Recent logs - Radiant Mythology

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Game title Version Latest Report Message
Radiant Mythology v1.9.3 2024-06-25 Ignoring possible render to texture at 04166000 +0x112 / 480x272
Radiant Mythology v1.9.0 2023-03-15 Ignoring possible render to texture at 04164000 +0x120 / 480x272
Radiant Mythology v1.9.0 2023-03-14 Render to area containing texture at 0417c000 +0x8
Radiant Mythology v1.17.1 2024-06-14 sceNetAdhocMatchingInit(163840) at 08ae89f4
Radiant Mythology v1.13.1 2022-09-09 sceKernelCreateThread(name=god_g998_Result): unsupported attributes 00000006
Radiant Mythology v1.13.1 2022-09-09 sceKernelCreateThread(name=creature_zako_walker): unsupported attributes 00000006
Radiant Mythology v1.9.4 2022-07-16 Ignoring possible render to texture at 0416a000 +0x48 / 480x272
Radiant Mythology v1.12.3 2021-10-26 Jump to invalid address: 02fee9d0 PC 08c00100 LR 08b23d6c
Radiant Mythology v1.12.3 2021-10-26 Jump to invalid address: 03000410 PC 08c000fc LR 08b23d6c
Radiant Mythology v1.12.3 2021-10-26 Jump to invalid address: 03481760 PC 08c000f8 LR 08b23d6c
Radiant Mythology v1.12.3 2021-10-26 Jump to invalid address: 030152a0 PC 08c000f4 LR 08b23d6c
Radiant Mythology v1.12.3 2021-10-26 Jump to invalid address: 03000450 PC 08c000f0 LR 08b23d6c
Radiant Mythology v1.12.3 2021-10-26 Jump to invalid address: 03481760 PC 08c000ec LR 08b23d6c
Radiant Mythology v1.12.3 2021-10-26 Jump to invalid address: 030152a0 PC 08c000e8 LR 08b23d6c
Radiant Mythology v1.12.3 2021-10-26 Jump to invalid address: 03000490 PC 08c000e4 LR 08b23d6c
Radiant Mythology v1.12.3 2021-10-26 Jump to invalid address: 03481760 PC 08c000e0 LR 08b23d6c
Radiant Mythology v1.12.3 2021-10-26 Jump to invalid address: 02c58020 PC 08c00054 LR 08b23d6c
Radiant Mythology v1.12.3 2021-10-26 Jump to invalid address: 02c57c00 PC 08c00050 LR 08b23d6c
Radiant Mythology v1.12.3 2021-10-26 Jump to invalid address: 02c56ea0 PC 08c0004c LR 08b23d6c
Radiant Mythology v1.12.3 2021-10-26 Jump to invalid address: 02c58f30 PC 08c00048 LR 08b23d6c
Radiant Mythology v1.12.3 2021-10-26 Jump to invalid address: 027c4bf0 PC 08c00044 LR 08b23d6c
Radiant Mythology v1.12.3 2021-10-26 Jump to invalid address: 02c56e40 PC 08c00040 LR 08b23d6c
Radiant Mythology v1.12.3 2021-10-26 Jump to invalid address: 02c587d0 PC 08c0003c LR 08b23d6c
Radiant Mythology v1.12.3 2021-10-26 Jump to invalid address: 02c58720 PC 08c00038 LR 08b23d6c
Radiant Mythology v1.12.3 2021-10-26 Jump to invalid address: 02c58040 PC 08c00034 LR 08b23d6c
Radiant Mythology v1.12.3 2021-10-26 Jump to invalid address: 02c57be0 PC 08c00030 LR 08b23d6c
Radiant Mythology v1.12.3 2021-10-26 Jump to invalid address: 02c57bc0 PC 08c0002c LR 08b23d6c
Radiant Mythology v1.12.3 2021-10-26 Jump to invalid address: 02c57b80 PC 08c00028 LR 08b23d6c
Radiant Mythology v1.12.3 2021-10-26 Jump to invalid address: 02c57b60 PC 08c00024 LR 08b23d6c
Radiant Mythology v1.12.3 2021-10-26 Jump to invalid address: 02c57ad0 PC 08c00020 LR 08b23d6c
Radiant Mythology v1.12.3 2021-10-26 Jump to invalid address: 02c57ab0 PC 08c0001c LR 08b23d6c
Radiant Mythology v1.12.3 2021-10-26 Jump to invalid address: 02c57a40 PC 08c00018 LR 08b23d6c
Radiant Mythology v1.12.3 2021-10-26 Jump to invalid address: 02c579d0 PC 08c00014 LR 08b23d6c
Radiant Mythology v1.12.3 2021-10-26 Jump to invalid address: 02c57990 PC 08c00010 LR 08b23d6c
Radiant Mythology v1.12.3 2021-10-26 Jump to invalid address: 02c57710 PC 08c0000c LR 08b23d6c
Radiant Mythology v1.12.3 2021-10-26 Jump to invalid address: 02c57590 PC 08c00008 LR 08b23d6c
Radiant Mythology v1.12.3 2021-10-26 Jump to invalid address: 02854710 PC 08c00004 LR 08b23d6c
Radiant Mythology v1.12.3 2021-10-26 Jump to invalid address: 02c57000 PC 08c00000 LR 08b23d6c
Radiant Mythology v1.12.3 2021-10-26 Unknown GetPointer 00143400 PC 08b23d64 LR 08b23d6c
Radiant Mythology v1.11.3 2021-09-11 Jump to invalid address: 07b0e800
Radiant Mythology v1.8.0 2021-06-01 Unknown GetPointer 00000000 PC 08b10808 LR 08b10808
Radiant Mythology v1.9.3 2021-05-24 WriteToHardware: Invalid address af033b9c near PC 08000000 LR 08000000
Radiant Mythology v1.9.3 2021-05-24 WriteToHardware: Invalid address af021718 near PC 08000000 LR 08000000
Radiant Mythology v1.9.3 2021-05-24 WriteToHardware: Invalid address af02171c near PC 08000000 LR 08000000
Radiant Mythology v1.10.2 2021-05-18 Ignoring possible render to texture at 0417c000 +0x56 / 480x272
Radiant Mythology v1.10.3 2021-03-20 Render to area containing texture at 0416a000 +0x24
Radiant Mythology v1.10.3 2020-11-15 Render to area containing texture at 04176000 +0x32
Radiant Mythology v1.10.3 2020-11-12 Ignoring possible render to texture at 0417c000 +0x48 / 480x272
Radiant Mythology v1.8.0 2020-11-08 Ignoring possible render to texture at 04176000 +0x48 / 480x272
Radiant Mythology v1.10.3 2020-07-19 Render to area containing texture at 04170000 +0x16
Radiant Mythology v1.9.0 2023-03-15 Ignoring possible render to texture at 04166000 +0x64 / 480x272
Radiant Mythology v1.9.4 2020-06-28 Render to area containing texture at 04182000 +0x32
Radiant Mythology v1.8.0 2020-11-03 Render to area containing texture at 0415e000 +0x24
Radiant Mythology v1.9.3-733-g0decc6521 2024-10-09 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 403003e7
Radiant Mythology v1.9.4 2020-05-12 Render to area containing texture at 0416c000 +0x16
Radiant Mythology v1.8.0 2020-11-08 Ignoring possible render to texture at 04176000 +0x40 / 480x272
Radiant Mythology v1.7.5 2020-11-13 Ignoring possible render to texture at 04172000 +0x112 / 480x272
Radiant Mythology v1.9.4 2020-01-27 Render to area containing texture at 0417a000 +0x16
Radiant Mythology v1.8.0 2020-11-21 Render to area containing texture at 0416e000 +0x24
Radiant Mythology v1.8.0 2019-08-08 Ignoring possible render to texture at 0416e000 +0x112 / 480x272
Radiant Mythology v1.9.4 2022-08-17 Unknown GetPointer 00000000 PC 08b1f218 LR 08b1f218
Radiant Mythology v1.8.0 2021-09-26 sceDmacMemcpy(dest=04088000, src=091bd7e0, size=557056): overlapping read
Radiant Mythology v1.8.0 2019-06-03 Render to texture with incompatible formats 5 != 0 at 0417e000
Radiant Mythology v1.8.0 2019-04-27 Ignoring possible render to texture at 0416e000 +0x40 / 480x272
Radiant Mythology v1.9.4 2023-11-14 Unknown GetPointer 00000000 PC 08b1f398 LR 08b1f398
Radiant Mythology v1.8.0 2019-04-12 Ignoring possible render to texture at 0416a000 +0x112 / 480x272
Radiant Mythology v1.8.0 2019-04-10 Ignoring possible render to texture at 04166000 +0x104 / 480x272
Radiant Mythology v1.8.0 2023-10-07 Render to texture with incompatible formats 5 != 0 at 0417a000
Radiant Mythology v1.8.0 2019-04-09 Render to area containing texture at 0417c000 +0x32
Radiant Mythology v1.9.0 2023-03-17 Ignoring possible render to texture at 04176000 +0x56 / 480x272
Radiant Mythology v1.9.4 2020-06-18 Render to area containing texture at 04180000 +0x8
Radiant Mythology v1.7.5 2019-02-16 Render to texture with incompatible formats 5 != 0 at 0416a000
Radiant Mythology v1.7.5 2019-01-29 Ignoring possible render to texture at 0416a000 +0x40 / 480x272
Radiant Mythology v1.6.3 2018-09-23 Ignoring possible render to texture at 04178000 +0x56 / 480x272
Radiant Mythology v1.6.3 2018-09-23 Render to texture with incompatible formats 5 != 0 at 04170000
Radiant Mythology v1.6.3 2018-09-23 Ignoring possible render to texture at 0417e000 +0x48 / 480x272
Radiant Mythology v1.6.3 2018-09-22 Render to area containing texture at 04186000 +0x32
Radiant Mythology v1.6.3 2018-08-21 Ignoring possible render to texture at 04168000 +0x56 / 480x272
Radiant Mythology v1.6.3 2018-08-18 Render to area containing texture at 04180000 +0x32
Radiant Mythology v1.9.3 2022-08-06 Render to area containing texture at 04164000 +0x8
Radiant Mythology v1.9.4 2019-12-17 sceDmacMemcpy(dest=04088000, src=09355840, size=557056): overlapping read
Radiant Mythology v1.5.4 2018-08-07 Branch in RSRTComp delay slot at 08016794 in block starting at 08016794
Radiant Mythology v1.5.4 2018-08-07 Branch in RSRTComp delay slot at 080170e4 in block starting at 080170e4
Radiant Mythology v1.5.4 2018-08-07 Branch in RSRTComp delay slot at 080076c8 in block starting at 080076c8
Radiant Mythology v1.5.4 2018-08-07 Branch in RSRTComp delay slot at 0800ab9c in block starting at 0800ab9c
Radiant Mythology v1.5.4 2018-08-07 Branch in RSRTComp delay slot at 0800caf0 in block starting at 0800caf0
Radiant Mythology v1.5.4 2018-08-07 Branch in RSRTComp delay slot at 0800a558 in block starting at 0800a558
Radiant Mythology v1.6.3 2018-07-23 Ignoring possible render to texture at 04168000 +0x104 / 480x272
Radiant Mythology v1.9.0 2021-10-08 Render to area containing texture at 0416e000 +0x32
Radiant Mythology v1.6.3 2018-07-24 GL ran out of GPU memory; switching to low memory mode
Radiant Mythology v1.9.2 2022-01-26 Render to area containing texture at 0417a000 +0x24
Radiant Mythology v1.6.3 2021-07-25 sceDmacMemcpy(dest=04088000, src=09245800, size=557056): overlapping read
Radiant Mythology v1.5.4 2018-06-03 Ignoring possible render to texture at 04166000 +0x56 / 480x272
Radiant Mythology v1.5.4 2018-05-31 Ignoring possible render to texture at 04186000 +0x64 / 480x272
Radiant Mythology v1.5.4 2018-05-31 Render to texture with incompatible formats 5 != 0 at 04162000
Radiant Mythology v1.5.4 2018-05-22 Render to area containing texture at 04166000 +0x16
Radiant Mythology v1.4.2 2018-04-09 Render to texture with different strides 256 != 512
Radiant Mythology v1.4.2 2018-04-09 Unknown syscall in known module 'sceNpAuth': 0xcd86a656
Radiant Mythology v1.4.2 2018-04-09 Unknown syscall in known module 'sceNp': 0x633b5f71
Radiant Mythology v1.4.2 2018-04-09 Unknown syscall in known module 'sceNpAuth': 0x3f1c1f70