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遊☆戯☆王 5D's タッグフォース4 v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2025-03-06 Error in shader compilation: info: ERROR: 0:16: 'u_proj' : undeclared identifier / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; out lowp vec4 v_color0; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(-normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = u_matambientalpha; }
遊戯王デュエルモンスターズGX タッグフォース 3 v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2025-02-16 Error in shader compilation: info: ERROR: 0:19: 'u_proj' : undeclared identifier / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec2 u_fogcoef; out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump float v_fogdepth; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = color0; v_fogdepth = (viewPos.z + u_fogcoef.x) * u_fogcoef.y; }
遊戯王デュエルモンスターズGX タッグフォース 2 v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2025-02-14 Error in shader compilation: info: ERROR: 0:19: 'u_proj' : undeclared identifier / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec2 u_fogcoef; out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump float v_fogdepth; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = color0; v_fogdepth = (viewPos.z + u_fogcoef.x) * u_fogcoef.y; }
遊戯王デュエルモンスターズGX タッグフォース 2 v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2025-02-10 Error in shader compilation: info: ERROR: 0:16: 'u_proj' : undeclared identifier / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; out lowp vec4 v_color0; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(-normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = u_matambientalpha; }
遊戯王デュエルモンスターズGX タッグフォース 3 v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2025-02-10 Error in shader compilation: info: ERROR: 0:16: 'u_proj' : undeclared identifier / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; out lowp vec4 v_color0; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(-normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = u_matambientalpha; }
遊戯王デュエルモンスターズGX タッグフォース 3 v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2025-02-14 Error in shader compilation: info: ERROR: 0:16: 'u_proj' : undeclared identifier / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; out lowp vec4 v_color0; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = u_matambientalpha; }
遊戯王デュエルモンスターズGX タッグフォース v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2025-02-09 Error in shader compilation: info: ERROR: 0:16: 'u_proj' : undeclared identifier / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; out lowp vec4 v_color0; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = u_matambientalpha; }
SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 2 v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2025-01-17 Error in shader compilation: info: ERROR: 0:16: 'u_proj' : undeclared identifier / code: #version 110 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp attribute vec3 position; attribute mediump vec3 normal; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; varying lowp vec4 v_color0; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = u_matambientalpha; }
討鬼伝 極 v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2025-02-16 Error in shader compilation: info: 0(16) : error C1008: undefined variable "u_proj" / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; out lowp vec4 v_color0; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = u_matambientalpha; }
ダンボール戦機W v1.5.1 2024-12-15 Error in shader compilation: info: 0:16: L0002: Undeclared variable 'u_proj' 0:18: L0002: Undeclared variable 'u_texmtx' / code: #version 300 es precision highp float; in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform vec4 u_uvscaleoffset; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump vec3 v_texcoord; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = u_matambientalpha; v_texcoord = (u_texmtx * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz * vec3(u_uvscaleoffset.xy, 1.0); }
英雄伝説 零の軌跡 v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2024-12-06 Error in shader compilation: info: 0(158) : error C1503: undefined variable "u_proj" 0(159) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(175) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(178) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(179) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(190) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(193) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(194) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(205) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(208) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(209) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(220) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(223) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(224) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(226) : error C1503: undefined variable "tex" / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in mediump vec4 w1, w2; in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; in vec2 texcoord; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform mediump mat4 u_texmtx; uniform mat4 u_bone0; uniform mat4 u_bone1; uniform mat4 u_bone2; uniform mat4 u_bone3; uniform mat4 u_bone4; uniform mat4 u_bone5; uniform mat4 u_bone6; uniform mat4 u_bone7; uniform vec4 u_uvscaleoffset; uniform vec3 u_lightpos0; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt0; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir0; uniform mediump float u_lightangle0; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular0; uniform vec3 u_lightpos1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir1; uniform mediump float u_lightangle1; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular1; uniform vec3 u_lightpos2; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt2; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir2; uniform mediump float u_lightangle2; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular2; uniform vec3 u_lightpos3; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt3; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir3; uniform mediump float u_lightangle3; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular3; uniform lowp vec4 u_ambient; uniform lowp vec4 u_matspecular; uniform lowp vec3 u_matemissive; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec2 u_fogcoef; flat out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump vec3 v_texcoord; out mediump float v_fogdepth; uniform sampler1D u_tess_pos_tex; uniform sampler1D u_tess_tex_tex; uniform sampler1D u_tess_col_tex; uniform int u_spline_count_u; vec2 tess_sample(in vec2 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec2 pos = vec2(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } vec3 tess_sample(in vec3 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec3 pos = vec3(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } vec4 tess_sample(in vec4 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec4 pos = vec4(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } uniform int u_spline_count_v; uniform int u_spline_type_u; uniform int u_spline_type_v; void spline_knot(ivec2 num_patches, ivec2 type, out vec2 knot[6], ivec2 patch_pos) { for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { knot[i] = vec2(float(i + patch_pos.x - 2), float(i + patch_pos.y - 2)); } if ((type.x & 1) != 0) { if (patch_pos.x <= 2) knot[0].x = 0.0; if (patch_pos.x <= 1) knot[1].x = 0.0; } if ((type.x & 2) != 0) { if (patch_pos.x >= (num_patches.x - 2)) knot[5].x = float(num_patches.x); if (pa
FINAL FANTASY IV Complete Collection v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2024-11-18 Error in shader compilation: info: ERROR: 0:16: 'u_proj' : undeclared identifier ERROR: 0:16: '' : compilation terminated ERROR: 2 compilation errors. No code generated. / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; out lowp vec4 v_color0; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = u_matambientalpha; }
STAR OCEAN: Second Evolution v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2024-11-06 Error in shader compilation: info: 0(15) : error C1503: undefined variable "u_proj" / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in vec3 position; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; out lowp vec4 v_color0; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = u_matambientalpha; }
Spider-Man 2 v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2024-11-02 Error in shader compilation: info: ERROR: 0:18: 'u_proj' : undeclared identifier / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec2 u_fogcoef; out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump float v_fogdepth; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = u_matambientalpha; v_fogdepth = (viewPos.z + u_fogcoef.x) * u_fogcoef.y; }
幻想水滸伝Ⅰ&Ⅱ v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2024-10-31 Error in shader compilation: info: 0(158) : error C1008: undefined variable "u_proj" 0(159) : error C1008: undefined variable "col" 0(175) : error C1008: undefined variable "col" 0(178) : error C1008: undefined variable "col" 0(179) : error C1008: undefined variable "col" 0(190) : error C1008: undefined variable "col" 0(193) : error C1008: undefined variable "col" 0(194) : error C1008: undefined variable "col" 0(205) : error C1008: undefined variable "col" 0(208) : error C1008: undefined variable "col" 0(209) : error C1008: undefined variable "col" 0(220) : error C1008: undefined variable "col" 0(223) : error C1008: undefined variable "col" 0(224) : error C1008: undefined variable "col" 0(226) : error C1008: undefined variable "tex" / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in mediump vec4 w1, w2; in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; in vec2 texcoord; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform mediump mat4 u_texmtx; uniform mat4 u_bone0; uniform mat4 u_bone1; uniform mat4 u_bone2; uniform mat4 u_bone3; uniform mat4 u_bone4; uniform mat4 u_bone5; uniform mat4 u_bone6; uniform mat4 u_bone7; uniform vec4 u_uvscaleoffset; uniform vec3 u_lightpos0; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt0; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir0; uniform mediump float u_lightangle0; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular0; uniform vec3 u_lightpos1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir1; uniform mediump float u_lightangle1; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular1; uniform vec3 u_lightpos2; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt2; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir2; uniform mediump float u_lightangle2; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular2; uniform vec3 u_lightpos3; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt3; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir3; uniform mediump float u_lightangle3; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular3; uniform lowp vec4 u_ambient; uniform lowp vec4 u_matspecular; uniform lowp vec3 u_matemissive; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec2 u_fogcoef; flat out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump vec3 v_texcoord; out mediump float v_fogdepth; uniform sampler1D u_tess_pos_tex; uniform sampler1D u_tess_tex_tex; uniform sampler1D u_tess_col_tex; uniform int u_spline_count_u; vec2 tess_sample(in vec2 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec2 pos = vec2(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } vec3 tess_sample(in vec3 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec3 pos = vec3(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } vec4 tess_sample(in vec4 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec4 pos = vec4(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } uniform int u_spline_count_v; uniform int u_spline_type_u; uniform int u_spline_type_v; void spline_knot(ivec2 num_patches, ivec2 type, out vec2 knot[6], ivec2 patch_pos) { for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { knot[i] = vec2(float(i + patch_pos.x - 2), float(i + patch_pos.y - 2)); } if ((type.x & 1) != 0) { if (patch_pos.x <= 2) knot[0].x = 0.0; if (patch_pos.x <= 1) knot[1].x = 0.0; } if ((type.x & 2) != 0) { if (patch_pos.x >= (num_patches.x - 2)) knot[5].x = float(num_patches.x); if (pa
Mortal Kombat: Unchained v1.5.1 2024-09-28 Error in shader compilation: info: Compile failed. ERROR: 0:14: 'u_proj' : undeclared identifier 1 compilation errors. No code generated. / code: #version 300 es precision highp float; in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; out lowp vec4 v_color0; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = u_matambientalpha; }
ガンダム メモリーズ ~戦いの記憶~ v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2024-09-27 Error in shader compilation: info: 0(16) : error C1008: undefined variable "u_proj" / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; out lowp vec4 v_color0; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = u_matambientalpha; }
Sega Genesis Collection™ v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2024-09-26 Error in shader compilation: info: 0(19) : error C1008: undefined variable "u_proj" / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec2 u_fogcoef; out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump float v_fogdepth; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = color0; v_fogdepth = (viewPos.z + u_fogcoef.x) * u_fogcoef.y; }
英雄伝説 空の軌跡 the 3rd v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2024-09-13 Error in shader compilation: info: 0(158) : error C1503: undefined variable "u_proj" 0(159) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(175) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(178) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(179) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(190) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(193) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(194) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(205) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(208) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(209) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(220) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(223) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(224) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(226) : error C1503: undefined variable "tex" / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in mediump vec4 w1, w2; in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; in vec2 texcoord; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform mediump mat4 u_texmtx; uniform mat4 u_bone0; uniform mat4 u_bone1; uniform mat4 u_bone2; uniform mat4 u_bone3; uniform mat4 u_bone4; uniform mat4 u_bone5; uniform mat4 u_bone6; uniform mat4 u_bone7; uniform vec4 u_uvscaleoffset; uniform vec3 u_lightpos0; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt0; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir0; uniform mediump float u_lightangle0; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular0; uniform vec3 u_lightpos1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir1; uniform mediump float u_lightangle1; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular1; uniform vec3 u_lightpos2; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt2; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir2; uniform mediump float u_lightangle2; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular2; uniform vec3 u_lightpos3; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt3; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir3; uniform mediump float u_lightangle3; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular3; uniform lowp vec4 u_ambient; uniform lowp vec4 u_matspecular; uniform lowp vec3 u_matemissive; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec2 u_fogcoef; flat out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump vec3 v_texcoord; out mediump float v_fogdepth; uniform sampler1D u_tess_pos_tex; uniform sampler1D u_tess_tex_tex; uniform sampler1D u_tess_col_tex; uniform int u_spline_count_u; vec2 tess_sample(in vec2 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec2 pos = vec2(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } vec3 tess_sample(in vec3 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec3 pos = vec3(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } vec4 tess_sample(in vec4 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec4 pos = vec4(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } uniform int u_spline_count_v; uniform int u_spline_type_u; uniform int u_spline_type_v; void spline_knot(ivec2 num_patches, ivec2 type, out vec2 knot[6], ivec2 patch_pos) { for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { knot[i] = vec2(float(i + patch_pos.x - 2), float(i + patch_pos.y - 2)); } if ((type.x & 1) != 0) { if (patch_pos.x <= 2) knot[0].x = 0.0; if (patch_pos.x <= 1) knot[1].x = 0.0; } if ((type.x & 2) != 0) { if (patch_pos.x >= (num_patches.x - 2)) knot[5].x = float(num_patches.x); if (pa
英雄伝説 空の軌跡 the 3rd v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2024-09-12 Error in shader compilation: info: ERROR: 0:158: 'u_proj' : undeclared identifier ERROR: 0:159: 'col' : undeclared identifier ERROR: 0:165: 'toLight' : undeclared identifier ERROR: 0:165: 'assign' : cannot convert from '3-component vector of float' to 'float' ERROR: 0:166: 'assign' : l-value required "distance" (can't modify void) ERROR: 0:166: 'assign' : cannot convert from 'float' to 'void' ERROR: 0:167: 'assign' : cannot convert from 'void' to 'float' ERROR: 0:168: 'dot' : no matching overloaded function found (using implicit conversion) ERROR: 0:169: 'dot' : no matching overloaded function found (using implicit conversion) ERROR: 0:171: 'lightScale' : undeclared identifier ERROR: 0:171: 'constructor' : can't convert ERROR: 0:171: 'constructor' : can't convert ERROR: 0:173: 'lightScale' : undeclared identifier ERROR: 0:175: 'diffuse' : undeclared identifier ERROR: 0:175: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:175: 'assign' : cannot convert from '3-component vector of float' to 'float' ERROR: 0:178: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:178: 'lightScale' : undeclared identifier ERROR: 0:179: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:180: 'assign' : cannot convert from '3-component vector of float' to 'float' ERROR: 0:181: 'assign' : l-value required "distance" (can't modify void) ERROR: 0:181: 'assign' : cannot convert from 'float' to 'void' ERROR: 0:182: 'assign' : cannot convert from 'void' to 'float' ERROR: 0:183: 'dot' : no matching overloaded function found (using implicit conversion) ERROR: 0:184: 'dot' : no matching overloaded function found (using implicit conversion) ERROR: 0:186: 'constructor' : can't convert ERROR: 0:186: 'constructor' : can't convert ERROR: 0:190: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:190: 'assign' : cannot convert from '3-component vector of float' to 'float' ERROR: 0:193: 'rgb' : field / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in mediump vec4 w1, w2; in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; in vec2 texcoord; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform mediump mat4 u_texmtx; uniform mat4 u_bone0; uniform mat4 u_bone1; uniform mat4 u_bone2; uniform mat4 u_bone3; uniform mat4 u_bone4; uniform mat4 u_bone5; uniform mat4 u_bone6; uniform mat4 u_bone7; uniform vec4 u_uvscaleoffset; uniform vec3 u_lightpos0; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt0; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir0; uniform mediump float u_lightangle0; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular0; uniform vec3 u_lightpos1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir1; uniform mediump float u_lightangle1; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular1; uniform vec3 u_lightpos2; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt2; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir2; uniform mediump float u_lightangle2; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular2; uniform vec3 u_lightpos3; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt3; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir3; uniform mediump float u_lightangle3; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular3; uniform lowp vec4 u_ambient; uniform lowp vec4 u_matspecular; uniform lowp vec3 u_matemissive; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec2 u_fogcoef; flat out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump vec3 v_texcoord; out mediump float v_fogdepth; uniform sampler1D u_tess_pos_tex; uniform sampler1D u_tess_tex_tex; uniform sampler1D u_tess_col_tex; uniform int u_spline_count_u; vec2 tess_sample(in vec2 points[16], in vec2
英雄伝説 空の軌跡SC v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2024-09-05 Error in shader compilation: info: 0(158) : error C1503: undefined variable "u_proj" 0(159) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(175) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(178) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(179) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(190) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(193) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(194) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(205) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(208) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(209) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(220) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(223) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(224) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(226) : error C1503: undefined variable "tex" / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in mediump vec4 w1, w2; in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; in vec2 texcoord; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform mediump mat4 u_texmtx; uniform mat4 u_bone0; uniform mat4 u_bone1; uniform mat4 u_bone2; uniform mat4 u_bone3; uniform mat4 u_bone4; uniform mat4 u_bone5; uniform mat4 u_bone6; uniform mat4 u_bone7; uniform vec4 u_uvscaleoffset; uniform vec3 u_lightpos0; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt0; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir0; uniform mediump float u_lightangle0; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular0; uniform vec3 u_lightpos1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir1; uniform mediump float u_lightangle1; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular1; uniform vec3 u_lightpos2; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt2; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir2; uniform mediump float u_lightangle2; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular2; uniform vec3 u_lightpos3; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt3; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir3; uniform mediump float u_lightangle3; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular3; uniform lowp vec4 u_ambient; uniform lowp vec4 u_matspecular; uniform lowp vec3 u_matemissive; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec2 u_fogcoef; flat out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump vec3 v_texcoord; out mediump float v_fogdepth; uniform sampler1D u_tess_pos_tex; uniform sampler1D u_tess_tex_tex; uniform sampler1D u_tess_col_tex; uniform int u_spline_count_u; vec2 tess_sample(in vec2 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec2 pos = vec2(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } vec3 tess_sample(in vec3 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec3 pos = vec3(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } vec4 tess_sample(in vec4 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec4 pos = vec4(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } uniform int u_spline_count_v; uniform int u_spline_type_u; uniform int u_spline_type_v; void spline_knot(ivec2 num_patches, ivec2 type, out vec2 knot[6], ivec2 patch_pos) { for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { knot[i] = vec2(float(i + patch_pos.x - 2), float(i + patch_pos.y - 2)); } if ((type.x & 1) != 0) { if (patch_pos.x <= 2) knot[0].x = 0.0; if (patch_pos.x <= 1) knot[1].x = 0.0; } if ((type.x & 2) != 0) { if (patch_pos.x >= (num_patches.x - 2)) knot[5].x = float(num_patches.x); if (pa
Silent Hill Zero v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2024-08-25 Error in shader compilation: info: ERROR: 0:19: 'u_proj' : undeclared identifier / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec2 u_fogcoef; out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump float v_fogdepth; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = color0; v_fogdepth = (viewPos.z + u_fogcoef.x) * u_fogcoef.y; }
英雄伝説 空の軌跡SC v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2024-08-09 Error in shader compilation: info: Vertex shader failed to compile with the following errors: ERROR: 0:158: error(#143) Undeclared identifier: u_proj ERROR: 0:159: error(#143) Undeclared identifier: col ERROR: 0:175: error(#216) Vector field selection out of range "rgb" ERROR: 0:178: error(#216) Vector field selection out of range "rgb" ERROR: 0:179: error(#216) Vector field selection out of range "rgb" ERROR: 0:190: error(#216) Vector field selection out of range "rgb" ERROR: 0:193: error(#216) Vector field selection out of range "rgb" ERROR: 0:194: error(#216) Vector field selection out of range "rgb" ERROR: 0:205: error(#216) Vector field selection out of range "rgb" ERROR: 0:208: error(#216) Vector field selection out of range "rgb" ERROR: 0:209: error(#216) Vector field selection out of range "rgb" ERROR: 0:220: error(#216) Vector field selection out of range "rgb" ERROR: 0:223: error(#216) Vector field selection out of range "rgb" ERROR: 0:224: error(#216) Vector field selection out of range "rgb" ERROR: 0:226: error(#143) Undeclared identifier: tex ERROR: error(#273) 15 compilation errors. No code generated / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in mediump vec4 w1, w2; in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; in vec2 texcoord; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform mediump mat4 u_texmtx; uniform mat4 u_bone0; uniform mat4 u_bone1; uniform mat4 u_bone2; uniform mat4 u_bone3; uniform mat4 u_bone4; uniform mat4 u_bone5; uniform mat4 u_bone6; uniform mat4 u_bone7; uniform vec4 u_uvscaleoffset; uniform vec3 u_lightpos0; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt0; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir0; uniform mediump float u_lightangle0; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular0; uniform vec3 u_lightpos1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir1; uniform mediump float u_lightangle1; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular1; uniform vec3 u_lightpos2; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt2; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir2; uniform mediump float u_lightangle2; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular2; uniform vec3 u_lightpos3; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt3; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir3; uniform mediump float u_lightangle3; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular3; uniform lowp vec4 u_ambient; uniform lowp vec4 u_matspecular; uniform lowp vec3 u_matemissive; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec2 u_fogcoef; flat out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump vec3 v_texcoord; out mediump float v_fogdepth; uniform sampler1D u_tess_pos_tex; uniform sampler1D u_tess_tex_tex; uniform sampler1D u_tess_col_tex; uniform int u_spline_count_u; vec2 tess_sample(in vec2 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec2 pos = vec2(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } vec3 tess_sample(in vec3 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec3 pos = vec3(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } vec4 tess_sample(in vec4 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec4 pos = vec4(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } uniform int u_spline_count_v; uniform int u_spline_type_u; uniform int u_spline_type_v; void spline_knot(ivec2 num_patches, ivec2 type, out vec2
Bounty Hounds v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2024-08-07 Error in shader compilation: info: 0(158) : error C1503: undefined variable "u_proj" 0(159) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(175) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(178) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(179) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(190) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(193) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(194) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(205) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(208) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(209) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(220) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(223) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(224) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(226) : error C1503: undefined variable "tex" / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in mediump vec4 w1, w2; in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; in vec2 texcoord; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform mediump mat4 u_texmtx; uniform mat4 u_bone0; uniform mat4 u_bone1; uniform mat4 u_bone2; uniform mat4 u_bone3; uniform mat4 u_bone4; uniform mat4 u_bone5; uniform mat4 u_bone6; uniform mat4 u_bone7; uniform vec4 u_uvscaleoffset; uniform vec3 u_lightpos0; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt0; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir0; uniform mediump float u_lightangle0; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular0; uniform vec3 u_lightpos1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir1; uniform mediump float u_lightangle1; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular1; uniform vec3 u_lightpos2; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt2; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir2; uniform mediump float u_lightangle2; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular2; uniform vec3 u_lightpos3; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt3; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir3; uniform mediump float u_lightangle3; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular3; uniform lowp vec4 u_ambient; uniform lowp vec4 u_matspecular; uniform lowp vec3 u_matemissive; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec2 u_fogcoef; flat out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump vec3 v_texcoord; out mediump float v_fogdepth; uniform sampler1D u_tess_pos_tex; uniform sampler1D u_tess_tex_tex; uniform sampler1D u_tess_col_tex; uniform int u_spline_count_u; vec2 tess_sample(in vec2 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec2 pos = vec2(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } vec3 tess_sample(in vec3 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec3 pos = vec3(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } vec4 tess_sample(in vec4 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec4 pos = vec4(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } uniform int u_spline_count_v; uniform int u_spline_type_u; uniform int u_spline_type_v; void spline_knot(ivec2 num_patches, ivec2 type, out vec2 knot[6], ivec2 patch_pos) { for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { knot[i] = vec2(float(i + patch_pos.x - 2), float(i + patch_pos.y - 2)); } if ((type.x & 1) != 0) { if (patch_pos.x <= 2) knot[0].x = 0.0; if (patch_pos.x <= 1) knot[1].x = 0.0; } if ((type.x & 2) != 0) { if (patch_pos.x >= (num_patches.x - 2)) knot[5].x = float(num_patches.x); if (pa
FINAL FANTASY 零式 ディスク2 v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2024-08-01 Error in shader compilation: info: ERROR: 0:19: 'u_proj' : undeclared identifier / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec2 u_fogcoef; out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump float v_fogdepth; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = color0; v_fogdepth = (viewPos.z + u_fogcoef.x) * u_fogcoef.y; }
Persona3 PORTABLE v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2024-07-20 Error in shader compilation: info: ERROR: 0:16: 'u_proj' : undeclared identifier / code: #version 110 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp attribute vec3 position; attribute mediump vec3 normal; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; varying lowp vec4 v_color0; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = u_matambientalpha; }
遊☆戯☆王 5D's タッグフォース6 v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2024-07-19 Error in shader compilation: info: ERROR: 0:16: 'u_proj' : undeclared identifier / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; out lowp vec4 v_color0; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = u_matambientalpha; }
God of War™: Ghost of Sparta v1.5.2 2024-07-16 Error in shader compilation: info: Compile failed. ERROR: 0:14: 'u_proj' : undeclared identifier 1 compilation errors. No code generated. / code: #version 300 es precision highp float; in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; out lowp vec4 v_color0; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(-normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = u_matambientalpha; }
遊☆戯☆王 5D's タッグフォース4 v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2025-03-05 Error in shader compilation: info: ERROR: 0:16: 'u_proj' : undeclared identifier / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; out lowp vec4 v_color0; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = u_matambientalpha; }
遊☆戯☆王 5D's タッグフォース5 v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2024-07-11 Error in shader compilation: info: ERROR: 0:16: 'u_proj' : undeclared identifier / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; out lowp vec4 v_color0; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = u_matambientalpha; }
遊☆戯☆王 5D's タッグフォース4 v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2024-07-10 Error in shader compilation: info: ERROR: 0:19: 'u_proj' : undeclared identifier / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec2 u_fogcoef; out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump float v_fogdepth; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = color0; v_fogdepth = (viewPos.z + u_fogcoef.x) * u_fogcoef.y; }
STAROCEAN First Departure v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2025-02-08 Error in shader compilation: info: ERROR: 0:16: 'u_proj' : undeclared identifier / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; out lowp vec4 v_color0; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = u_matambientalpha; }
STAR OCEAN: Second Evolution v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2024-06-28 Error in shader compilation: info: 0(16) : error C1503: undefined variable "u_proj" / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; out lowp vec4 v_color0; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = u_matambientalpha; }
FINAL FANTASY 零式 ディスク2 v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2024-06-23 Error in shader compilation: info: ERROR: 0:18: 'u_proj' : undeclared identifier / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform vec4 u_uvscaleoffset; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump vec3 v_texcoord; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = u_matambientalpha; v_texcoord = vec3(, 0.0); }
Silent Hill Zero v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2024-06-21 Error in shader compilation: info: ERROR: 0:21: 'u_proj' : undeclared identifier / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform vec3 u_lightpos1; uniform vec3 u_lightpos2; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec2 u_fogcoef; out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump float v_fogdepth; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(-normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = color0; v_fogdepth = (viewPos.z + u_fogcoef.x) * u_fogcoef.y; }
スーパーロボット大戦A PORTABLE v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2024-06-17 Error in shader compilation: info: ERROR: 0:16: 'u_proj' : undeclared identifier / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; out lowp vec4 v_color0; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = u_matambientalpha; }
HEROES' VS v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2024-06-09 Error in shader compilation: info: ERROR: 0:16: 'u_proj' : undeclared identifier / code: #version 110 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp attribute vec3 position; attribute mediump vec3 normal; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; varying lowp vec4 v_color0; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = u_matambientalpha; }
剣闘士 グラディエータービギンズ v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2024-06-08 Error in shader compilation: info: 0(19) : error C1008: undefined variable "u_proj" / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec2 u_fogcoef; out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump float v_fogdepth; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = color0; v_fogdepth = (viewPos.z + u_fogcoef.x) * u_fogcoef.y; }
God of War™: Ghost of Sparta v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2024-03-17 Error in shader compilation: info: ERROR: 0:19: 'u_proj' : undeclared identifier / code: #version 130 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp attribute vec3 position; attribute mediump vec3 normal; attribute lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec2 u_fogcoef; varying lowp vec4 v_color0; varying mediump float v_fogdepth; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = color0; v_fogdepth = (viewPos.z + u_fogcoef.x) * u_fogcoef.y; }
God of War™: Ghost of Sparta v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2024-02-16 Error in shader compilation: info: ERROR: 0:16: 'u_proj' : undeclared identifier / code: #version 130 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp attribute vec3 position; attribute mediump vec3 normal; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; varying lowp vec4 v_color0; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = u_matambientalpha; }
God of War: Chains of Olympus v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2024-02-01 Error in shader compilation: info: ERROR: 0:19: 'u_proj' : undeclared identifier / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec2 u_fogcoef; out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump float v_fogdepth; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = color0; v_fogdepth = (viewPos.z + u_fogcoef.x) * u_fogcoef.y; }
ACE COMBAT X2 JOINT ASSAULT v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2024-01-30 Error in shader compilation: info: 0(16) : error C1503: undefined variable "u_proj" / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; out lowp vec4 v_color0; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = u_matambientalpha; }
METAL GEAR SOLID PEACE WALKER v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2024-01-29 Error in shader compilation: info: ERROR: 0:158: 'u_proj' : undeclared identifier ERROR: 0:159: 'col' : undeclared identifier ERROR: 0:175: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:178: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:179: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:190: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:193: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:194: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:205: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:208: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:209: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:220: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:223: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:224: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:226: 'tex' : undeclared identifier / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in mediump vec4 w1, w2; in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; in vec2 texcoord; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform mediump mat4 u_texmtx; uniform mat4 u_bone0; uniform mat4 u_bone1; uniform mat4 u_bone2; uniform mat4 u_bone3; uniform mat4 u_bone4; uniform mat4 u_bone5; uniform mat4 u_bone6; uniform mat4 u_bone7; uniform vec4 u_uvscaleoffset; uniform vec3 u_lightpos0; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt0; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir0; uniform mediump float u_lightangle0; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular0; uniform vec3 u_lightpos1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir1; uniform mediump float u_lightangle1; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular1; uniform vec3 u_lightpos2; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt2; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir2; uniform mediump float u_lightangle2; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular2; uniform vec3 u_lightpos3; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt3; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir3; uniform mediump float u_lightangle3; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular3; uniform lowp vec4 u_ambient; uniform lowp vec4 u_matspecular; uniform lowp vec3 u_matemissive; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec2 u_fogcoef; flat out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump vec3 v_texcoord; out mediump float v_fogdepth; uniform sampler1D u_tess_pos_tex; uniform sampler1D u_tess_tex_tex; uniform sampler1D u_tess_col_tex; uniform int u_spline_count_u; vec2 tess_sample(in vec2 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec2 pos = vec2(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } vec3 tess_sample(in vec3 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec3 pos = vec3(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } vec4 tess_sample(in vec4 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec4 pos = vec4(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i
仮面ライダー クライマックスヒーローズ フォーゼ v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2024-01-29 Error in shader compilation: info: ERROR: 0:16: 'u_proj' : undeclared identifier / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; out lowp vec4 v_color0; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = u_matambientalpha; }
Brothers in Arms® D-Day v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2024-01-05 Error in shader compilation: info: ERROR: 0:16: 'u_proj' : undeclared identifier / code: #version 130 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp attribute vec3 position; attribute mediump vec3 normal; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; varying lowp vec4 v_color0; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = u_matambientalpha; }
God of War®: Ghost of Sparta v1.4.2 2024-01-09 Error in shader compilation: info: 0:1: F0002: Mali-400 GP register allocation failed for vertex shader. Please contact [email protected] with the shader causing the problem, along with this error message. Mali online shader compiler r7p0-00rel0 [Revision 96995]. / code: #version 100 precision highp float; attribute vec3 position; attribute mediump vec3 normal; attribute vec2 texcoord; attribute lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform vec4 u_uvscaleoffset; uniform vec3 u_lightpos0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular0; uniform vec3 u_lightpos1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular1; uniform vec3 u_lightpos2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular2; uniform lowp vec4 u_ambient; uniform lowp vec4 u_matspecular; uniform lowp vec3 u_matemissive; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec2 u_fogcoef; varying lowp vec4 v_color0; varying lowp vec3 v_color1; varying mediump vec3 v_texcoord; varying mediump float v_fogdepth; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; lowp vec4 lightSum0 = u_ambient * color0 + vec4(u_matemissive, 0.0); lowp vec3 lightSum1 = vec3(0.0); vec3 toLight; lowp vec3 diffuse; toLight = u_lightpos0; mediump float dot0 = max(dot(toLight, worldnormal), 0.0); diffuse = (u_lightdiffuse0 * color0.rgb) * dot0; dot0 = dot(normalize(toLight + vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)), worldnormal); if (dot0 > 0.0) lightSum1 += u_lightspecular0 * u_matspecular.rgb * (pow(dot0, u_matspecular.a) ); lightSum0.rgb += (u_lightambient0 * color0.rgb + diffuse); toLight = u_lightpos1; mediump float dot1 = max(dot(toLight, worldnormal), 0.0); diffuse = (u_lightdiffuse1 * color0.rgb) * dot1; dot1 = dot(normalize(toLight + vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)), worldnormal); if (dot1 > 0.0) lightSum1 += u_lightspecular1 * u_matspecular.rgb * (pow(dot1, u_matspecular.a) ); lightSum0.rgb += (u_lightambient1 * color0.rgb + diffuse); toLight = u_lightpos2; mediump float dot2 = max(dot(toLight, worldnormal), 0.0); diffuse = (u_lightdiffuse2 * color0.rgb) * dot2; dot2 = dot(normalize(toLight + vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)), worldnormal); if (dot2 > 0.0) lightSum1 += u_lightspecular2 * u_matspecular.rgb * (pow(dot2, u_matspecular.a) ); lightSum0.rgb += (u_lightambient2 * color0.rgb + diffuse); v_color0 = clamp(lightSum0, 0.0, 1.0); v_color1 = clamp(lightSum1, 0.0, 1.0); v_texcoord = vec3(texcoord.xy * u_uvscaleoffset.xy, 0.0); v_fogdepth = (viewPos.z + u_fogcoef.x) * u_fogcoef.y; }
God of War®: Ghost of Sparta v1.4.2 2024-01-09 Error in shader compilation: info: 0:1: F0002: Mali-400 GP register allocation failed for vertex shader. Please contact [email protected] with the shader causing the problem, along with this error message. Mali online shader compiler r7p0-00rel0 [Revision 96995]. / code: #version 100 precision highp float; attribute vec3 position; attribute mediump vec3 normal; attribute vec2 texcoord; attribute lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform vec4 u_uvscaleoffset; uniform vec3 u_lightpos0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular0; uniform vec3 u_lightpos1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular1; uniform vec3 u_lightpos2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular2; uniform lowp vec4 u_ambient; uniform lowp vec4 u_matspecular; uniform lowp vec3 u_matemissive; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec2 u_fogcoef; varying lowp vec4 v_color0; varying lowp vec3 v_color1; varying mediump vec3 v_texcoord; varying mediump float v_fogdepth; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(-normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; lowp vec4 lightSum0 = u_ambient * color0 + vec4(u_matemissive, 0.0); lowp vec3 lightSum1 = vec3(0.0); vec3 toLight; lowp vec3 diffuse; toLight = u_lightpos0; mediump float dot0 = max(dot(toLight, worldnormal), 0.0); diffuse = (u_lightdiffuse0 * color0.rgb) * dot0; dot0 = dot(normalize(toLight + vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)), worldnormal); if (dot0 > 0.0) lightSum1 += u_lightspecular0 * u_matspecular.rgb * (pow(dot0, u_matspecular.a) ); lightSum0.rgb += (u_lightambient0 * color0.rgb + diffuse); toLight = u_lightpos1; mediump float dot1 = max(dot(toLight, worldnormal), 0.0); diffuse = (u_lightdiffuse1 * color0.rgb) * dot1; dot1 = dot(normalize(toLight + vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)), worldnormal); if (dot1 > 0.0) lightSum1 += u_lightspecular1 * u_matspecular.rgb * (pow(dot1, u_matspecular.a) ); lightSum0.rgb += (u_lightambient1 * color0.rgb + diffuse); toLight = u_lightpos2; mediump float dot2 = max(dot(toLight, worldnormal), 0.0); diffuse = (u_lightdiffuse2 * color0.rgb) * dot2; dot2 = dot(normalize(toLight + vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)), worldnormal); if (dot2 > 0.0) lightSum1 += u_lightspecular2 * u_matspecular.rgb * (pow(dot2, u_matspecular.a) ); lightSum0.rgb += (u_lightambient2 * color0.rgb + diffuse); v_color0 = clamp(lightSum0, 0.0, 1.0); v_color1 = clamp(lightSum1, 0.0, 1.0); v_texcoord = vec3(texcoord.xy * u_uvscaleoffset.xy, 0.0); v_fogdepth = (viewPos.z + u_fogcoef.x) * u_fogcoef.y; }
アンデッドナイツ v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2023-12-09 Error in shader compilation: info: ERROR: 0:16: 'u_proj' : undeclared identifier / code: #version 130 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp attribute vec3 position; attribute mediump vec3 normal; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; varying lowp vec4 v_color0; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = u_matambientalpha; }
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars v1.4.2 2023-12-03 Error in shader compilation: info: 0:1: F0002: Mali-400 GP register allocation failed for vertex shader. Please contact [email protected] with the shader causing the problem, along with this error message. Mali online shader compiler r2p1_05rel0 [Revision 96995]. / code: #version 100 precision highp float; attribute vec3 position; attribute mediump vec3 normal; attribute vec2 texcoord; attribute lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform vec4 u_uvscaleoffset; uniform vec3 u_lightpos0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular0; uniform vec3 u_lightpos1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular1; uniform vec3 u_lightpos2; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular2; uniform vec3 u_lightpos3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular3; uniform lowp vec4 u_ambient; uniform lowp vec4 u_matspecular; uniform lowp vec3 u_matemissive; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; varying lowp vec4 v_color0; varying lowp vec3 v_color1; varying mediump vec3 v_texcoord; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; lowp vec4 lightSum0 = u_ambient * color0 + vec4(u_matemissive, 0.0); lowp vec3 lightSum1 = vec3(0.0); vec3 toLight; lowp vec3 diffuse; float distance; lowp float lightScale; toLight = u_lightpos0; mediump float dot0 = max(dot(toLight, worldnormal), 0.0); diffuse = (u_lightdiffuse0 * color0.rgb) * dot0; dot0 = dot(normalize(toLight + vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)), worldnormal); if (dot0 > 0.0) lightSum1 += u_lightspecular0 * u_matspecular.rgb * (pow(dot0, u_matspecular.a) ); lightSum0.rgb += (u_lightambient0 * color0.rgb + diffuse); toLight = u_lightpos1 - worldpos; distance = length(toLight); toLight /= distance; mediump float dot1 = max(dot(toLight, worldnormal), 0.0); lightScale = clamp(1.0 / dot(u_lightatt1, vec3(1.0, distance, distance*distance)), 0.0, 1.0); diffuse = (u_lightdiffuse1 * color0.rgb) * dot1; dot1 = dot(normalize(toLight + vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)), worldnormal); if (dot1 > 0.0) lightSum1 += u_lightspecular1 * u_matspecular.rgb * (pow(dot1, u_matspecular.a) * lightScale); lightSum0.rgb += (u_lightambient1 * color0.rgb + diffuse) * lightScale; toLight = u_lightpos2 - worldpos; distance = length(toLight); toLight /= distance; mediump float dot2 = max(dot(toLight, worldnormal), 0.0); lightScale = clamp(1.0 / dot(u_lightatt2, vec3(1.0, distance, distance*distance)), 0.0, 1.0); diffuse = (u_lightdiffuse2 * color0.rgb) * dot2; dot2 = dot(normalize(toLight + vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)), worldnormal); if (dot2 > 0.0) lightSum1 += u_lightspecular2 * u_matspecular.rgb * (pow(dot2, u_matspecular.a) * lightScale); lightSum0.rgb += (u_lightambient2 * color0.rgb + diffuse) * lightScale; toLight = u_lightpos3; mediump float dot3 = max(dot(toLight, worldnormal), 0.0); diffuse = (u_lightdiffuse3 * color0.rgb) * dot3; dot3 = dot(normalize(toLight + vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)), worldnormal); if (dot3 > 0.0) lightSum1 += u_lightspecular3 * u_matspecular.rgb * (pow(dot3, u_matspecular.a) ); lightSum0.rgb += (u_lightambient3 * color0.rgb + diffuse); v_color0 = clamp(lightSum0, 0.0, 1.0); v_color1 = clamp(lightSum1, 0.0, 1.0); v_texcoord = vec3(texcoord.xy * u_uvscaleoffset.xy, 0.0); }
ドラゴンボールZ 真武道会2 v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2024-03-31 Error in shader compilation: info: ERROR: 0:16: 'u_proj' : undeclared identifier / code: #version 130 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp attribute vec3 position; attribute mediump vec3 normal; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; varying lowp vec4 v_color0; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = u_matambientalpha; }
Spider-Man(TM): Web of Shadows – Amazing Allies Edition v1.5.2 2023-12-02 Error in shader compilation: info: Compile failed. ERROR: 0:17: 'u_proj' : undeclared identifier ERROR: 1 compilation errors. No code generated. / code: #version 300 es precision highp float; in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec2 u_fogcoef; out lowp vec4 v_color0; out highp float v_fogdepth; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = color0; v_fogdepth = (viewPos.z + u_fogcoef.x) * u_fogcoef.y; }
BLEACH ~HEAT・THE・SOUL 7~ v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2024-10-04 Error in shader compilation: info: ERROR: 0:16: 'u_proj' : undeclared identifier / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; out lowp vec4 v_color0; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = u_matambientalpha; }
METAL GEAR SOLID PEACE WALKER v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2023-11-16 Error in shader compilation: info: Vertex shader failed to compile with the following errors: ERROR: 0:16: error(#143) Undeclared identifier u_proj ERROR: error(#273) 1 compilation errors. No code generated / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; out lowp vec4 v_color0; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = u_matambientalpha; }
仮面ライダー クライマックスヒーローズ オーズ v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2023-11-07 Error in shader compilation: info: 0(16) : error C1503: undefined variable "u_proj" / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; out lowp vec4 v_color0; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = u_matambientalpha; }
Mortal Kombat: Unchained v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2023-11-04 Error in shader compilation: info: 0(16) : error C1503: undefined variable "u_proj" / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; out lowp vec4 v_color0; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = u_matambientalpha; }
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 2 v1.4.2-530-gf53b455dc 2023-12-07 Error in shader compilation: info: 0(16) : error C1503: undefined variable "u_proj" / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; out lowp vec4 v_color0; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = u_matambientalpha; }
VALKYRIE PROFILE -LENNETH- v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2023-10-10 Error in shader compilation: info: ERROR: 0:158: 'u_proj' : undeclared identifier ERROR: 0:159: 'col' : undeclared identifier ERROR: 0:175: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:178: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:179: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:190: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:193: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:194: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:205: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:208: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:209: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:220: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:223: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:224: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:226: 'tex' : undeclared identifier / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in mediump vec4 w1, w2; in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; in vec2 texcoord; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform mediump mat4 u_texmtx; uniform mat4 u_bone0; uniform mat4 u_bone1; uniform mat4 u_bone2; uniform mat4 u_bone3; uniform mat4 u_bone4; uniform mat4 u_bone5; uniform mat4 u_bone6; uniform mat4 u_bone7; uniform vec4 u_uvscaleoffset; uniform vec3 u_lightpos0; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt0; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir0; uniform mediump float u_lightangle0; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular0; uniform vec3 u_lightpos1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir1; uniform mediump float u_lightangle1; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular1; uniform vec3 u_lightpos2; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt2; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir2; uniform mediump float u_lightangle2; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular2; uniform vec3 u_lightpos3; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt3; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir3; uniform mediump float u_lightangle3; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular3; uniform lowp vec4 u_ambient; uniform lowp vec4 u_matspecular; uniform lowp vec3 u_matemissive; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec2 u_fogcoef; flat out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump vec3 v_texcoord; out mediump float v_fogdepth; uniform sampler1D u_tess_pos_tex; uniform sampler1D u_tess_tex_tex; uniform sampler1D u_tess_col_tex; uniform int u_spline_count_u; vec2 tess_sample(in vec2 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec2 pos = vec2(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } vec3 tess_sample(in vec3 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec3 pos = vec3(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } vec4 tess_sample(in vec4 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec4 pos = vec4(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i
FIFA 13 v1.5.2 2023-09-17 Error in shader compilation: info: Compile failed. ERROR: 0:17: 'u_proj' : undeclared identifier 1 compilation errors. No code generated. / code: #version 300 es precision highp float; in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec2 u_fogcoef; out lowp vec4 v_color0; out highp float v_fogdepth; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = color0; v_fogdepth = (viewPos.z + u_fogcoef.x) * u_fogcoef.y; }
Call of Duty : Roads to Victory™ v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2023-09-17 Error in shader compilation: info: 0(19) : error C1503: undefined variable "u_proj" / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec2 u_fogcoef; out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump float v_fogdepth; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = color0; v_fogdepth = (viewPos.z + u_fogcoef.x) * u_fogcoef.y; }
FINAL FANTASY IV Complete Collection v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2023-09-10 Error in shader compilation: info: 0(19) : error C1008: undefined variable "u_proj" / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec2 u_fogcoef; out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump float v_fogdepth; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = color0; v_fogdepth = (viewPos.z + u_fogcoef.x) * u_fogcoef.y; }
The 3rd Birthday v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2023-09-22 Error in shader compilation: info: Vertex shader failed to compile with the following errors: ERROR: 0:16: error(#143) Undeclared identifier u_proj ERROR: error(#273) 1 compilation errors. No code generated / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; out lowp vec4 v_color0; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = u_matambientalpha; }
METAL GEAR SOLID PEACE WALKER v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2023-08-30 Error in shader compilation: info: Vertex shader failed to compile with the following errors: ERROR: 0:158: error(#143) Undeclared identifier u_proj ERROR: 0:159: error(#143) Undeclared identifier col ERROR: 0:175: error(#216) Vector field selection out of range 'rgb' ERROR: 0:178: error(#216) Vector field selection out of range 'rgb' ERROR: 0:179: error(#216) Vector field selection out of range 'rgb' ERROR: 0:190: error(#216) Vector field selection out of range 'rgb' ERROR: 0:193: error(#216) Vector field selection out of range 'rgb' ERROR: 0:194: error(#216) Vector field selection out of range 'rgb' ERROR: 0:205: error(#216) Vector field selection out of range 'rgb' ERROR: 0:208: error(#216) Vector field selection out of range 'rgb' ERROR: 0:209: error(#216) Vector field selection out of range 'rgb' ERROR: 0:220: error(#216) Vector field selection out of range 'rgb' ERROR: 0:223: error(#216) Vector field selection out of range 'rgb' ERROR: 0:224: error(#216) Vector field selection out of range 'rgb' ERROR: 0:226: error(#143) Undeclared identifier tex ERROR: error(#273) 15 compilation errors. No code generated / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in mediump vec4 w1, w2; in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; in vec2 texcoord; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform mediump mat4 u_texmtx; uniform mat4 u_bone0; uniform mat4 u_bone1; uniform mat4 u_bone2; uniform mat4 u_bone3; uniform mat4 u_bone4; uniform mat4 u_bone5; uniform mat4 u_bone6; uniform mat4 u_bone7; uniform vec4 u_uvscaleoffset; uniform vec3 u_lightpos0; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt0; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir0; uniform mediump float u_lightangle0; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular0; uniform vec3 u_lightpos1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir1; uniform mediump float u_lightangle1; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular1; uniform vec3 u_lightpos2; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt2; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir2; uniform mediump float u_lightangle2; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular2; uniform vec3 u_lightpos3; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt3; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir3; uniform mediump float u_lightangle3; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular3; uniform lowp vec4 u_ambient; uniform lowp vec4 u_matspecular; uniform lowp vec3 u_matemissive; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec2 u_fogcoef; flat out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump vec3 v_texcoord; out mediump float v_fogdepth; uniform sampler1D u_tess_pos_tex; uniform sampler1D u_tess_tex_tex; uniform sampler1D u_tess_col_tex; uniform int u_spline_count_u; vec2 tess_sample(in vec2 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec2 pos = vec2(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } vec3 tess_sample(in vec3 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec3 pos = vec3(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } vec4 tess_sample(in vec4 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec4 pos = vec4(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } uniform int u_spline_count_v; uniform int u_spline_type_u; uniform int u_spline_type_v; void spline_knot(ivec2 num_patches, ivec2 type, out vec2 kn
仮面ライダー 超クライマックスヒーローズ v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2023-08-28 Error in shader compilation: info: 0(16) : error C1503: undefined variable "u_proj" / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; out lowp vec4 v_color0; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = u_matambientalpha; }
Luxor:Pharaoh's Challenge v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2025-01-11 Error in shader compilation: info: 0(158) : error C1008: undefined variable "u_proj" 0(159) : error C1008: undefined variable "col" 0(175) : error C1008: undefined variable "col" 0(178) : error C1008: undefined variable "col" 0(179) : error C1008: undefined variable "col" 0(190) : error C1008: undefined variable "col" 0(193) : error C1008: undefined variable "col" 0(194) : error C1008: undefined variable "col" 0(205) : error C1008: undefined variable "col" 0(208) : error C1008: undefined variable "col" 0(209) : error C1008: undefined variable "col" 0(220) : error C1008: undefined variable "col" 0(223) : error C1008: undefined variable "col" 0(224) : error C1008: undefined variable "col" 0(226) : error C1008: undefined variable "tex" / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in mediump vec4 w1, w2; in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; in vec2 texcoord; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform mediump mat4 u_texmtx; uniform mat4 u_bone0; uniform mat4 u_bone1; uniform mat4 u_bone2; uniform mat4 u_bone3; uniform mat4 u_bone4; uniform mat4 u_bone5; uniform mat4 u_bone6; uniform mat4 u_bone7; uniform vec4 u_uvscaleoffset; uniform vec3 u_lightpos0; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt0; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir0; uniform mediump float u_lightangle0; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular0; uniform vec3 u_lightpos1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir1; uniform mediump float u_lightangle1; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular1; uniform vec3 u_lightpos2; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt2; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir2; uniform mediump float u_lightangle2; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular2; uniform vec3 u_lightpos3; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt3; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir3; uniform mediump float u_lightangle3; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular3; uniform lowp vec4 u_ambient; uniform lowp vec4 u_matspecular; uniform lowp vec3 u_matemissive; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec2 u_fogcoef; flat out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump vec3 v_texcoord; out mediump float v_fogdepth; uniform sampler1D u_tess_pos_tex; uniform sampler1D u_tess_tex_tex; uniform sampler1D u_tess_col_tex; uniform int u_spline_count_u; vec2 tess_sample(in vec2 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec2 pos = vec2(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } vec3 tess_sample(in vec3 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec3 pos = vec3(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } vec4 tess_sample(in vec4 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec4 pos = vec4(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } uniform int u_spline_count_v; uniform int u_spline_type_u; uniform int u_spline_type_v; void spline_knot(ivec2 num_patches, ivec2 type, out vec2 knot[6], ivec2 patch_pos) { for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { knot[i] = vec2(float(i + patch_pos.x - 2), float(i + patch_pos.y - 2)); } if ((type.x & 1) != 0) { if (patch_pos.x <= 2) knot[0].x = 0.0; if (patch_pos.x <= 1) knot[1].x = 0.0; } if ((type.x & 2) != 0) { if (patch_pos.x >= (num_patches.x - 2)) knot[5].x = float(num_patches.x); if (pa
英雄伝説 碧の軌跡 v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2023-08-21 Error in shader compilation: info: ERROR: 0:16: 'u_proj' : undeclared identifier / code: #version 130 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp attribute vec3 position; attribute mediump vec3 normal; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; varying lowp vec4 v_color0; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = u_matambientalpha; }
Sega Genesis Collection™ v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2023-08-02 Error in shader compilation: info: 0(158) : error C1503: undefined variable "u_proj" 0(159) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(175) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(178) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(179) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(190) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(193) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(194) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(205) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(208) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(209) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(220) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(223) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(224) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(226) : error C1503: undefined variable "tex" / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in mediump vec4 w1, w2; in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; in vec2 texcoord; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform mediump mat4 u_texmtx; uniform mat4 u_bone0; uniform mat4 u_bone1; uniform mat4 u_bone2; uniform mat4 u_bone3; uniform mat4 u_bone4; uniform mat4 u_bone5; uniform mat4 u_bone6; uniform mat4 u_bone7; uniform vec4 u_uvscaleoffset; uniform vec3 u_lightpos0; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt0; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir0; uniform mediump float u_lightangle0; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular0; uniform vec3 u_lightpos1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir1; uniform mediump float u_lightangle1; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular1; uniform vec3 u_lightpos2; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt2; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir2; uniform mediump float u_lightangle2; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular2; uniform vec3 u_lightpos3; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt3; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir3; uniform mediump float u_lightangle3; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular3; uniform lowp vec4 u_ambient; uniform lowp vec4 u_matspecular; uniform lowp vec3 u_matemissive; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec2 u_fogcoef; flat out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump vec3 v_texcoord; out mediump float v_fogdepth; uniform sampler1D u_tess_pos_tex; uniform sampler1D u_tess_tex_tex; uniform sampler1D u_tess_col_tex; uniform int u_spline_count_u; vec2 tess_sample(in vec2 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec2 pos = vec2(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } vec3 tess_sample(in vec3 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec3 pos = vec3(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } vec4 tess_sample(in vec4 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec4 pos = vec4(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } uniform int u_spline_count_v; uniform int u_spline_type_u; uniform int u_spline_type_v; void spline_knot(ivec2 num_patches, ivec2 type, out vec2 knot[6], ivec2 patch_pos) { for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { knot[i] = vec2(float(i + patch_pos.x - 2), float(i + patch_pos.y - 2)); } if ((type.x & 1) != 0) { if (patch_pos.x <= 2) knot[0].x = 0.0; if (patch_pos.x <= 1) knot[1].x = 0.0; } if ((type.x & 2) != 0) { if (patch_pos.x >= (num_patches.x - 2)) knot[5].x = float(num_patches.x); if (pa
スーパーロボット大戦A PORTABLE v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2025-03-01 Error in shader compilation: info: ERROR: 0:16: 'u_proj' : undeclared identifier ERROR: 0:16: '' : compilation terminated ERROR: 2 compilation errors. No code generated. / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; out lowp vec4 v_color0; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = u_matambientalpha; }
METAL GEAR SOLID PEACE WALKER v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2023-07-12 Error in shader compilation: info: ERROR: 0:16: 'u_proj' : undeclared identifier ERROR: 0:16: '' : compilation terminated ERROR: 2 compilation errors. No code generated. / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; out lowp vec4 v_color0; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = u_matambientalpha; }
300: March to Glory v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2023-07-01 Error in shader compilation: info: Vertex shader failed to compile with the following errors: ERROR: 0:16: error(#143) Undeclared identifier: u_proj ERROR: error(#273) 1 compilation errors. No code generated / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; out lowp vec4 v_color0; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = u_matambientalpha; }
スーパーダンガンロンパ2 さよなら絶望学園 v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2023-10-01 Error in shader compilation: info: Vertex shader failed to compile with the following errors: ERROR: 0:16: error(#143) Undeclared identifier: u_proj ERROR: error(#273) 1 compilation errors. No code generated / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; out lowp vec4 v_color0; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = u_matambientalpha; }
牧場物語 シュガー村とみんなの願い v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2023-06-27 Error in shader compilation: info: Vertex shader failed to compile with the following errors: ERROR: 0:158: error(#143) Undeclared identifier: u_proj ERROR: 0:159: error(#143) Undeclared identifier: col ERROR: 0:175: error(#216) Vector field selection out of range "rgb" ERROR: 0:178: error(#216) Vector field selection out of range "rgb" ERROR: 0:179: error(#216) Vector field selection out of range "rgb" ERROR: 0:190: error(#216) Vector field selection out of range "rgb" ERROR: 0:193: error(#216) Vector field selection out of range "rgb" ERROR: 0:194: error(#216) Vector field selection out of range "rgb" ERROR: 0:205: error(#216) Vector field selection out of range "rgb" ERROR: 0:208: error(#216) Vector field selection out of range "rgb" ERROR: 0:209: error(#216) Vector field selection out of range "rgb" ERROR: 0:220: error(#216) Vector field selection out of range "rgb" ERROR: 0:223: error(#216) Vector field selection out of range "rgb" ERROR: 0:224: error(#216) Vector field selection out of range "rgb" ERROR: 0:226: error(#143) Undeclared identifier: tex ERROR: error(#273) 15 compilation errors. No code generated / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in mediump vec4 w1, w2; in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; in vec2 texcoord; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform mediump mat4 u_texmtx; uniform mat4 u_bone0; uniform mat4 u_bone1; uniform mat4 u_bone2; uniform mat4 u_bone3; uniform mat4 u_bone4; uniform mat4 u_bone5; uniform mat4 u_bone6; uniform mat4 u_bone7; uniform vec4 u_uvscaleoffset; uniform vec3 u_lightpos0; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt0; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir0; uniform mediump float u_lightangle0; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular0; uniform vec3 u_lightpos1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir1; uniform mediump float u_lightangle1; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular1; uniform vec3 u_lightpos2; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt2; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir2; uniform mediump float u_lightangle2; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular2; uniform vec3 u_lightpos3; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt3; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir3; uniform mediump float u_lightangle3; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular3; uniform lowp vec4 u_ambient; uniform lowp vec4 u_matspecular; uniform lowp vec3 u_matemissive; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec2 u_fogcoef; flat out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump vec3 v_texcoord; out mediump float v_fogdepth; uniform sampler1D u_tess_pos_tex; uniform sampler1D u_tess_tex_tex; uniform sampler1D u_tess_col_tex; uniform int u_spline_count_u; vec2 tess_sample(in vec2 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec2 pos = vec2(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } vec3 tess_sample(in vec3 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec3 pos = vec3(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } vec4 tess_sample(in vec4 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec4 pos = vec4(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } uniform int u_spline_count_v; uniform int u_spline_type_u; uniform int u_spline_type_v; void spline_knot(ivec2 num_patches, ivec2 type, out vec2
Tales of Rebirth v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2023-06-23 Error in shader compilation: info: ERROR: 0:158: 'u_proj' : undeclared identifier ERROR: 0:158: '' : compilation terminated ERROR: 2 compilation errors. No code generated. / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in mediump vec4 w1, w2; in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; in vec2 texcoord; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform mediump mat4 u_texmtx; uniform mat4 u_bone0; uniform mat4 u_bone1; uniform mat4 u_bone2; uniform mat4 u_bone3; uniform mat4 u_bone4; uniform mat4 u_bone5; uniform mat4 u_bone6; uniform mat4 u_bone7; uniform vec4 u_uvscaleoffset; uniform vec3 u_lightpos0; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt0; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir0; uniform mediump float u_lightangle0; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular0; uniform vec3 u_lightpos1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir1; uniform mediump float u_lightangle1; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular1; uniform vec3 u_lightpos2; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt2; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir2; uniform mediump float u_lightangle2; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular2; uniform vec3 u_lightpos3; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt3; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir3; uniform mediump float u_lightangle3; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular3; uniform lowp vec4 u_ambient; uniform lowp vec4 u_matspecular; uniform lowp vec3 u_matemissive; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec2 u_fogcoef; flat out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump vec3 v_texcoord; out mediump float v_fogdepth; uniform sampler1D u_tess_pos_tex; uniform sampler1D u_tess_tex_tex; uniform sampler1D u_tess_col_tex; uniform int u_spline_count_u; vec2 tess_sample(in vec2 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec2 pos = vec2(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } vec3 tess_sample(in vec3 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec3 pos = vec3(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } vec4 tess_sample(in vec4 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec4 pos = vec4(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } uniform int u_spline_count_v; uniform int u_spline_type_u; uniform int u_spline_type_v; void spline_knot(ivec2 num_patches, ivec2 type, out vec2 knot[6], ivec2 patch_pos) { for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { knot[i] = vec2(float(i + patch_pos.x - 2), float(i + patch_pos.y - 2)); } if ((type.x & 1) != 0) { if (patch_pos.x <= 2) knot[0].x = 0.0; if (patch_pos.x <= 1) knot[1].x = 0.0; } if ((type.x & 2) != 0) { if (patch_pos.x >= (num_patches.x - 2)) knot[5].x = float(num_patches.x); if (patch_pos.x == (num_patches.x - 1)) knot[4].x = float(num_patches.x); } if ((type.y & 1) != 0) { if (patch_pos.y <= 2) knot[0].y = 0.0; if (patch_pos.y <= 1) knot[1].y = 0.0; } if ((type.y & 2) != 0) { if (patch_pos.y >= (num_patches.y - 2)) knot[5].y = float(num_patches.y); if (patch_pos.y == (num_patches.y - 1)) knot[4].y = float(num_patches.y); } } void spline_weight(vec2 t, in vec2 knot[6], out vec2 weights[4]) { vec2 t0 = (t - knot[0]); vec2 t1 = (t - knot[1]); vec2 t2 = (t - knot[2]); vec2 f30
英雄伝説 碧の軌跡 v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2023-08-24 Error in shader compilation: info: 0(16) : error C1503: undefined variable "u_proj" / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; out lowp vec4 v_color0; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = u_matambientalpha; }
METAL GEAR SOLID PEACE WALKER v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2023-06-03 Error in shader compilation: info: 0(16) : error C1503: undefined variable "u_proj" / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; out lowp vec4 v_color0; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = u_matambientalpha; }
ワールド・ネバーランド~ナルル王国物語~ v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2023-05-27 Error in shader compilation: info: ERROR: 0:158: 'u_proj' : undeclared identifier ERROR: 0:159: 'col' : undeclared identifier ERROR: 0:165: 'toLight' : undeclared identifier ERROR: 0:165: 'assign' : cannot convert from '3-component vector of float' to 'float' ERROR: 0:166: 'assign' : l-value required "distance" (can't modify void) ERROR: 0:166: 'assign' : cannot convert from 'float' to 'void' ERROR: 0:167: 'assign' : cannot convert from 'void' to 'float' ERROR: 0:168: 'dot' : no matching overloaded function found (using implicit conversion) ERROR: 0:169: 'dot' : no matching overloaded function found (using implicit conversion) ERROR: 0:171: 'lightScale' : undeclared identifier ERROR: 0:171: 'constructor' : can't convert ERROR: 0:171: 'constructor' : can't convert ERROR: 0:173: 'lightScale' : undeclared identifier ERROR: 0:175: 'diffuse' : undeclared identifier ERROR: 0:175: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:175: 'assign' : cannot convert from '3-component vector of float' to 'float' ERROR: 0:178: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:178: 'lightScale' : undeclared identifier ERROR: 0:179: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:180: 'assign' : cannot convert from '3-component vector of float' to 'float' ERROR: 0:181: 'assign' : l-value required "distance" (can't modify void) ERROR: 0:181: 'assign' : cannot convert from 'float' to 'void' ERROR: 0:182: 'assign' : cannot convert from 'void' to 'float' ERROR: 0:183: 'dot' : no matching overloaded function found (using implicit conversion) ERROR: 0:184: 'dot' : no matching overloaded function found (using implicit conversion) ERROR: 0:186: 'constructor' : can't convert ERROR: 0:186: 'constructor' : can't convert ERROR: 0:190: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:190: 'assign' : cannot convert from '3-component vector of float' to 'float' ERROR: 0:193: 'rgb' : field / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in mediump vec4 w1, w2; in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; in vec2 texcoord; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform mediump mat4 u_texmtx; uniform mat4 u_bone0; uniform mat4 u_bone1; uniform mat4 u_bone2; uniform mat4 u_bone3; uniform mat4 u_bone4; uniform mat4 u_bone5; uniform mat4 u_bone6; uniform mat4 u_bone7; uniform vec4 u_uvscaleoffset; uniform vec3 u_lightpos0; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt0; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir0; uniform mediump float u_lightangle0; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular0; uniform vec3 u_lightpos1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir1; uniform mediump float u_lightangle1; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular1; uniform vec3 u_lightpos2; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt2; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir2; uniform mediump float u_lightangle2; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular2; uniform vec3 u_lightpos3; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt3; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir3; uniform mediump float u_lightangle3; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular3; uniform lowp vec4 u_ambient; uniform lowp vec4 u_matspecular; uniform lowp vec3 u_matemissive; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec2 u_fogcoef; flat out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump vec3 v_texcoord; out mediump float v_fogdepth; uniform sampler1D u_tess_pos_tex; uniform sampler1D u_tess_tex_tex; uniform sampler1D u_tess_col_tex; uniform int u_spline_count_u; vec2 tess_sample(in vec2 points[16], in vec2
牧場物語 シュガー村とみんなの願い v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2023-05-26 Error in shader compilation: info: ERROR: 0:158: 'u_proj' : undeclared identifier ERROR: 0:159: 'col' : undeclared identifier ERROR: 0:165: 'toLight' : undeclared identifier ERROR: 0:165: 'assign' : cannot convert from '3-component vector of float' to 'float' ERROR: 0:166: 'assign' : l-value required "distance" (can't modify void) ERROR: 0:166: 'assign' : cannot convert from 'float' to 'void' ERROR: 0:167: 'assign' : cannot convert from 'void' to 'float' ERROR: 0:168: 'dot' : no matching overloaded function found (using implicit conversion) ERROR: 0:169: 'dot' : no matching overloaded function found (using implicit conversion) ERROR: 0:171: 'lightScale' : undeclared identifier ERROR: 0:171: 'constructor' : can't convert ERROR: 0:171: 'constructor' : can't convert ERROR: 0:173: 'lightScale' : undeclared identifier ERROR: 0:175: 'diffuse' : undeclared identifier ERROR: 0:175: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:175: 'assign' : cannot convert from '3-component vector of float' to 'float' ERROR: 0:178: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:178: 'lightScale' : undeclared identifier ERROR: 0:179: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:180: 'assign' : cannot convert from '3-component vector of float' to 'float' ERROR: 0:181: 'assign' : l-value required "distance" (can't modify void) ERROR: 0:181: 'assign' : cannot convert from 'float' to 'void' ERROR: 0:182: 'assign' : cannot convert from 'void' to 'float' ERROR: 0:183: 'dot' : no matching overloaded function found (using implicit conversion) ERROR: 0:184: 'dot' : no matching overloaded function found (using implicit conversion) ERROR: 0:186: 'constructor' : can't convert ERROR: 0:186: 'constructor' : can't convert ERROR: 0:190: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:190: 'assign' : cannot convert from '3-component vector of float' to 'float' ERROR: 0:193: 'rgb' : field / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in mediump vec4 w1, w2; in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; in vec2 texcoord; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform mediump mat4 u_texmtx; uniform mat4 u_bone0; uniform mat4 u_bone1; uniform mat4 u_bone2; uniform mat4 u_bone3; uniform mat4 u_bone4; uniform mat4 u_bone5; uniform mat4 u_bone6; uniform mat4 u_bone7; uniform vec4 u_uvscaleoffset; uniform vec3 u_lightpos0; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt0; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir0; uniform mediump float u_lightangle0; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular0; uniform vec3 u_lightpos1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir1; uniform mediump float u_lightangle1; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular1; uniform vec3 u_lightpos2; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt2; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir2; uniform mediump float u_lightangle2; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular2; uniform vec3 u_lightpos3; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt3; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir3; uniform mediump float u_lightangle3; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular3; uniform lowp vec4 u_ambient; uniform lowp vec4 u_matspecular; uniform lowp vec3 u_matemissive; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec2 u_fogcoef; flat out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump vec3 v_texcoord; out mediump float v_fogdepth; uniform sampler1D u_tess_pos_tex; uniform sampler1D u_tess_tex_tex; uniform sampler1D u_tess_col_tex; uniform int u_spline_count_u; vec2 tess_sample(in vec2 points[16], in vec2
Ys -THE ARK OF NAPISHTIM- SPECIAL VERSION v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2023-05-22 Error in shader compilation: info: ERROR: 0:158: 'u_proj' : undeclared identifier ERROR: 0:159: 'col' : undeclared identifier ERROR: 0:175: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:178: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:179: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:190: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:193: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:194: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:205: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:208: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:209: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:220: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:223: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:224: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:226: 'tex' : undeclared identifier / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in mediump vec4 w1, w2; in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; in vec2 texcoord; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform mediump mat4 u_texmtx; uniform mat4 u_bone0; uniform mat4 u_bone1; uniform mat4 u_bone2; uniform mat4 u_bone3; uniform mat4 u_bone4; uniform mat4 u_bone5; uniform mat4 u_bone6; uniform mat4 u_bone7; uniform vec4 u_uvscaleoffset; uniform vec3 u_lightpos0; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt0; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir0; uniform mediump float u_lightangle0; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular0; uniform vec3 u_lightpos1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir1; uniform mediump float u_lightangle1; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular1; uniform vec3 u_lightpos2; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt2; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir2; uniform mediump float u_lightangle2; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular2; uniform vec3 u_lightpos3; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt3; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir3; uniform mediump float u_lightangle3; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular3; uniform lowp vec4 u_ambient; uniform lowp vec4 u_matspecular; uniform lowp vec3 u_matemissive; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec2 u_fogcoef; flat out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump vec3 v_texcoord; out mediump float v_fogdepth; uniform sampler1D u_tess_pos_tex; uniform sampler1D u_tess_tex_tex; uniform sampler1D u_tess_col_tex; uniform int u_spline_count_u; vec2 tess_sample(in vec2 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec2 pos = vec2(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } vec3 tess_sample(in vec3 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec3 pos = vec3(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } vec4 tess_sample(in vec4 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec4 pos = vec4(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i
The 3rd Birthday v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2023-05-17 Error in shader compilation: info: 0(18) : error C1503: undefined variable "u_proj" / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform vec4 u_uvscaleoffset; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump vec3 v_texcoord; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = u_matambientalpha; v_texcoord = vec3(, 0.0); }
Sega Genesis Collection™ v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2023-11-23 Error in shader compilation: info: ERROR: 0:158: 'u_proj' : undeclared identifier ERROR: 0:159: 'col' : undeclared identifier ERROR: 0:175: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:178: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:179: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:190: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:193: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:194: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:205: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:208: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:209: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:220: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:223: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:224: 'rgb' : field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side ERROR: 0:226: 'tex' : undeclared identifier / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in mediump vec4 w1, w2; in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; in vec2 texcoord; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform mediump mat4 u_texmtx; uniform mat4 u_bone0; uniform mat4 u_bone1; uniform mat4 u_bone2; uniform mat4 u_bone3; uniform mat4 u_bone4; uniform mat4 u_bone5; uniform mat4 u_bone6; uniform mat4 u_bone7; uniform vec4 u_uvscaleoffset; uniform vec3 u_lightpos0; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt0; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir0; uniform mediump float u_lightangle0; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular0; uniform vec3 u_lightpos1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir1; uniform mediump float u_lightangle1; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular1; uniform vec3 u_lightpos2; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt2; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir2; uniform mediump float u_lightangle2; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular2; uniform vec3 u_lightpos3; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt3; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir3; uniform mediump float u_lightangle3; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular3; uniform lowp vec4 u_ambient; uniform lowp vec4 u_matspecular; uniform lowp vec3 u_matemissive; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec2 u_fogcoef; flat out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump vec3 v_texcoord; out mediump float v_fogdepth; uniform sampler1D u_tess_pos_tex; uniform sampler1D u_tess_tex_tex; uniform sampler1D u_tess_col_tex; uniform int u_spline_count_u; vec2 tess_sample(in vec2 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec2 pos = vec2(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } vec3 tess_sample(in vec3 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec3 pos = vec3(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } vec4 tess_sample(in vec4 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec4 pos = vec4(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i
Spider-Man 3 v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2023-05-08 Error in shader compilation: info: 0(13) : error C1503: undefined variable "ERROR" / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp uniform sampler2D testtex; in vec4 v_color0; in vec3 v_color1; out vec4 fragColor0; void main() { vec4 s = vec4(v_color1, 0.0); vec4 v = v_color0 + s; discard; v.rgb = v.rgb * ERROR; fragColor0 = v; }
スーパーダンガンロンパ2 さよなら絶望学園 v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2023-04-28 Error in shader compilation: info: 0(16) : error C1008: undefined variable "u_proj" / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; out lowp vec4 v_color0; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = u_matambientalpha; }
Tales of Rebirth v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2023-04-21 Error in shader compilation: info: ERROR: 0:16: 'u_proj' : undeclared identifier ERROR: 0:16: '' : compilation terminated ERROR: 2 compilation errors. No code generated. / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; out lowp vec4 v_color0; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = u_matambientalpha; }
英雄伝説 空の軌跡FC v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2024-08-30 Error in shader compilation: info: 0(158) : error C1503: undefined variable "u_proj" 0(159) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(175) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(178) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(179) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(190) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(193) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(194) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(205) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(208) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(209) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(220) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(223) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(224) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(226) : error C1503: undefined variable "tex" / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in mediump vec4 w1, w2; in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; in vec2 texcoord; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform mediump mat4 u_texmtx; uniform mat4 u_bone0; uniform mat4 u_bone1; uniform mat4 u_bone2; uniform mat4 u_bone3; uniform mat4 u_bone4; uniform mat4 u_bone5; uniform mat4 u_bone6; uniform mat4 u_bone7; uniform vec4 u_uvscaleoffset; uniform vec3 u_lightpos0; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt0; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir0; uniform mediump float u_lightangle0; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular0; uniform vec3 u_lightpos1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir1; uniform mediump float u_lightangle1; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular1; uniform vec3 u_lightpos2; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt2; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir2; uniform mediump float u_lightangle2; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular2; uniform vec3 u_lightpos3; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt3; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir3; uniform mediump float u_lightangle3; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular3; uniform lowp vec4 u_ambient; uniform lowp vec4 u_matspecular; uniform lowp vec3 u_matemissive; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec2 u_fogcoef; flat out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump vec3 v_texcoord; out mediump float v_fogdepth; uniform sampler1D u_tess_pos_tex; uniform sampler1D u_tess_tex_tex; uniform sampler1D u_tess_col_tex; uniform int u_spline_count_u; vec2 tess_sample(in vec2 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec2 pos = vec2(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } vec3 tess_sample(in vec3 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec3 pos = vec3(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } vec4 tess_sample(in vec4 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec4 pos = vec4(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } uniform int u_spline_count_v; uniform int u_spline_type_u; uniform int u_spline_type_v; void spline_knot(ivec2 num_patches, ivec2 type, out vec2 knot[6], ivec2 patch_pos) { for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { knot[i] = vec2(float(i + patch_pos.x - 2), float(i + patch_pos.y - 2)); } if ((type.x & 1) != 0) { if (patch_pos.x <= 2) knot[0].x = 0.0; if (patch_pos.x <= 1) knot[1].x = 0.0; } if ((type.x & 2) != 0) { if (patch_pos.x >= (num_patches.x - 2)) knot[5].x = float(num_patches.x); if (pa
グランナイツヒストリー v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2023-04-15 Error in shader compilation: info: ERROR: 0:16: 'u_proj' : undeclared identifier / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; out lowp vec4 v_color0; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = u_matambientalpha; }
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2023-04-01 Error in shader compilation: info: ERROR: 0:16: 'u_proj' : undeclared identifier / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; out lowp vec4 v_color0; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = u_matambientalpha; }
God of War™: Ghost of Sparta v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2023-03-30 Error in shader compilation: info: 0(16) : error C1503: undefined variable "u_proj" / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; out lowp vec4 v_color0; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = u_matambientalpha; }
God of War™: Ghost of Sparta v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2023-08-26 Error in shader compilation: info: 0(19) : error C1503: undefined variable "u_proj" / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec2 u_fogcoef; out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump float v_fogdepth; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = color0; v_fogdepth = (viewPos.z + u_fogcoef.x) * u_fogcoef.y; }
遊☆戯☆王 5D's タッグフォース6 v1.5.2 2023-03-23 Error in shader compilation: info: ERROR: 0:14: 'u_proj' : undeclared identifier ERROR: 1 compilation errors. No code generated. / code: #version 300 es precision highp float; in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; out lowp vec4 v_color0; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(-normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = u_matambientalpha; }
英雄伝説 空の軌跡 the 3rd v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2023-03-23 Error in shader compilation: info: 0(158) : error C1008: undefined variable "u_proj" 0(159) : error C1008: undefined variable "col" 0(175) : error C1008: undefined variable "col" 0(178) : error C1008: undefined variable "col" 0(179) : error C1008: undefined variable "col" 0(190) : error C1008: undefined variable "col" 0(193) : error C1008: undefined variable "col" 0(194) : error C1008: undefined variable "col" 0(205) : error C1008: undefined variable "col" 0(208) : error C1008: undefined variable "col" 0(209) : error C1008: undefined variable "col" 0(220) : error C1008: undefined variable "col" 0(223) : error C1008: undefined variable "col" 0(224) : error C1008: undefined variable "col" 0(226) : error C1008: undefined variable "tex" / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in mediump vec4 w1, w2; in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; in vec2 texcoord; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform mediump mat4 u_texmtx; uniform mat4 u_bone0; uniform mat4 u_bone1; uniform mat4 u_bone2; uniform mat4 u_bone3; uniform mat4 u_bone4; uniform mat4 u_bone5; uniform mat4 u_bone6; uniform mat4 u_bone7; uniform vec4 u_uvscaleoffset; uniform vec3 u_lightpos0; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt0; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir0; uniform mediump float u_lightangle0; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular0; uniform vec3 u_lightpos1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir1; uniform mediump float u_lightangle1; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular1; uniform vec3 u_lightpos2; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt2; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir2; uniform mediump float u_lightangle2; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular2; uniform vec3 u_lightpos3; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt3; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir3; uniform mediump float u_lightangle3; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular3; uniform lowp vec4 u_ambient; uniform lowp vec4 u_matspecular; uniform lowp vec3 u_matemissive; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec2 u_fogcoef; flat out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump vec3 v_texcoord; out mediump float v_fogdepth; uniform sampler1D u_tess_pos_tex; uniform sampler1D u_tess_tex_tex; uniform sampler1D u_tess_col_tex; uniform int u_spline_count_u; vec2 tess_sample(in vec2 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec2 pos = vec2(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } vec3 tess_sample(in vec3 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec3 pos = vec3(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } vec4 tess_sample(in vec4 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec4 pos = vec4(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } uniform int u_spline_count_v; uniform int u_spline_type_u; uniform int u_spline_type_v; void spline_knot(ivec2 num_patches, ivec2 type, out vec2 knot[6], ivec2 patch_pos) { for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { knot[i] = vec2(float(i + patch_pos.x - 2), float(i + patch_pos.y - 2)); } if ((type.x & 1) != 0) { if (patch_pos.x <= 2) knot[0].x = 0.0; if (patch_pos.x <= 1) knot[1].x = 0.0; } if ((type.x & 2) != 0) { if (patch_pos.x >= (num_patches.x - 2)) knot[5].x = float(num_patches.x); if (pa
Tales of Rebirth v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2023-01-26 Error in shader compilation: info: 0(158) : error C1503: undefined variable "u_proj" 0(159) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(175) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(178) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(179) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(190) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(193) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(194) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(205) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(208) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(209) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(220) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(223) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(224) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(226) : error C1503: undefined variable "tex" / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in mediump vec4 w1, w2; in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; in vec2 texcoord; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform mediump mat4 u_texmtx; uniform mat4 u_bone0; uniform mat4 u_bone1; uniform mat4 u_bone2; uniform mat4 u_bone3; uniform mat4 u_bone4; uniform mat4 u_bone5; uniform mat4 u_bone6; uniform mat4 u_bone7; uniform vec4 u_uvscaleoffset; uniform vec3 u_lightpos0; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt0; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir0; uniform mediump float u_lightangle0; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular0; uniform vec3 u_lightpos1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir1; uniform mediump float u_lightangle1; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular1; uniform vec3 u_lightpos2; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt2; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir2; uniform mediump float u_lightangle2; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular2; uniform vec3 u_lightpos3; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt3; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir3; uniform mediump float u_lightangle3; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular3; uniform lowp vec4 u_ambient; uniform lowp vec4 u_matspecular; uniform lowp vec3 u_matemissive; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec2 u_fogcoef; flat out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump vec3 v_texcoord; out mediump float v_fogdepth; uniform sampler1D u_tess_pos_tex; uniform sampler1D u_tess_tex_tex; uniform sampler1D u_tess_col_tex; uniform int u_spline_count_u; vec2 tess_sample(in vec2 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec2 pos = vec2(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } vec3 tess_sample(in vec3 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec3 pos = vec3(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } vec4 tess_sample(in vec4 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec4 pos = vec4(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } uniform int u_spline_count_v; uniform int u_spline_type_u; uniform int u_spline_type_v; void spline_knot(ivec2 num_patches, ivec2 type, out vec2 knot[6], ivec2 patch_pos) { for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { knot[i] = vec2(float(i + patch_pos.x - 2), float(i + patch_pos.y - 2)); } if ((type.x & 1) != 0) { if (patch_pos.x <= 2) knot[0].x = 0.0; if (patch_pos.x <= 1) knot[1].x = 0.0; } if ((type.x & 2) != 0) { if (patch_pos.x >= (num_patches.x - 2)) knot[5].x = float(num_patches.x); if (pa
LUNAR -HARMONY of SILVER STAR- v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2023-01-26 Error in shader compilation: info: 0(158) : error C1503: undefined variable "u_proj" 0(159) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(175) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(178) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(179) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(190) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(193) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(194) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(205) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(208) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(209) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(220) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(223) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(224) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(226) : error C1503: undefined variable "tex" / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in mediump vec4 w1, w2; in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; in vec2 texcoord; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform mediump mat4 u_texmtx; uniform mat4 u_bone0; uniform mat4 u_bone1; uniform mat4 u_bone2; uniform mat4 u_bone3; uniform mat4 u_bone4; uniform mat4 u_bone5; uniform mat4 u_bone6; uniform mat4 u_bone7; uniform vec4 u_uvscaleoffset; uniform vec3 u_lightpos0; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt0; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir0; uniform mediump float u_lightangle0; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular0; uniform vec3 u_lightpos1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir1; uniform mediump float u_lightangle1; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular1; uniform vec3 u_lightpos2; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt2; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir2; uniform mediump float u_lightangle2; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular2; uniform vec3 u_lightpos3; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt3; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir3; uniform mediump float u_lightangle3; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular3; uniform lowp vec4 u_ambient; uniform lowp vec4 u_matspecular; uniform lowp vec3 u_matemissive; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec2 u_fogcoef; flat out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump vec3 v_texcoord; out mediump float v_fogdepth; uniform sampler1D u_tess_pos_tex; uniform sampler1D u_tess_tex_tex; uniform sampler1D u_tess_col_tex; uniform int u_spline_count_u; vec2 tess_sample(in vec2 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec2 pos = vec2(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } vec3 tess_sample(in vec3 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec3 pos = vec3(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } vec4 tess_sample(in vec4 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec4 pos = vec4(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } uniform int u_spline_count_v; uniform int u_spline_type_u; uniform int u_spline_type_v; void spline_knot(ivec2 num_patches, ivec2 type, out vec2 knot[6], ivec2 patch_pos) { for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { knot[i] = vec2(float(i + patch_pos.x - 2), float(i + patch_pos.y - 2)); } if ((type.x & 1) != 0) { if (patch_pos.x <= 2) knot[0].x = 0.0; if (patch_pos.x <= 1) knot[1].x = 0.0; } if ((type.x & 2) != 0) { if (patch_pos.x >= (num_patches.x - 2)) knot[5].x = float(num_patches.x); if (pa
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 2 v1.5.2 2023-01-16 Error in shader compilation: info: ERROR: 0:14: 'u_proj' : undeclared identifier ERROR: 1 compilation errors. No code generated. / code: #version 300 es precision highp float; in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; out lowp vec4 v_color0; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(-normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = u_matambientalpha; }
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 3 v1.5.2 2023-01-13 Error in shader compilation: info: ERROR: 0:14: 'u_proj' : undeclared identifier ERROR: 1 compilation errors. No code generated. / code: #version 300 es precision highp float; in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; out lowp vec4 v_color0; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = u_matambientalpha; }
スーパーダンガンロンパ2 さよなら絶望学園 v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2023-01-18 Error in shader compilation: info: ERROR: 0:19: 'u_proj' : undeclared identifier / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec2 u_fogcoef; out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump float v_fogdepth; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = color0; v_fogdepth = (viewPos.z + u_fogcoef.x) * u_fogcoef.y; }
スーパーダンガンロンパ2 さよなら絶望学園 v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2024-10-03 Error in shader compilation: info: ERROR: 0:16: 'u_proj' : undeclared identifier / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; out lowp vec4 v_color0; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = u_matambientalpha; }
第2次スーパーロボット大戦Z 再世篇 v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2023-12-09 Error in shader compilation: info: 0(16) : error C1503: undefined variable "u_proj" / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; out lowp vec4 v_color0; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = u_matambientalpha; }
CRIMINALGIRLS v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2022-12-28 Error in shader compilation: info: 0(158) : error C1503: undefined variable "u_proj" 0(159) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(175) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(178) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(179) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(190) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(193) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(194) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(205) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(208) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(209) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(220) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(223) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(224) : error C1503: undefined variable "col" 0(226) : error C1503: undefined variable "tex" / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in mediump vec4 w1, w2; in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; in vec2 texcoord; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform mediump mat4 u_texmtx; uniform mat4 u_bone0; uniform mat4 u_bone1; uniform mat4 u_bone2; uniform mat4 u_bone3; uniform mat4 u_bone4; uniform mat4 u_bone5; uniform mat4 u_bone6; uniform mat4 u_bone7; uniform vec4 u_uvscaleoffset; uniform vec3 u_lightpos0; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt0; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir0; uniform mediump float u_lightangle0; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular0; uniform vec3 u_lightpos1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir1; uniform mediump float u_lightangle1; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular1; uniform vec3 u_lightpos2; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt2; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir2; uniform mediump float u_lightangle2; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular2; uniform vec3 u_lightpos3; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt3; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir3; uniform mediump float u_lightangle3; uniform mediump float u_lightspotCoef3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightspecular3; uniform lowp vec4 u_ambient; uniform lowp vec4 u_matspecular; uniform lowp vec3 u_matemissive; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec2 u_fogcoef; flat out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump vec3 v_texcoord; out mediump float v_fogdepth; uniform sampler1D u_tess_pos_tex; uniform sampler1D u_tess_tex_tex; uniform sampler1D u_tess_col_tex; uniform int u_spline_count_u; vec2 tess_sample(in vec2 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec2 pos = vec2(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } vec3 tess_sample(in vec3 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec3 pos = vec3(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } vec4 tess_sample(in vec4 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec4 pos = vec4(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } uniform int u_spline_count_v; uniform int u_spline_type_u; uniform int u_spline_type_v; void spline_knot(ivec2 num_patches, ivec2 type, out vec2 knot[6], ivec2 patch_pos) { for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { knot[i] = vec2(float(i + patch_pos.x - 2), float(i + patch_pos.y - 2)); } if ((type.x & 1) != 0) { if (patch_pos.x <= 2) knot[0].x = 0.0; if (patch_pos.x <= 1) knot[1].x = 0.0; } if ((type.x & 2) != 0) { if (patch_pos.x >= (num_patches.x - 2)) knot[5].x = float(num_patches.x); if (pa
Prince of Persia - Revelations v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2023-01-19 Error in shader compilation: info: 0(16) : error C1503: undefined variable "u_proj" / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; out lowp vec4 v_color0; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = u_matambientalpha; }
刺客信条 血统 汉化版 PLAY汉化组 v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2024-08-17 Error in shader compilation: info: Vertex shader failed to compile with the following errors: ERROR: 0:19: error(#143) Undeclared identifier u_proj ERROR: error(#273) 1 compilation errors. No code generated / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec2 u_fogcoef; out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump float v_fogdepth; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = color0; v_fogdepth = (viewPos.z + u_fogcoef.x) * u_fogcoef.y; }
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories v1.4.2-425-g7a7ccee5e 2024-08-17 Error in shader compilation: info: Vertex shader failed to compile with the following errors: ERROR: 0:16: error(#143) Undeclared identifier u_proj ERROR: error(#273) 1 compilation errors. No code generated / code: #version 330 #define lowp #define mediump #define highp in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; uniform mat4 u_proj_through; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; out lowp vec4 v_color0; void main() { vec3 worldpos = (u_world * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalize((u_world * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz); vec4 viewPos = u_view * vec4(worldpos, 1.0); gl_Position = u_proj * viewPos; v_color0 = u_matambientalpha; }