Recent logs - v1.18.1-846-gab47c3cb1f

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Game title Version Latest Report Message
真・三國無双5 Empires v1.18.1-846-gab47c3cb1f 2025-01-28 sceDmacMemcpy(dest=09c84100, src=09e873c0, size=19976): overlapping read
真・三國無双5 Empires v1.18.1-846-gab47c3cb1f 2025-01-27 sceDmacMemcpy(dest=09788440, src=09e889e0, size=19936): overlapping read
eFootball 2025 MAH v1.18.1-846-gab47c3cb1f 2025-02-14 Unknown GetPointerWrite 00000000 PC 08808430 LR 08808448
eFootball 25 Hend Asean New Season v1.18.1-993-ge80941403a 2025-02-15 Unknown GetPointerWrite 00000000 PC 08816130 LR 08816144
eFootball 25 Hend Asean New Season v1.9.4 2025-02-15 Savedata version requested: 3
eFootball 2025 MAH v1.18.1-846-gab47c3cb1f 2025-02-11 Unknown GetPointerWrite 00000000 PC 088287e0 LR 088287f0
eFootball 2025 STAR PATCH v1.9.4 2025-02-15 Savedata version requested: 3
eFootball Chelito 19 v1.18.1-846-gab47c3cb1f 2025-02-15 Unknown GetPointer 00000000 PC 0884a918 LR 0884a938
eFootball Chelito 19 v1.18.1-846-gab47c3cb1f 2025-02-14 Unknown GetPointer 00000020 PC 08815fc8 LR 08815fd4
eFootball Chelito 19 v1.18.1-846-gab47c3cb1f 2025-02-15 Unknown GetPointerWrite 00000000 PC 088287f0 LR 08828800
eFootball Chelito 19 v1.9.4 2025-02-13 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 01010101
eFootball Chelito 19 v1.18.1-986-ga174fdb19e 2025-02-15 Unknown GetPointerWrite 00000000 PC 08816148 LR 0881615c
eFootball Chelito 19 v1.9.4 2025-02-15 Savedata version requested: 3
eFootball 2025 by MP v1.18.1-846-gab47c3cb1f 2025-02-13 Unknown GetPointerWrite 00000000 PC 08816148 LR 0881615c
eFootball 2025 by MP v1.9.4 2025-02-08 Game install with no files / data
eFootball 2025 by MP v1.9.4 2025-02-15 Savedata version requested: 3
eFootball 2024 v1.9.4 2025-02-15 Savedata version requested: 3
eFootball 2025 MAH v1.9.4 2025-02-14 Savedata version requested: 3
eFootball BHINNEKA 2024 BY ERYE CHANNEL v1.18.1-846-gab47c3cb1f 2025-02-10 Savedata version requested: 3
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team Demo v1.18.1-846-gab47c3cb1f 2025-02-15 AT3 header map lacks entry for bpf: 0 channels: 0
eFootball PES 2024 "SN3" v1.9.4 2025-02-15 Savedata version requested: 3
Dragon Ball Super: Multiverse Break v1.18.1-908-gd7aa236e13 2025-02-11 AT3 header map lacks entry for bpf: 0 channels: 0
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.18.1-993-ge80941403a 2025-02-15 AT3 header map lacks entry for bpf: 0 channels: 0
eFootball Chelito 19 v1.9.4 2025-02-15 Savedata version requested: 3
Dragon Ball Super: Multiverse Break v1.18.1-92-gfe6db07f0d 2025-02-14 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000800)
黒子のバスケ キセキの試合(ゲーム) v1.18.1-846-gab47c3cb1f 2025-02-12 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000200)
ラ・ピュセル†ラグナロック v1.18.1-846-gab47c3cb1f 2025-02-14 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000000)
ゴッド・オブ・ウォー 落日の悲愴曲 v1.18.1-846-gab47c3cb1f 2025-02-15 Rendering to framebuffer offset at 04162000 +256x0 (stride 512)
Spider-Man(TM): Web of Shadows – Amazing Allies Edition v1.18.1-846-gab47c3cb1f 2025-02-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000400)
WWE'12 v1.18.1-993-ge80941403a 2025-02-15 Rendering to framebuffer offset at 040cc000 +64x0 (stride 512)
Call of Duty : Roads to Victory™ v1.18.1-846-gab47c3cb1f 2025-02-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000400)
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team Demo v1.18.1-846-gab47c3cb1f 2025-02-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000800)
Ratchet v1.18.1-846-gab47c3cb1f 2025-02-15 00000000=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000000)
Def Jam® Fight For NY™: The Takeover v1.18.1-846-gab47c3cb1f 2025-02-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00001000)
God of War: Chains of Olympus v1.18.1-846-gab47c3cb1f 2025-02-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000800)
Def Jam® Fight For NY™: The Takeover v1.18.1-89-gc6e7a50830 2025-02-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00001000)
MONSTER HUNTER PORTABLE 3rd v1.18.1-92-gfe6db07f0d 2025-02-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000400)
Call of Duty : Roads to Victory™ v1.18.1-846-gab47c3cb1f 2025-02-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000400)
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.18.1-92-gfe6db07f0d 2025-02-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000800)
God of War®: Ghost of Sparta v1.18.1-92-gfe6db07f0d 2025-02-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000800)
LittleBigPlanet™ v1.18.1-846-gab47c3cb1f 2025-02-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000800)
God of War®: Ghost of Sparta v1.18.1-92-gfe6db07f0d 2025-02-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000800)
God of War: Chains of Olympus v1.18.1-92-gfe6db07f0d 2025-02-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000800)
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.18.1-92-gfe6db07f0d 2025-02-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000800)
Silent Hill®: Origins v1.18.1-846-gab47c3cb1f 2025-02-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00001000)
Ratchet v1.18.1-846-gab47c3cb1f 2025-02-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000000)
機動戦士ガンダム ガンダムVS.ガンダムNEXT PLUS v1.18.1-846-gab47c3cb1f 2025-02-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000400)
God of War™: Ghost of Sparta v1.18.1-87-gda0168f41a 2025-02-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000800)
Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines™ v1.18.1-92-gfe6db07f0d 2025-02-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000400)
God of War: Chains of Olympus v1.18.1-92-gfe6db07f0d 2025-02-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000800)
God of War: Chains of Olympus v1.18.1-993-ge80941403a 2025-02-15 Rendering to framebuffer offset at 04162000 +256x0 (stride 512)
God of War®: Ghost of Sparta v1.18.1-993-ge80941403a 2025-02-15 Rendering to framebuffer offset at 04162000 +256x0 (stride 512)
God of War®: Ghost of Sparta v1.18.1-993-ge80941403a 2025-02-15 Rendering to framebuffer offset at 04162000 +256x0 (stride 512)
God of War: Chains of Olympus v1.18.1-945-gb0182ed0e6 2025-02-15 Rendering to framebuffer offset at 04162000 +256x0 (stride 512)
God of War™: Ghost of Sparta v1.18.1-993-ge80941403a 2025-02-15 Rendering to framebuffer offset at 04162000 +256x0 (stride 512)
God of War: Chains of Olympus v1.18.1-993-ge80941403a 2025-02-15 Rendering to framebuffer offset at 04162000 +256x0 (stride 512)
eFootball Chelito 19 v1.9.4 2025-02-15 Savedata version requested: 3
WWE'12 v1.18.1-87-gda0168f41a 2025-02-15 sceNetAdhocMatchingInit(32768) at 08a587d0
METAL SLUG XX v1.18.1-993-ge80941403a 2025-02-15 sceNetAdhocMatchingInit(65536) at 08865048
SOULCALIBUR: Broken Destiny v1.18.1-846-gab47c3cb1f 2025-02-15 sceNetAdhocMatchingInit(32768) at 08930b4c
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.18.1-984-gfd4809490b 2025-02-15 sceNetAdhocMatchingInit(32768) at 08812da4
METAL SLUG XX™ v1.18.1-945-gb0182ed0e6 2025-02-15 sceNetAdhocMatchingInit(65536) at 08864640
eFootball PES 2021 By GABRIEL v1.9.4 2025-02-15 Savedata version requested: 3
真・三國無双5 Empires v1.18.1-846-gab47c3cb1f 2025-02-10 sceIoChstat: change attr to 0000 requested
Grand Theft Auto V YUNIER PB v1.9.4 2025-02-14 sceKernelLoadModuleByID: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=08bc68c0, pos=0, access=1, data=2, text=2
Grand Theft Auto V YUNIER PB v1.9.4 2025-02-14 sceKernelLoadModuleByID: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=deadbeef, pos=0, access=1, data=2, text=2
NARUTO Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Heroes 3 v1.18.1-92-gfe6db07f0d 2025-02-15 sceIoChstat: change attr to 0000 requested
Mortal Kombat: Unchained v1.18.1-945-gb0182ed0e6 2025-02-15 Failed to read valid video stream data from header
Mortal Kombat: Unchained v1.18.1-973-g698a98c9bb 2025-02-15 Failed to read valid video stream data from header
ドラゴンボールZ 真武道会 v1.18.1-846-gab47c3cb1f 2025-02-02 Jump to invalid address: 03d65b80
ドラゴンボールZ 真武道会 v1.18.1-846-gab47c3cb1f 2025-02-02 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 454d4123
鉄のラインバレル v1.18.1-846-gab47c3cb1f 2025-01-26 sceFontFlush(00000000): bad font
Grand Theft Auto 5 LBORELLIMODS v1.9.4 2025-02-15 sceKernelLoadModuleByID: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=089d5494, pos=0, access=1, data=2, text=2
Grand Theft Auto 5 LBORELLIMODS v1.9.4 2025-02-15 sceKernelLoadModuleByID: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=08aa3278, pos=0, access=1, data=1, text=1
Grand Theft Auto 5 LBORELLIMODS v1.9.4 2025-02-15 sceKernelLoadModuleByID: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=00000136, pos=0, access=1, data=2, text=2
Grand Theft Auto 5 LBORELLIMODS v1.9.4 2025-02-15 sceKernelLoadModuleByID: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=00000000, pos=0, access=1, data=1, text=1
真・三國無双5 Empires v1.18.1-846-gab47c3cb1f 2025-02-10 UNIMPL sceIoChstat(ms0:/PSP/SAVEDATA/ULJM05584INSTALL/DATA01, 09ff7d00, 00000002)
NARUTO Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Heroes 3 v1.9.3-998-gc739d4e16 2025-02-15 UNIMPL sceIoChstat(ms0:/PSP/SAVEDATA/ULUS10518DATA/DATA.DNS, 09f919b0, 00000002)
SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 3 v1.8.0 2025-02-12 ReadFromHardware: Invalid address 2c850014 near PC 2c850014 LR 08a77a50
GODS EATER BURST v1.9.4 2025-02-15 sceKernelCreateThread(name=creature_vajra): unsupported attributes 00000006
GODS EATER BURST v1.9.4 2025-02-15 sceKernelCreateThread(name=god_g997_Save_test): unsupported attributes 00000006
GODS EATER BURST v1.9.4 2025-02-15 sceKernelCreateThread(name=god_g998_Result_test): unsupported attributes 00000006
GODS EATER BURST v1.9.4 2025-02-15 sceKernelCreateThread(name=creature_ogretail): unsupported attributes 00000006
GODS EATER BURST v1.9.4 2025-02-15 sceKernelCreateThread(name=god_g000_Field): unsupported attributes 00000006
GODS EATER BURST v1.9.4 2025-02-15 sceKernelCreateThread(name=god_g999_Base): unsupported attributes 00000006
GODS EATER BURST v1.9.4 2025-02-15 sceKernelCreateThread(name=god_g001_Demo): unsupported attributes 00000006
GODS EATER BURST v1.9.4 2025-02-15 sceKernelCreateThread(name=god_game): unsupported attributes 00000006
GODS EATER BURST v1.9.4 2025-02-15 sceKernelCreateThread(name=god_m001_Title): unsupported attributes 00000006
GODS EATER BURST v1.9.4 2025-02-15 sceKernelCreateThread(name=god_m002_Movie): unsupported attributes 00000006
GODS EATER BURST v1.9.4 2025-02-15 sceKernelCreateThread(name=god_m000_Boot): unsupported attributes 00000006
GODS EATER BURST v1.9.4 2025-02-15 sceKernelCreateThread(name=system): unsupported attributes 00000006
GODS EATER BURST v1.9.4 2025-02-15 sceKernelCreateThread(name=god_menu): unsupported attributes 00000006
機動戦士ガンダム ガンダムVS.ガンダムNEXT PLUS v1.9.4 2025-02-02 sceDmacMemcpy(dest=040cc000, src=09a26000, size=239776): overlapping read
Pro Evolution Soccer 2010 v1.9.4 2025-02-15 Savedata version requested: 3
PES 2013 v1.9.4 2025-02-15 Savedata version requested: 3
Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 v1.9.4 2025-02-15 Savedata version requested: 3
PES 2014 v1.9.4 2025-02-15 Savedata version requested: 3
Spider-Man(TM): Web of Shadows – Amazing Allies Edition v1.9.4 2025-02-14 An uneaten prefix at end of block: 08c3a5e8
マクロスアルティメットフロンティア v1.9.4 2025-02-13 An uneaten prefix at end of block: 0881eed0
マクロストライアングルフロンティア v1.9.4 2025-02-14 An uneaten prefix at end of block: 0881aba4