rgb + diffuse) * lightScale; v_color0 = clamp(lightSum0, 0.0, 1.0); v_texcoord = mul(vec4(texcoord.xy, 0.0, 1.0), u_texmtx).xyz * vec3(u_uvscaleoffset.xy, 1.0); v_fogdepth = (
The Sims™ 2 v1.14.4 2023-04-05 Truncating vertex count from 29685 to 21845
The Sims™ 2 v1.14.4 2023-04-05 Truncating vertex count from 22218 to 21845
The Sims™ 2 v1.6.3 2023-03-26 Error in shader program link: info: Link Error: Vertex shader is missing. Link Error: Fragment shader is missing. fs: 00000000:0080d022 Tex TexAlpha 2x TFuncMod AlphaTest > #version 100 precision lowp float; uniform sampler2D tex; uniform sampler2D testtex; varying vec4 v_color0; varying highp vec3 v_texcoord; void main() { vec4 t = texture2D(tex, v_texcoord.xy); vec4 p = v_color0; vec4 v = p * t; float aResult = texture2D(testtex, vec2(v.a * 0.996094 + 0.001953, 0)).a; if (aResult < 0.5) discard; v.rgb = v.rgb * 2.0; gl_FragColor = v; } vs: 01310000:00000b10 HWX T N Tex Light: 0: c:0 t:0 1: c:0 t:0 MatUp:1 #version 100 precision highp float; attribute vec3 position; attribute mediump vec3 normal; attribute vec2 texcoord; uniform mat4 u_proj; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform vec4 u_uvscaleoffset; uniform vec3 u_lightpos0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse0; uniform vec3 u_lightpos1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse1; uniform lowp vec4 u_ambient; uniform lowp vec3 u_matdiffuse; uniform lowp vec4 u_matspecular; uniform lowp vec3 u_matemissive; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; varying lowp vec4 v_color0; varying highp vec3 v_texcoord; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; lowp vec4 lightSum0 = u_ambient * u_matambientalpha + vec4(u_matemissive, 0.0); vec3 toLight; lowp vec3 diffuse; mediump float ldot; toLight = u_lightpos0; ldot = max(dot(toLight, worldnormal), 0.0); diffuse = (u_lightdiffuse0 * u_matdiffuse) * ldot; lightSum0.rgb += (u_lightambient0 * u_matambientalpha.rgb + diffuse); toLight = u_lightpos1; ldot = max(dot(toLight, worldnormal), 0.0); diffuse = (u_lightdiffuse1 * u_matdiffuse) * ldot; lightSum0.rgb += (u_lightambient1 * u_matambientalpha.rgb + diffuse); v_color0 = clamp(lightSum0, 0.0, 1.0); v_texcoord = vec3(texcoord.xy * u_uvscaleoffset.xy, 0.0); }
The Sims™ 2 v1.14.4 2023-02-22 Unknown GetPointer 00000000 PC 0891e4e4 LR 0891e520
The Sims™ 2 v1.14.4 2023-02-07 Truncating vertex count from 34647 to 21845
The Sims™ 2 v1.14.2 2023-01-23 UI scissor out of bounds in GamePauseScreen: 721,33-334,2427 / 2460,1080
The Sims™ 2 v1.14.2 2023-01-23 UI scissor out of bounds in GamePauseScreen: 115,33-590,2427 / 2460,1080
The Sims™ 2 v1.14.2 2023-01-23 UI scissor out of bounds in GamePauseScreen: 1935,148-500,932 / 1080,2460
The Sims™ 2 v1.14.2 2023-01-23 UI scissor out of bounds in GamePauseScreen: 0,148-1919,932 / 1080,2460
The Sims™ 2 v1.14.2 2023-04-29 Attempting to texture from current render target (src=04000000 / target=04000000 / flags=7), making a copy
The Sims™ 2 v1.14.2 2023-01-23 UI scissor out of bounds in CwCheatScreen: 798,0-282,2460 / 2460,1080
The Sims™ 2 v1.14.2 2023-01-23 UI scissor out of bounds in CwCheatScreen: 683,115-1777,965 / 1080,2460
The Sims™ 2 v1.14.2 2023-01-23 UI scissor out of bounds in GameSettingsScreen: 350,115-2094,965 / 1080,2460
The Sims™ 2 v1.18.1 2025-02-11 sceNetAdhocMatchingInit(131072) at 0889e5ac
The Sims™ 2 v1.12.3 2022-03-24 ReadFromHardware: Invalid address 3dd7c6e0 near PC 3dd7c6e0 LR 3dd7c6e0
The Sims™ 2 v1.11.3 2022-01-29 Jump to invalid address: 02be6340 PC 08adf444 LR 00000000
The Sims™ 2 v1.11.3 2022-01-29 Jump to invalid address: 02c4bcb0 PC 08adf440 LR 00000000
The Sims™ 2 v1.11.3 2022-01-29 Jump to invalid address: 02be5c20 PC 08adf438 LR 00000000
The Sims™ 2 v1.11.3 2022-01-29 Jump to invalid address: 02c4bc88 PC 08adf434 LR 00000000
The Sims™ 2 v1.11.3 2022-01-29 Jump to invalid address: 02be5320 PC 08adf42c LR 00000000
The Sims™ 2 v1.11.3 2022-01-29 Jump to invalid address: 02c4bc70 PC 08adf428 LR 00000000
The Sims™ 2 v1.11.3 2022-01-29 Failed decrypting the PRX (ret = -1, size = 2567365, psp_size = 2567712)!
The Sims™ 2 v1.12.3 2023-09-09 An uneaten prefix at end of block: 08a0d770
The Sims™ 2 v1.12.3 2021-11-29 An uneaten prefix at end of block: 089be064
The Sims™ 2 v1.11.3 2021-11-20 sceKernelLoadModuleByID: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=00000000, pos=0, access=1, data=1, text=1
The Sims™ 2 v1.11.3 2021-08-17 sceKernelCreateSema(RealSignal) unsupported options parameter, size = 612
The Sims™ 2 v1.11.3 2021-08-17 sceKernelCreateSema(SNDMUTEX) unsupported options parameter, size = 144853504
The Sims™ 2 v1.11.3 2021-08-17 sceKernelCreateSema(SNDMUTEX) unsupported options parameter, size = 146692488
The Sims™ 2 v1.11.3 2021-08-17 sceKernelCreateSema(RealMutex) unsupported options parameter, size = 145502672
The Sims™ 2 v1.11.3 2021-08-17 sceKernelCreateSema(RealMutex) unsupported options parameter, size = 145558236
The Sims™ 2 v1.11.3 2021-08-17 sceKernelCreateSema(RealMutex) unsupported options parameter, size = 145549884
The Sims™ 2 v1.11.3 2021-08-15 avcodec_decode_audio4: Error decoding audio -1094995529 / bebbb1b7
The Sims™ 2 v1.11.3 2021-03-11 sceGeBreak(mode=0, unknown=08ce04ac): unknown ptr (valid)
The Sims™ 2 v1.11.1 2021-02-14 sceGeBreak(mode=0, unknown=08ce050c): unknown ptr (valid)
The Sims™ 2 v1.10.3 2021-01-16 sceKernelLoadModuleByID: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=00000000, pos=0, access=1, data=2, text=2
The Sims™ 2 v1.13.2 2024-08-14 VTYPE with morph used: THRU=0 TC=2 COL=0 POS=2 NRM=1 WT=1 NW=8 IDX=1 MC=4
The Sims™ 2 v1.10.3 2020-10-29 sceKernelLoadModule: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=089d33b8, pos=0, access=1, data=2, text=2
The Sims™ 2 v1.11.3 2024-05-31 sceKernelCreateThread(name=sceMemab): unsupported attributes 00001006
The Sims™ 2 v1.10.3 2020-10-29 sceKernelLoadModule: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=088eb174, pos=0, access=1, data=1, text=1
The Sims™ 2 v1.11.3 2024-05-31 sceKernelCreateThread(name=sceNetIfhandle_Service): unsupported attributes 00001006
The Sims™ 2 v1.10.3 2020-10-29 Ignoring func export sceNetIfhandle/fd8585e1, already implemented in HLE.
The Sims™ 2 v1.10.1 2020-09-12 sceKernelCreateSema(SNDMUTEX) unsupported options parameter, size = 159909552
The Sims™ 2 v1.10.1 2020-09-12 RET: Stack empty!
The Sims™ 2 v1.16.6 2023-10-22 sceKernelLoadModule: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=08c98210, pos=0, access=1, data=2, text=2
The Sims™ 2 v1.11.3 2024-05-31 sceKernelCreateThread(name=sceNetAdhocAuth_Service): unsupported attributes 00001006
The Sims™ 2 v1.10.3 2020-10-29 Unknown syscall in known module 'ThreadManForKernel': 0x293b45b8
The Sims™ 2 v1.10.3 2020-10-29 Unknown syscall in known module 'ThreadManForKernel': 0x7e65b999
The Sims™ 2 v1.10.3 2020-10-29 Unknown syscall in known module 'ThreadManForKernel': 0x6652b8ca
The Sims™ 2 v1.10.3 2020-10-29 Unknown syscall in known module 'ThreadManForKernel': 0x18260574
The Sims™ 2 v1.10.3 2020-10-29 Unknown syscall in known module 'ThreadManForKernel': 0xe9b3061e
The Sims™ 2 v1.10.3 2020-10-29 Unknown syscall in known module 'ThreadManForKernel': 0x86255ada
The Sims™ 2 v1.10.3 2020-10-29 Unknown syscall in known module 'ThreadManForKernel': 0x8125221d
The Sims™ 2 v1.9.4 2023-06-26 GL ran out of GPU memory; switching to low memory mode
The Sims™ 2 v1.9.4 2024-05-29 Unknown GetPointer 00000000 PC 08000000 LR 08000000
The Sims™ 2 v1.9.4 2023-04-20 Unknown GetPointer 00000000 PC 08904ec8 LR 08904ec8
The Sims™ 2 v1.9.4 2023-10-24 Unknown GetPointer 00000000 PC 088fbf14 LR 08000020