Recent logs - Untold Legends The Warrior's Code

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Game title Version Latest Report Message
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.17.1 2024-03-25 sceSasSetADSRMode(08a86580, 30, 15, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000): invalid modes
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.17.1 2024-03-25 sceSasSetADSRMode(08a86580, 29, 15, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000): invalid modes
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.17.1 2024-03-25 sceSasSetADSRMode(08a86580, 28, 15, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000): invalid modes
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.17.1 2024-03-25 sceSasSetADSRMode(08a86580, 27, 15, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000): invalid modes
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.17.1 2024-03-25 sceSasSetADSRMode(08a86580, 26, 15, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000): invalid modes
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.16.6 2023-10-17 sceKernelLoadModule: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=08bead40, pos=0, access=1, data=2, text=2
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.16.6 2023-10-17 sceKernelLoadModule: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=08bead40, pos=0, access=1, data=1, text=1
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.16.2 2023-09-19 Normal projection mapping without normal?
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.15 2023-05-01 sceKernelCreateThread(name=scePsmf_library): unsupported attributes 00000006
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.14.4 2023-02-28 avcodec_decode_audio4: Error decoding audio -1094995529 / bebbb1b7
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.14.4 2023-02-20 Branch in RSZeroComp delay slot at 09f9eacc in block starting at 09f9eac8
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.14.4 2023-02-20 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 787671db
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.14.4 2023-02-20 Branch in Jump delay slot at 09f9ee4c in block starting at 09f9eac0
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.14.4 2023-02-20 Branch in Jump delay slot at 09f9edfc in block starting at 09f9eac0
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.14.4 2023-02-20 Branch in Jump delay slot at 09f9edac in block starting at 09f9eac0
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.14.4 2023-02-20 Branch in Jump delay slot at 09f9ed5c in block starting at 09f9eac0
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.14.4 2023-02-20 Branch in Jump delay slot at 09f9ed0c in block starting at 09f9eac0
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.14.4 2023-02-20 Branch in Jump delay slot at 09f9ecbc in block starting at 09f9eac0
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.14.4 2023-02-20 Branch in Jump delay slot at 09f9ec6c in block starting at 09f9eac0
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.14.4 2023-02-20 Branch in Jump delay slot at 09f9ec1c in block starting at 09f9eac0
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.14.4 2023-02-20 Branch in Jump delay slot at 09f9ebcc in block starting at 09f9eac0
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.14.4 2023-02-20 Branch in Jump delay slot at 09f9eb7c in block starting at 09f9eac0
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.14.4 2023-02-20 Branch in Jump delay slot at 09f9eb2c in block starting at 09f9eac0
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.14.4 2023-02-20 Jump to invalid address: 026a4130
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.14.4 2023-02-20 Branch in Jump delay slot at 09f9eadc in block starting at 09f9eac0
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.14.4 2023-02-20 Jump to invalid address: 03615590
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.14.4 2023-02-20 Jump to invalid address: 03615420
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.14.4 2023-02-20 Jump to invalid address: 02bf72c0
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.14.4 2023-02-20 Jump to invalid address: 02934cf0
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.14.4 2023-02-20 Branch in Jump delay slot at 08afdebc in block starting at 08afdcb0
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.14.4 2023-02-20 Jump to invalid address: 02934b80
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.14.4 2023-02-20 Branch in Jump delay slot at 08afdeb8 in block starting at 08afdcb0
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.14.4 2023-02-20 Jump to invalid address: 02934930
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.14.4 2023-02-20 Branch in Jump delay slot at 08afdeb4 in block starting at 08afdcb0
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.14.4 2023-02-20 Jump to invalid address: 029347d0
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.14.4 2023-02-20 Branch in Jump delay slot at 08afdeb0 in block starting at 08afdcb0
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.14.4 2023-02-20 Jump to invalid address: 04870c80
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.14.4 2023-02-20 Jump to invalid address: 02970cd0
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.14.4 2023-02-20 Jump to invalid address: 02bf77f0
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.14.4 2023-02-20 Jump to invalid address: 0292fb30
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.14.4 2023-02-20 Jump to invalid address: 02a8b860
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.14.4 2023-02-20 Jump to invalid address: 02bf7d10
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.14.4 2023-02-20 Branch in Jump delay slot at 08afdcb8 in block starting at 08afdcb0
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.14.4 2023-02-20 Jump to invalid address: 02bf7bb0
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.14.4 2023-02-20 Branch in Jump delay slot at 08afdcb4 in block starting at 08afdcb0
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.14.4 2023-02-20 Jump to invalid address: 02bf7a50
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.12.3 2022-09-21 Waiting thread for 20 that was already waiting for 20
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.12.3 2021-12-28 sceKernelLoadModule: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=ffffffff, pos=0, access=1, data=2, text=2
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.12.3 2021-12-28 sceKernelLoadModule: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=ffffffff, pos=0, access=1, data=1, text=1
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.12.3 2021-11-10 sceSasSetADSRMode(08acd140, 23, 15, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000): invalid modes
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.12.3 2021-11-10 sceSasSetADSRMode(08acd140, 22, 15, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000): invalid modes
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.12.3 2021-11-10 sceSasSetADSRMode(08acd140, 21, 15, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000): invalid modes
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.12.3 2021-11-10 sceSasSetADSRMode(08acd140, 20, 15, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000): invalid modes
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.12.3 2021-11-10 sceSasSetADSRMode(08acd140, 19, 15, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000): invalid modes
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.12.3 2021-11-10 sceSasSetADSRMode(08acd140, 18, 15, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000): invalid modes
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.12.3 2021-11-10 sceSasSetADSRMode(08acd140, 17, 15, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000): invalid modes
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.12.3 2021-11-10 sceSasSetADSRMode(08acd140, 16, 15, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000): invalid modes
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.11.3 2021-10-26 ReadFromHardware: Invalid address ffffff00 near PC ffffff00 LR 0899f360
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.11.3 2021-05-30 Unknown GetPointer 00000000 PC 08000000 LR 08000000
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.10.3 2020-10-12 sceKernelCreateThread(name=sceMemab): unsupported attributes 00001006
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.10.3 2020-10-12 sceKernelLoadModule: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=09fffec0, pos=0, access=1, data=1, text=1
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.10.3 2020-10-12 sceKernelCreateThread(name=sceNetIfhandle_Service): unsupported attributes 00001006
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.10.3 2020-10-12 Ignoring func export sceNetIfhandle/fd8585e1, already implemented in HLE.
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.10.3 2020-10-12 Ignoring func export sceNetIfhandle/c80181a2, already implemented in HLE.
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.10.3 2020-10-12 Unknown syscall in known module 'ThreadManForKernel': 0x369ed59d
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.10.3 2020-10-12 Unknown syscall in known module 'ThreadManForKernel': 0x39810265
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.10.3 2020-10-12 Unknown syscall in known module 'ThreadManForKernel': 0xb736e9ff
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.10.3 2020-10-12 Unknown syscall in known module 'ThreadManForKernel': 0xaf36d708
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.10.3 2020-10-12 Unknown syscall in known module 'ThreadManForKernel': 0x89b3d48c
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.10.3 2020-10-12 Unknown syscall in known module 'ThreadManForKernel': 0x56c039b5
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.14.4 2023-02-20 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 47afc800
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.9.0 2022-01-11 Unknown GetPointer 00000000 PC 0899f344 LR 0899f344
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.9.4 2022-09-27 Video end without audio end, potentially skipping some audio?
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.5.4 2018-12-07 Jump to invalid address: 02934cf0 PC 08afdec0 LR 08afdcb0
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.5.4 2018-12-07 Jump to invalid address: 02934930 PC 08afdeb8 LR 08afdcb0
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.5.4 2018-12-07 Jump to invalid address: 02bf7a50 PC 08afdcb4 LR 08afdcb0
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.5.4 2018-12-07 Jump to invalid address: 02970cd0 PC 08afde04 LR 08afdcb0
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.5.4 2018-12-07 Jump to invalid address: 02bf7a50 PC 08afde90 LR 08afdcb0
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.5.4 2018-12-07 Jump to invalid address: 02bf7d10 PC 08afdcbc LR 08afdcb0
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.5.4 2018-12-07 Jump to invalid address: 02a8b860 PC 08afdce4 LR 08afdcb0
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.5.4 2018-12-07 Jump to invalid address: 029347d0 PC 08afdeb4 LR 08afdcb0
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.5.4 2018-12-07 Jump to invalid address: 02bf7a50 PC 08afdeb0 LR 08afdcb0
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.5.4 2018-12-07 Jump to invalid address: 02934b80 PC 08afdebc LR 08afdcb0
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.5.4 2018-12-07 Jump to invalid address: 02bf72c0 PC 08afdee8 LR 08afdcb0
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.5.4 2018-12-07 Jump to invalid address: 04870c80 PC 08afde88 LR 08afdcb0
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.5.4 2023-02-20 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 00000001
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.5.4 2018-12-07 Jump to invalid address: 02bf77f0 PC 08afddf8 LR 08afdcb0
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.5.4 2018-12-07 Jump to invalid address: 0292fb30 PC 08afdcec LR 08afdcb0
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.5.4 2018-12-07 Jump to invalid address: 02bf7bb0 PC 08afdcb8 LR 08afdcb0
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.9.4 2024-05-24 sceMpegRingbufferPut(): invalid mpeg data
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.9.4 2023-04-09 Unexpected mpeg first timestamp: 0 / 0
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.7.4 2024-02-02 Unimplemented HLE function sceNetResolverTerm
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.7.4 2018-12-15 Unimplemented HLE function sceNetApctlGetInfo
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.5.2 2023-12-02 Loading module sceATRAC3plus_Library with version 0102, devkit 00000000
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.5.2 2023-12-02 Loading module scePsmf_library with version 0101, devkit 00000000
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.5.2 2023-12-02 Loading module sceAudiocodec_Driver with version 0103, devkit 00000000
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.5.2 2023-12-02 Loading module sceSAScore with version 0103, devkit 00000000
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.5.2 2023-12-02 Loading module sceMpegbase_Driver with version 0103, devkit 00000000
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.5.2 2023-12-02 Loading module sceVideocodec_Driver with version 0103, devkit 00000000
Untold Legends The Warrior's Code v1.5.2 2023-12-02 Loading module sceMpeg_library with version 0103, devkit 00000000