Recent logs - Tales of Rebirth

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Game title Version Latest Report Message
Tales of Rebirth v1.17.1 2024-07-26 Unknown GetPointer 72176489 PC 088c8c8c LR 08818cbc
Tales of Rebirth v1.9.0 2024-07-26 Unknown GetPointer 773840c2 PC 088c8c8c LR 08b15c74
Tales of Rebirth v1.9.0 2024-07-26 Unknown GetPointer 6e773c1a PC 088c8c8c LR 08b15c74
Tales of Rebirth v1.9.0 2024-07-26 Unknown GetPointer 18e00810 PC 088c8c8c LR 08899c00
Tales of Rebirth v1.9.0 2024-07-26 Unknown GetPointer 00000098 PC 088c8c8c LR 08899c00
Tales of Rebirth v1.9.0 2023-10-24 Unknown GetPointer 00000000 PC 088c2c38 LR 088c2c38
Tales of Rebirth v1.16.5-144-g3e63fe865 2023-10-10 Unknown instruction cdf0a098 at 040e4130
Tales of Rebirth v1.16.5-144-g3e63fe865 2023-10-10 Unknown instruction b380c868 at 040e4128
Tales of Rebirth v1.16.5-144-g3e63fe865 2023-10-10 Unknown instruction cddedede at 040e4078
Tales of Rebirth v1.16.5-144-g3e63fe865 2023-10-10 WriteToHardware: Invalid address dead4a7a near PC 040e4064 LR 0881a66c
Tales of Rebirth v1.16.5-144-g3e63fe865 2023-10-10 ReadFromHardware: Invalid address deae3a6a near PC 040e405c LR 0881a66c
Tales of Rebirth v1.16.5-144-g3e63fe865 2023-10-10 WriteToHardware: Invalid address 0000000c near PC 088c51ec LR 088c3df8
Tales of Rebirth v1.16.5-144-g3e63fe865 2023-10-10 WriteToHardware: Invalid address 00000000 near PC 088c277c LR 088c3194
Tales of Rebirth v1.16.5-144-g3e63fe865 2023-10-10 ReadFromHardware: Invalid address 00000010 near PC 088c2720 LR 088c3194
Tales of Rebirth v1.9.0 2023-08-04 ReadFromHardware: Invalid address 80000000 near PC 80000000 LR 08891cf8
Tales of Rebirth v1.14.4 2023-09-17 Unknown GetPointer cca3f1a2 PC 088c8c8c LR 08818cbc
Tales of Rebirth v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2023-06-23 Error in shader compilation: info: ERROR: 0:158: 'u_proj' : undeclared identifier ERROR: 0:158: '' : compilation terminated ERROR: 2 compilation errors. No code generated. / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in mediump vec4 w1, w2; in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; in vec2 texcoord; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform mediump mat4 u_texmtx; uniform mat4 u_bone0; uniform mat4 u_bone1; uniform mat4 u_bone2; uniform mat4 u_bone3; uniform mat4 u_bone4; uniform mat4 u_bone5; uniform mat4 u_bone6; uniform mat4 u_bone7; uniform vec4 u_uvscaleoffset; uniform vec3 u_lightpos0; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt0; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir0; uniform mediump float u_lightangle0; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular0; uniform vec3 u_lightpos1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir1; uniform mediump float u_lightangle1; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular1; uniform vec3 u_lightpos2; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt2; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir2; uniform mediump float u_lightangle2; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular2; uniform vec3 u_lightpos3; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt3; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir3; uniform mediump float u_lightangle3; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular3; uniform lowp vec4 u_ambient; uniform lowp vec4 u_matspecular; uniform lowp vec3 u_matemissive; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec2 u_fogcoef; flat out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump vec3 v_texcoord; out mediump float v_fogdepth; uniform sampler1D u_tess_pos_tex; uniform sampler1D u_tess_tex_tex; uniform sampler1D u_tess_col_tex; uniform int u_spline_count_u; vec2 tess_sample(in vec2 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec2 pos = vec2(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } vec3 tess_sample(in vec3 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec3 pos = vec3(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } vec4 tess_sample(in vec4 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec4 pos = vec4(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } uniform int u_spline_count_v; uniform int u_spline_type_u; uniform int u_spline_type_v; void spline_knot(ivec2 num_patches, ivec2 type, out vec2 knot[6], ivec2 patch_pos) { for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { knot[i] = vec2(float(i + patch_pos.x - 2), float(i + patch_pos.y - 2)); } if ((type.x & 1) != 0) { if (patch_pos.x <= 2) knot[0].x = 0.0; if (patch_pos.x <= 1) knot[1].x = 0.0; } if ((type.x & 2) != 0) { if (patch_pos.x >= (num_patches.x - 2)) knot[5].x = float(num_patches.x); if (patch_pos.x == (num_patches.x - 1)) knot[4].x = float(num_patches.x); } if ((type.y & 1) != 0) { if (patch_pos.y <= 2) knot[0].y = 0.0; if (patch_pos.y <= 1) knot[1].y = 0.0; } if ((type.y & 2) != 0) { if (patch_pos.y >= (num_patches.y - 2)) knot[5].y = float(num_patches.y); if (patch_pos.y == (num_patches.y - 1)) knot[4].y = float(num_patches.y); } } void spline_weight(vec2 t, in vec2 knot[6], out vec2 weights[4]) { vec2 t0 = (t - knot[0]); vec2 t1 = (t - knot[1]); vec2 t2 = (t - knot[2]); vec2 f30
Tales of Rebirth v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2023-04-21 Error in shader compilation: info: ERROR: 0:16: 'u_proj' : undeclared identifier ERROR: 0:16: '' : compilation terminated ERROR: 2 compilation errors. No code generated. / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; out lowp vec4 v_color0; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = u_matambientalpha; }
Tales of Rebirth v1.14.4 2023-02-04 Ignoring possible texturing from framebuffer at 041bc000 +0x224 / 256x272
Tales of Rebirth v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2023-01-26 Error in shader compilation: info: 0(158) : error C1503: undefined variable "u_proj" 0(159) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(175) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(178) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(179) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(190) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(193) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(194) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(205) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(208) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(209) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(220) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(223) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(224) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(226) : error C1503: undefined variable "tex" / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in mediump vec4 w1, w2; in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; in vec2 texcoord; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform mediump mat4 u_texmtx; uniform mat4 u_bone0; uniform mat4 u_bone1; uniform mat4 u_bone2; uniform mat4 u_bone3; uniform mat4 u_bone4; uniform mat4 u_bone5; uniform mat4 u_bone6; uniform mat4 u_bone7; uniform vec4 u_uvscaleoffset; uniform vec3 u_lightpos0; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt0; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir0; uniform mediump float u_lightangle0; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular0; uniform vec3 u_lightpos1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir1; uniform mediump float u_lightangle1; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular1; uniform vec3 u_lightpos2; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt2; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir2; uniform mediump float u_lightangle2; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular2; uniform vec3 u_lightpos3; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt3; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir3; uniform mediump float u_lightangle3; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular3; uniform lowp vec4 u_ambient; uniform lowp vec4 u_matspecular; uniform lowp vec3 u_matemissive; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec2 u_fogcoef; flat out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump vec3 v_texcoord; out mediump float v_fogdepth; uniform sampler1D u_tess_pos_tex; uniform sampler1D u_tess_tex_tex; uniform sampler1D u_tess_col_tex; uniform int u_spline_count_u; vec2 tess_sample(in vec2 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec2 pos = vec2(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } vec3 tess_sample(in vec3 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec3 pos = vec3(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } vec4 tess_sample(in vec4 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec4 pos = vec4(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } uniform int u_spline_count_v; uniform int u_spline_type_u; uniform int u_spline_type_v; void spline_knot(ivec2 num_patches, ivec2 type, out vec2 knot[6], ivec2 patch_pos) { for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { knot[i] = vec2(float(i + patch_pos.x - 2), float(i + patch_pos.y - 2)); } if ((type.x & 1) != 0) { if (patch_pos.x <= 2) knot[0].x = 0.0; if (patch_pos.x <= 1) knot[1].x = 0.0; } if ((type.x & 2) != 0) { if (patch_pos.x >= (num_patches.x - 2)) knot[5].x = float(num_patches.x); if (pa
Tales of Rebirth v1.9.0 2023-01-21 Unknown GetPointer c29e6bb2 PC 088c8c8c LR 08b50e38
Tales of Rebirth v1.9.0 2023-01-21 Unknown GetPointer c3480000 PC 088c8c8c LR 08b50e38
Tales of Rebirth v1.9.0 2023-01-20 Branch in Jump delay slot at 08b66694 in block starting at 08b66690
Tales of Rebirth v1.14.4 2023-08-01 Ignoring possible texturing from framebuffer at 041bc000 +0x208 / 256x272
Tales of Rebirth v1.5.4-998-g08f26439c 2022-12-20 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 000000ff
Tales of Rebirth v1.5.4-998-g08f26439c 2022-12-20 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 79006c00
Tales of Rebirth v1.5.4-998-g08f26439c 2022-12-20 MIPSCompileOp: Invalid instruction 0000003f
Tales of Rebirth v1.5.4-998-g08f26439c 2022-12-20 Branch in Jump delay slot at 08020200 in block starting at 0800a000
Tales of Rebirth v1.13.2 2022-11-10 ReadFromHardware: Invalid address 24099964 near PC 088372ac LR 088366a0
Tales of Rebirth v1.13.2 2022-11-10 ReadFromHardware: Invalid address 246c08a9 near PC 088372b8 LR 088366a0
Tales of Rebirth v1.13.2 2022-11-10 ReadFromHardware: Invalid address 2409a987 near PC 088372ac LR 088366a0
Tales of Rebirth v1.13.2 2022-11-10 ReadFromHardware: Invalid address 076c08a9 near PC 088372b8 LR 088366a0
Tales of Rebirth v1.13.2 2022-11-10 ReadFromHardware: Invalid address 29936009 near PC 088372a0 LR 088366a0
Tales of Rebirth v1.11.3 2021-10-30 sceSasSetADSRMode(08c29540, 25, 15, 00000000, 00000004, 00000004, 00000004): invalid modes
Tales of Rebirth v1.11.3 2021-10-30 sceSasSetADSRMode(08c29540, 24, 15, 00000000, 00000004, 00000004, 00000004): invalid modes
Tales of Rebirth v1.11.3 2021-10-30 GetFramebufferCandidates(COLOR): Multiple (2) candidate framebuffers. texaddr: 04088000 offset: 0 (512x512 stride 512, 5551)
Tales of Rebirth v1.11.3-1233-g9de942087 2021-09-20 avcodec_send_packet: Error decoding audio -1094995529 / bebbb1b7
Tales of Rebirth v1.13.2-1944-g3e481634a 2024-04-13 Failed to read valid video stream data from header
Tales of Rebirth v1.11.3 2021-04-04 Decoding texture from VRAM mirror at 04652660 swizzle=0
Tales of Rebirth v1.9.3-230-g97c81ac5a 2020-02-02 Unknown syscall in known module 'sceNpAuth': 0xcd86a656
Tales of Rebirth v1.9.3-230-g97c81ac5a 2020-02-02 Unknown syscall in known module 'sceNpAuth': 0x72bb0467
Tales of Rebirth v1.9.4 2024-07-26 Unknown GetPointer 00000000 PC 0881a12c LR 08000020
Tales of Rebirth v1.9.4 2022-08-12 Render to texture with incompatible formats 4 != 1 at 04000000
Tales of Rebirth v1.8.0 2019-09-22 Render to texture using CLUT with different strides 0 != 512
Tales of Rebirth v1.9.4 2023-04-15 Using texture with rendered CLUT: texfmt=4, clutfmt=3
Tales of Rebirth v1.6.3-492-g9fddfff66 2019-02-27 Render to texture with incompatible formats 4 != 1 at 00000000
Tales of Rebirth v1.9.4 2020-02-05 80630006=sceAtracSetHalfwayBuffer(0, 09cdd600, 00007800, 0003c000): invalid RIFF header
Tales of Rebirth v1.7.2 2018-11-11 80630006=sceAtracSetHalfwayBuffer(2, 09d27400, 00007800, 0000dc00): invalid RIFF header
Tales of Rebirth v1.9.4 2020-02-05 80630006=sceAtracSetHalfwayBuffer(1, 09d19700, 00007800, 0000dc00): invalid RIFF header
Tales of Rebirth v1.1.1-360-g2083f22 2016-01-08 Using rendered CLUT for texture decode at 04000000 (480x272x0)
Tales of Rebirth v1.9.4 2022-08-12 4 and 8-bit CLUT format not supported for framebuffers
Tales of Rebirth v0.9.8-1224-g43bddd8 2015-07-18 Render to texture with incompatible formats 5 != 1 at 040f4000
Tales of Rebirth v1.0.1-757-g73e9c3b 2015-07-18 Jump to invalid address: 0586bcc0 PC 08ba2550 LR 08ba0000
Tales of Rebirth v1.0.1-757-g73e9c3b 2015-07-18 Jump to invalid address: 02e89570 PC 08ba23bc LR 08ba0000
Tales of Rebirth v1.0.1-757-g73e9c3b 2015-07-18 Jump to invalid address: 05868d00 PC 08ba24ec LR 08ba0000
Tales of Rebirth v1.0.1-757-g73e9c3b 2015-07-18 Jump to invalid address: 05863300 PC 08ba24c8 LR 08ba0000
Tales of Rebirth v1.0.1-757-g73e9c3b 2015-07-18 Jump to invalid address: 02e89330 PC 08ba22d4 LR 08ba0000
Tales of Rebirth v1.0.1-757-g73e9c3b 2015-07-18 Jump to invalid address: 05857300 PC 08ba2438 LR 08ba0000
Tales of Rebirth v1.0.1-757-g73e9c3b 2015-07-18 Jump to invalid address: 02e8e480 PC 08ba2190 LR 08ba0000
Tales of Rebirth v1.0.1-757-g73e9c3b 2015-07-18 Jump to invalid address: 05866ea0 PC 08ba24c4 LR 08ba0000
Tales of Rebirth v1.0.1-757-g73e9c3b 2015-07-18 Jump to invalid address: 00005460 PC 08ba242c LR 08ba0000
Tales of Rebirth v1.0.1-757-g73e9c3b 2015-07-18 Jump to invalid address: 0586a200 PC 08ba2558 LR 08ba0000
Tales of Rebirth v1.0.1-757-g73e9c3b 2015-07-18 Jump to invalid address: 0586b6a0 PC 08ba2544 LR 08ba0000
Tales of Rebirth v1.0.1-757-g73e9c3b 2015-07-18 Jump to invalid address: 058647a0 PC 08ba24a8 LR 08ba0000
Tales of Rebirth v1.0.1-757-g73e9c3b 2015-07-18 Jump to invalid address: 02e89210 PC 08ba2260 LR 08ba0000
Tales of Rebirth v1.0.1-757-g73e9c3b 2015-07-18 Jump to invalid address: 05863300 PC 08ba24a4 LR 08ba0000
Tales of Rebirth v1.0.1-757-g73e9c3b 2015-07-18 Jump to invalid address: 05868d00 PC 08ba2510 LR 08ba0000
Tales of Rebirth v1.0.1-757-g73e9c3b 2015-07-18 Jump to invalid address: 0586b8a0 PC 08ba254c LR 08ba0000
Tales of Rebirth v1.0.1-757-g73e9c3b 2015-07-18 Jump to invalid address: 02e890f0 PC 08ba21ec LR 08ba0000
Tales of Rebirth v1.0.1-757-g73e9c3b 2015-07-18 Jump to invalid address: 0586b6e0 PC 08ba2548 LR 08ba0000
Tales of Rebirth v1.0.1-757-g73e9c3b 2015-07-18 Jump to invalid address: 0586a200 PC 08ba2534 LR 08ba0000
Tales of Rebirth v1.0.1-757-g73e9c3b 2015-07-18 Jump to invalid address: 02e89450 PC 08ba2348 LR 08ba0000
Tales of Rebirth v1.0-33-ge6af3cf 2015-03-17 Jump to invalid address: 02e89210
Tales of Rebirth v1.0-33-ge6af3cf 2015-03-17 Jump to invalid address: 02e89450
Tales of Rebirth v1.9.4 2024-01-31 avcodec_decode_audio4: Error decoding audio -1094995529 / bebbb1b7
Tales of Rebirth v1.9.4 2024-07-25 Render to texture using CLUT with different strides 192 != 64
Tales of Rebirth v1.9.4 2024-07-26 Render to texture with different strides 512 != 256
Tales of Rebirth v1.5.2 2024-07-07 Loading module scePsmfP_library with version 0101, devkit 03070010
Tales of Rebirth v1.5.2 2024-07-07 Loading module scePsmf_library with version 0101, devkit 03070010
Tales of Rebirth v1.10.3 2021-11-26 BREAK instruction hit