Recent logs - Radiant Mythology

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Game title Version Latest Report Message
Radiant Mythology v1.17.1-817-g13506d3d02 2024-07-10 Error in shader program link: info: cannot find a matched output for input gl_Layer fs: postshader #version 320 es precision mediump float; precision highp int; layout(binding = 0) uniform mediump sampler2D sampler0; uniform vec4 u_time; uniform vec2 u_texelDelta; uniform vec2 u_pixelDelta; in vec2 v_texcoord0; out vec4 _RESERVED_IDENTIFIER_FIXUP_gl_FragColor; void main() { vec3 color = texture(sampler0, v_texcoord0).xyz; float sat = 1.0; float brt = 1.2999999523162841796875; float con = 0.89999997615814208984375; float AvgLumR = 1.10000002384185791015625; float AvgLumG = 1.10000002384185791015625; float AvgLumB = 1.10000002384185791015625; vec3 AvgLumin = vec3(AvgLumR, AvgLumG, AvgLumB); vec3 conRGB = vec3(0.5); vec3 brtColor = color * brt; vec3 intensity = vec3(((brtColor.x * 0.2125000059604644775390625) + (brtColor.y * 0.7153999805450439453125)) + (brtColor.z * 0.07209999859333038330078125)); vec3 satColor = mix(intensity, brtColor, vec3(sat)); vec3 conColor = mix(conRGB, satColor, vec3(con)); vec3 mixColor = AvgLumin * conColor; color = mixColor; _RESERVED_IDENTIFIER_FIXUP_gl_FragColor.x = color.x; _RESERVED_IDENTIFIER_FIXUP_gl_FragColor.y = color.y; _RESERVED_IDENTIFIER_FIXUP_gl_FragColor.z = color.z; _RESERVED_IDENTIFIER_FIXUP_gl_FragColor.w = 1.0; } vs: postshader #version 320 es out vec2 v_texcoord0; in vec2 a_texcoord0; in vec4 a_position; void main() { v_texcoord0 = a_texcoord0; gl_Position = a_position; }
Radiant Mythology v1.13.2 2024-04-26 sceDmacMemcpy(dest=04088000, src=091bd7a0, size=557056): overlapping read
Radiant Mythology v1.13.2-1944-g3e481634a 2024-02-06 Failed to read valid video stream data from header
Radiant Mythology v1.17.1-60-g7cddd09e3 2024-06-21 sceNetAdhocMatchingInit(163840) at 08ae89f4
Radiant Mythology v1.14.4 2023-02-02 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 00c09968
Radiant Mythology v1.14.4 2023-02-02 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 00c29968
Radiant Mythology v1.14.4 2023-02-02 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 00c39a69
Radiant Mythology v1.14.4 2023-02-02 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 00be9b69
Radiant Mythology v1.14.4 2023-02-02 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 00bc9e69
Radiant Mythology v1.14.4 2023-02-02 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 00bb9b69
Radiant Mythology v1.14.4 2023-02-02 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 00af9878
Radiant Mythology v1.14.4 2023-02-02 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 00ae987b
Radiant Mythology v1.14.4 2023-02-02 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 00ae947b
Radiant Mythology v1.14.4 2023-02-02 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 00b0947b
Radiant Mythology v1.14.4 2023-02-02 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 00b69e68
Radiant Mythology v1.14.4 2023-02-02 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 00bd9f68
Radiant Mythology v1.14.4 2023-02-02 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 00ba9868
Radiant Mythology v1.14.4 2023-02-02 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 00bb9969
Radiant Mythology v1.14.4 2023-02-02 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 00c09869
Radiant Mythology v1.14.4 2023-02-02 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 00c49b68
Radiant Mythology v1.14.4 2023-02-02 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 00c59d69
Radiant Mythology v1.14.4 2023-02-02 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 00c89b69
Radiant Mythology v1.14.4 2023-02-02 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 00949f9f
Radiant Mythology v1.14.4 2023-02-02 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 00a6b6b7
Radiant Mythology v1.14.4 2023-02-02 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 00a7b9b5
Radiant Mythology v1.14.4 2023-02-02 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 00a6bbb5
Radiant Mythology v1.14.4 2023-02-02 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 00a4b6b7
Radiant Mythology v1.14.4 2023-02-02 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 00a7b4be
Radiant Mythology v1.14.4 2023-02-02 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 00a9b4bd
Radiant Mythology v1.14.4 2023-02-02 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 00a8b3bc
Radiant Mythology v1.14.4 2023-02-02 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 00b2b6a9
Radiant Mythology v1.14.4 2023-02-02 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 00bac5c1
Radiant Mythology v1.14.4 2023-02-02 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 00ebf4f9
Radiant Mythology v1.14.4 2023-02-02 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 00eff9fd
Radiant Mythology v1.14.4 2023-02-02 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 00ecf6fd
Radiant Mythology v1.14.4 2023-02-02 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 00ecf7fc
Radiant Mythology v1.14.4 2023-02-02 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 00f0f7fe
Radiant Mythology v1.14.4 2023-02-02 Branch in Jump delay slot at 09030be0 in block starting at 09030be0
Radiant Mythology v1.13.1 2022-08-15 sceDmacMemcpy(dest=04110000, src=092cd7e0, size=557056): overlapping read
Radiant Mythology v1.9.3 2024-02-01 Render to area containing texture at 04182000 +0x16
Radiant Mythology v1.9.3 2021-06-25 Unknown GetPointer 00000000 PC 08b37c28 LR 08b37c28
Radiant Mythology v1.9.3 2021-06-15 Error in shader program link: info: Fragment shader(s) failed to link, vertex shader(s) linked. fs: postshader // Spline36 upscaling shader. // See issue #3921 #ifdef GL_ES precision mediump float; precision mediump int; #endif uniform sampler2D sampler0; varying vec2 v_position; uniform vec2 u_texelDelta; uniform vec2 u_pixelDelta; const vec2 HALF_PIXEL = vec2(0.5, 0.5); float spline36_0_1(float x) { return ((13.0 / 11.0 * x - 453.0 / 209.0) * x - 3.0 / 209.0) * x + 1.0; } float spline36_1_2(float x) { return ((-6.0 / 11.0 * x + 612.0 / 209.0) * x - 1038.0 / 209.0) * x + 540.0 / 209.0; } float spline36_2_3(float x) { return ((1.0 / 11.0 * x - 159.0 / 209.0) * x + 434.0 / 209.0) * x - 384.0 / 209.0; } vec4 rgb(int inputX, int inputY) { return texture2D(sampler0, (vec2(inputX, inputY) + HALF_PIXEL) * u_texelDelta); } vec4 interpolateHorizontally(vec2 inputPos, ivec2 inputPosFloor, int dy) { float sumOfWeights = 0.0; vec4 sumOfWeightedPixel = vec4(0.0); float x; float weight; x = inputPos.x - float(inputPosFloor.x - 2); weight = spline36_2_3(x); sumOfWeights += weight; sumOfWeightedPixel += weight * rgb(inputPosFloor.x - 2, inputPosFloor.y + dy); --x; weight = spline36_1_2(x); sumOfWeights += weight; sumOfWeightedPixel += weight * rgb(inputPosFloor.x - 1, inputPosFloor.y + dy); --x; weight = spline36_0_1(x); sumOfWeights += weight; sumOfWeightedPixel += weight * rgb(inputPosFloor.x + 0, inputPosFloor.y + dy); x = 1.0 - x; weight = spline36_0_1(x); sumOfWeights += weight; sumOfWeightedPixel += weight * rgb(inputPosFloor.x + 1, inputPosFloor.y + dy); ++x; weight = spline36_1_2(x); sumOfWeights += weight; sumOfWeightedPixel += weight * rgb(inputPosFloor.x + 2, inputPosFloor.y + dy); ++x; weight = spline36_2_3(x); sumOfWeights += weight; sumOfWeightedPixel += weight * rgb(inputPosFloor.x + 3, inputPosFloor.y + dy); return sumOfWeightedPixel / sumOfWeights; } vec4 process(vec2 outputPos) { vec2 inputPos = outputPos / u_texelDelta; ivec2 inputPosFloor = ivec2(inputPos); // Vertical interporation float sumOfWeights = 0.0; vec4 sumOfWeightedPixel = vec4(0.0); float weight; float y; y = inputPos.y - float(inputPosFloor.y - 2); weight = spline36_2_3(y); sumOfWeights += weight; sumOfWeightedPixel += weight * interpolateHorizontally(inputPos, inputPosFloor, -2); --y; weight = spline36_1_2(y); sumOfWeights += weight; sumOfWeightedPixel += weight * interpolateHorizontally(inputPos, inputPosFloor, -1); --y; weight = spline36_0_1(y); sumOfWeights += weight; sumOfWeightedPixel += weight * interpolateHorizontally(inputPos, inputPosFloor, +0); y = 1.0 - y; weight = spline36_0_1(y); sumOfWeights += weight; sumOfWeightedPixel += weight * interpolateHorizontally(inputPos, inputPosFloor, +1); ++y; weight = spline36_1_2(y); sumOfWeights += weight; sumOfWeightedPixel += weight * interpolateHorizontally(inputPos, inputPosFloor, +2); ++y; weight = spline36_2_3(y); sumOfWeights += weight; sumOfWeightedPixel += weight * interpolateHorizontally(inputPos, inputPosFloor, +3); return vec4((sumOfWeightedPixel / sumOfWeights).xyz, 1.0); } void main() { gl_FragColor.rgba = process(v_position); } vs: postshader attribute vec4 a_position; attribute vec2 a_texcoord0; varying vec2 v_position; void main() { gl_Position = a_position; v_position = a_texcoord0; }
Radiant Mythology v1.4 2021-04-07 Ignoring possible render to texture at 0417a000 +0x48 / 480x272
Radiant Mythology v1.4 2021-04-05 Render to area containing texture at 04184000 +0x8
Radiant Mythology v1.10.3 2021-02-28 Ignoring possible render to texture at 04178000 +0x64 / 480x272
Radiant Mythology v1.11.3 2022-01-23 sceDmacMemcpy(dest=04088000, src=09355800, size=557056): overlapping read
Radiant Mythology v1.7.4 2021-02-23 Ignoring possible render to texture at 0417a000 +0x80 / 480x272
Radiant Mythology v1.10.3 2021-01-27 Render to texture with incompatible formats 5 != 0 at 0416a000
Radiant Mythology v1.10.3 2021-01-12 Ignoring possible render to texture at 0416a000 +0x128 / 480x272
Radiant Mythology v1.4 2020-12-30 Ignoring possible render to texture at 0416c000 +0x56 / 480x272
Radiant Mythology v1.10.3 2020-12-08 Render to area containing texture at 0418a000 +0x32
Radiant Mythology v1.10.3 2020-11-02 Render to area containing texture at 0416e000 +0x24
Radiant Mythology v1.10.3 2020-10-13 Render to area containing texture at 04170000 +0x16
Radiant Mythology v1.10.3 2020-08-03 Render to area containing texture at 0416a000 +0x24
Radiant Mythology v1.9.4 2020-06-18 Ignoring possible render to texture at 04170000 +0x40 / 480x272
Radiant Mythology v1.9.4 2021-01-12 Render to area containing texture at 04186000 +0x16
Radiant Mythology v1.9.4 2020-09-07 Render to area containing texture at 0416e000 +0x32
Radiant Mythology v1.6.3 2021-10-20 sceDmacMemcpy(dest=04088000, src=092457c0, size=557056): overlapping read
Radiant Mythology v1.9.4 2020-05-14 Ignoring possible render to texture at 0416e000 +0x80 / 480x272
Radiant Mythology v1.9.4 2024-07-08 Branch in RSRTComp delay slot at 08843a24 in block starting at 08843a00
Radiant Mythology v1.9.4 2020-04-26 Ignoring possible render to texture at 04172000 +0x48 / 480x272
Radiant Mythology v1.9.4 2020-04-25 Ignoring possible render to texture at 04168000 +0x80 / 480x272
Radiant Mythology v1.9.4 2020-05-03 Render to texture with incompatible formats 5 != 0 at 0417c000
Radiant Mythology v1.5.4 2020-02-29 Render to area containing texture at 04174000 +0x16
Radiant Mythology v1.8.0 2020-06-09 Render to area containing texture at 0417c000 +0x24
Radiant Mythology v1.8.0-433-g37a97e741 2021-01-31 Render to area containing texture at 0416a000 +0x32
Radiant Mythology v1.6.3 2019-08-15 Ignoring possible render to texture at 04176000 +0x80 / 480x272
Radiant Mythology v1.8.0 2019-06-22 Ignoring possible render to texture at 0416e000 +0x128 / 480x272
Radiant Mythology v1.8.0 2022-01-23 Unknown GetPointer 00000000 PC 08000000 LR 08000000
Radiant Mythology v1.9.4 2022-11-20 Unknown GetPointer 00000000 PC 08b1f398 LR 08b1f398
Radiant Mythology v1.9.4 2020-04-13 Render to area containing texture at 04168000 +0x8
Radiant Mythology v1.9.4 2020-04-12 Ignoring possible render to texture at 0416e000 +0x56 / 480x272
Radiant Mythology v1.7.1 2019-01-04 Render to area containing texture at 0416c000 +0x16
Radiant Mythology v1.8.0-433-g37a97e741 2019-12-18 Render to area containing texture at 04176000 +0x8
Radiant Mythology v1.5.4 2024-02-01 Ignoring possible render to texture at 0417c000 +0x40 / 480x272
Radiant Mythology v1.6.3 2018-10-06 Ignoring possible render to texture at 04164000 +0x72 / 480x272
Radiant Mythology v1.9.4 2020-05-14 Render to area containing texture at 04172000 +0x24
Radiant Mythology v1.8.0 2020-12-24 Ignoring possible render to texture at 04164000 +0x96 / 480x272
Radiant Mythology v1.6.3 2018-10-03 Ignoring possible render to texture at 0416e000 +0x104 / 480x272
Radiant Mythology v1.7.5 2021-04-08 Ignoring possible render to texture at 04176000 +0x96 / 480x272
Radiant Mythology v1.6.3 2018-09-28 Ignoring possible render to texture at 0416c000 +0x64 / 480x272
Radiant Mythology v1.8.0 2020-12-12 Ignoring possible render to texture at 0417a000 +0x56 / 480x272
Radiant Mythology v1.9.4 2020-12-17 Render to area containing texture at 0417e000 +0x32
Radiant Mythology v1.8.0 2019-09-22 Render to area containing texture at 04182000 +0x8
Radiant Mythology v1.6.3 2018-07-11 Ignoring possible render to texture at 04180000 +0x40 / 480x272
Radiant Mythology v1.9.3-601-g31f4caeb2 2020-09-02 Ignoring possible render to texture at 0417c000 +0x56 / 480x272
Radiant Mythology v1.5.4 2018-06-04 Ignoring possible render to texture at 04172000 +0x96 / 480x272
Radiant Mythology v1.9.4 2021-04-27 Ignoring possible render to texture at 04172000 +0x88 / 480x272
Radiant Mythology v1.5.4 2018-06-02 Render to area containing texture at 0417e000 +0x24
Radiant Mythology v1.5.4 2018-05-30 Render to texture with incompatible formats 5 != 0 at 04176000
Radiant Mythology v1.9.3 2021-06-24 Render to area containing texture at 04186000 +0x8
Radiant Mythology v1.5.4 2020-12-10 Ignoring possible render to texture at 04172000 +0x56 / 480x272
Radiant Mythology v1.8.0 2019-09-04 Render to area containing texture at 0417a000 +0x24
Radiant Mythology v1.5.4 2018-04-21 Render to area containing texture at 0416c000 +0x24
Radiant Mythology v1.4 2018-04-11 80630006=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(09b97600, 00004000): invalid RIFF header
Radiant Mythology v1.4 2018-04-11 avcodec_decode_audio4: Error decoding audio -1094995529 / bebbb1b7
Radiant Mythology v1.4 2018-04-11 Render to area containing texture at 04110000 +64x0
Radiant Mythology v1.4 2018-04-11 Render to area containing texture at 000cc000 +64x0
Radiant Mythology v1.4 2018-04-11 Rendering to framebuffer offset: 000cc000 +65x0
Radiant Mythology v1.9.4 2021-09-15 Ignoring possible render to texture at 0416e000 +0x48 / 480x272