Recent logs - GODS EATER BURST

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Game title Version Latest Report Message
GODS EATER BURST v1.17.1 2024-10-26 Can't draw: No current render step. Step count: 0
GODS EATER BURST v1.17.1-975-g80e581a093 2024-10-24 Block transfer invalid: 00000000/0 -> 00000000/0, 512x272x2 (0,0)->(0,0)
GODS EATER BURST v1.17.1-975-g80e581a093 2024-10-24 Unknown GE command : b60d0000
GODS EATER BURST v1.17.1-975-g80e581a093 2024-10-24 Block transfer invalid: 00000000/0 -> 00000000/0, 512x272x4 (0,0)->(0,0)
GODS EATER BURST v1.17.1-975-g80e581a093 2024-10-24 Unknown GE command : b60d1f00
GODS EATER BURST v1.17.1 2024-10-08 Rendering to framebuffer offset at 04162000 +256x0 (stride 512)
GODS EATER BURST v1.12.3 2024-08-08 sceKernelLoadModuleByID: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=089a5164, pos=0, access=1, data=2, text=2
GODS EATER BURST v1.17.1 2024-07-11 Unknown GetPointerWrite 00000000 PC 08825e68 LR 08825e78
GODS EATER BURST v1.17.1 2024-05-24 sceKernelLoadModule: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=08bead40, pos=0, access=1, data=2, text=2
GODS EATER BURST v1.17.1 2024-05-24 sceKernelLoadModule: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=08bead40, pos=0, access=1, data=1, text=1
GODS EATER BURST v1.17.1 2024-02-23 Unexpected mpeg first timestamp: 0 / 0
GODS EATER BURST v1.16.6-949-g9fdcef9a0 2024-01-27 sceKernelLoadModule: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=18000000, pos=0, access=1, data=2, text=2
GODS EATER BURST v1.16.6-949-g9fdcef9a0 2024-01-27 sceKernelLoadModule: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=02000200, pos=0, access=1, data=2, text=2
GODS EATER BURST v1.16.6-949-g9fdcef9a0 2024-01-27 sceKernelLoadModule: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=08ad0000, pos=0, access=1, data=1, text=1
GODS EATER BURST v1.15.4 2023-09-02 sceKernelLoadModule: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=00000007, pos=0, access=1, data=2, text=2
GODS EATER BURST v1.15.4 2023-06-16 UNIMPL sceIoChstat(ms0:/PSP/SAVEDATA/ULUS10466DATA/TEKKEN6.BIN, 09fd81d0, 00000002)
GODS EATER BURST v1.7.2 2023-05-02 Error in shader program link: info: (unknown reason) fs: 00000000:00217022 Tex TexAlpha Fog TFuncMod AlphaTest0 != #version 300 es precision lowp float; uniform sampler2D tex; uniform sampler2D testtex; in vec4 v_color0; uniform vec3 u_fogcolor; in mediump float v_fogdepth; in mediump vec3 v_texcoord; out vec4 fragColor0; void main() { vec4 t = texture(tex, v_texcoord.xy); vec4 p = v_color0; vec4 v = p * t; float fogCoef = clamp(v_fogdepth, 0.0, 1.0); v = mix(vec4(u_fogcolor, v.a), v, fogCoef); if (v.a < 0.002) discard; fragColor0 = v; } vs: 00080000:00007b1c HWX C T N Fog Tex Spline TessC TessT TessRevN #version 300 es precision highp float; in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; in vec2 texcoord; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform vec4 u_uvscaleoffset; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec2 u_fogcoef; uniform highp vec4 u_cullRangeMin; uniform highp vec4 u_cullRangeMax; out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump vec3 v_texcoord; out mediump float v_fogdepth; uniform sampler2D u_tess_pos_tex; uniform sampler2D u_tess_tex_tex; uniform sampler2D u_tess_col_tex; uniform int u_spline_count_u; vec2 tess_sample(in vec2 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec2 pos = vec2(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } vec3 tess_sample(in vec3 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec3 pos = vec3(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } vec4 tess_sample(in vec4 points[16], in vec2 weights[4]) { vec4 pos = vec4(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float f = weights[j].x * weights[i].y; if (f != 0.0) pos = pos + f * points[i * 4 + j]; } } return pos; } uniform int u_spline_count_v; uniform int u_spline_type_u; uniform int u_spline_type_v; void spline_knot(ivec2 num_patches, ivec2 type, out vec2 knot[6], ivec2 patch_pos) { for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { knot[i] = vec2(float(i + patch_pos.x - 2), float(i + patch_pos.y - 2)); } if ((type.x & 1) != 0) { if (patch_pos.x <= 2) knot[0].x = 0.0; if (patch_pos.x <= 1) knot[1].x = 0.0; } if ((type.x & 2) != 0) { if (patch_pos.x >= (num_patches.x - 2)) knot[5].x = float(num_patches.x); if (patch_pos.x == (num_patches.x - 1)) knot[4].x = float(num_patches.x); } if ((type.y & 1) != 0) { if (patch_pos.y <= 2) knot[0].y = 0.0; if (patch_pos.y <= 1) knot[1].y = 0.0; } if ((type.y & 2) != 0) { if (patch_pos.y >= (num_patches.y - 2)) knot[5].y = float(num_patches.y); if (patch_pos.y == (num_patches.y - 1)) knot[4].y = float(num_patches.y); } } void spline_weight(vec2 t, in vec2 knot[6], out vec2 weights[4]) { vec2 t0 = (t - knot[0]); vec2 t1 = (t - knot[1]); vec2 t2 = (t - knot[2]); vec2 f30 = t0 / (knot[3] - knot[0]); vec2 f41 = t1 / (knot[4] - knot[1]); vec2 f52 = t2 / (knot[5] - knot[2]); vec2 f31 = t1 / (knot[3] - knot[1]); vec2 f42 = t2 / (knot[4] - knot[2]); vec2 f32 = t2 / (knot[3] - knot[2]); vec2 a = (1.0 - f30)*(1.0 - f31); vec2 b = (f31*f41); vec2 c = (1.0 - f41)*(1.0 - f42); vec2 d = (f42*f52); weights[0] = a - (a*f32); weights[1] = vec2(1.0) - a - b + ((a + b + c - vec2(1.0))*f32); weights[2] = b + ((vec2(1.0) - b - c - d)*f32); weights[3] = d*f32; } void main() { vec3 _pos[16]; vec2 _tex[16]; vec4 _col[16]; int num_patches_u = u_spline_count_u - 3; int u = int(mod(float(gl_InstanceID), float(num_patches_u))); int v = gl_InstanceID / num_patches_u; ivec2 patch_pos = ivec2(u, v); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { int index = (i + v) * u_spline_count_u + (j + u); _pos[i * 4 + j] = texelFetch(u_tess_pos_tex, ivec2(index, 0), 0).xy
GODS EATER BURST v1.12.3 2023-04-16 Rendering to framebuffer offset: 04162000 +256x0
GODS EATER BURST v1.13.2 2023-01-29 UNIMPL sceIoChstat(ms0:/PSP/SAVEDATA/ULUS10512-INST00/MEMST.CPK, 09fff000, 00000002)
GODS EATER BURST v1.15.4 2023-06-16 sceIoChstat: change attr to 0000 requested
GODS EATER BURST v1.14.1 2023-01-05 UI scissor out of bounds in GameSettingsScreen: 137,0-863,562 / 960,562
GODS EATER BURST v1.17.1-975-g80e581a093 2024-09-17 sceKernelLoadModuleByID: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=00000000, pos=0, access=1, data=1, text=1
GODS EATER BURST v1.4 2022-12-24 fbo_blit_color failed in blit (00000000 -> 00000000)
GODS EATER BURST v1.4 2022-12-24 fbo_blit_color failed in blit (00044000 -> 00044000)
GODS EATER BURST v1.12.3 2022-09-18 Video out requested, not supported: mode=0 size=512,272
GODS EATER BURST v1.12.3 2022-09-18 sceKernelLoadModuleByID: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=00000000, pos=1, access=0, data=0, text=2
GODS EATER BURST v1.12.3 2022-09-18 sceKernelCreateSema(RealMutex) unsupported options parameter, size = 1431655765
GODS EATER BURST v1.13.2 2022-09-25 sceKernelCreateThread(name=layout): unsupported attributes 00000006
GODS EATER BURST v1.12.3 2022-06-23 UNIMPL sceKernelSelfStopUnloadModule(00000001, 00000000, 00000000): game has likely crashed
GODS EATER BURST v1.12.3 2022-09-18 sceKernelCreateSema(RealMutex) unsupported options parameter, size = 146805524
GODS EATER BURST v1.10-6-g8ac4efd3c 2022-06-23 sceKernelCreateSema(SNDMUTEX) unsupported options parameter, size = 167768912
GODS EATER BURST v1.14.4 2023-01-12 sceKernelLoadModule: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=00000000, pos=0, access=1, data=0, text=2
GODS EATER BURST v1.14.4 2023-01-12 sceKernelLoadModule: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=00000000, pos=0, access=1, data=0, text=1
GODS EATER BURST v1.10-6-g8ac4efd3c 2022-06-23 sceKernelCreateSema(RealMutex) unsupported options parameter, size = 147649040
GODS EATER BURST v1.10-6-g8ac4efd3c 2022-06-22 80020001=sceKernelCreateMutex(): invalid name
GODS EATER BURST v1.12.3 2022-05-07 sceKernelCreateSema(RealMutex) unsupported options parameter, size = -559038737
GODS EATER BURST v1.12.3 2022-05-07 sceKernelCreateSema(RealMutex) unsupported options parameter, size = 146162456
GODS EATER BURST v1.12.3 2022-05-07 sceKernelCreateSema(SNDMUTEX) unsupported options parameter, size = 102464
GODS EATER BURST v1.12.3 2022-05-07 GE Interrupt: newState might be 1
GODS EATER BURST v1.12.3 2022-05-07 sceGeBreak(mode=0, unknown=08dfeba8): unknown ptr (valid)
GODS EATER BURST v1.12.3 2022-05-07 sceKernelCreateSema(RealMutex) unsupported options parameter, size = 145477076
GODS EATER BURST v1.12.3 2022-05-07 sceKernelCreateSema(RealMutex) unsupported options parameter, size = 2568
GODS EATER BURST v1.12.3 2022-05-07 sceKernelCreateSema(RealMutex) unsupported options parameter, size = 167509648
GODS EATER BURST v1.12.3 2022-05-07 sceKernelCreateSema(RealMutex) unsupported options parameter, size = 143464896
GODS EATER BURST v1.12.3 2022-05-07 sceKernelCreateSema(RealMutex) unsupported options parameter, size = 148424880
GODS EATER BURST v1.10.3 2022-04-05 Unknown syscall in known module 'sceNpService': 0x250488f9
GODS EATER BURST v1.10.3 2022-04-05 Unknown syscall in known module 'sceNpAuth': 0xf4531adc
GODS EATER BURST v1.10.3 2022-04-05 Unknown syscall in known module 'sceNpAuth': 0xd99455dd
GODS EATER BURST v1.10.3 2022-04-05 Unknown syscall in known module 'sceNpAuth': 0xcd86a656
GODS EATER BURST v1.10.3 2022-04-05 Unknown syscall in known module 'sceNpAuth': 0x72bb0467
GODS EATER BURST v1.10.3 2022-04-05 Unknown syscall in known module 'sceNpAuth': 0x6900f084
GODS EATER BURST v1.10.3 2022-04-05 Unknown syscall in known module 'sceNpAuth': 0x3f1c1f70
GODS EATER BURST v1.10.3 2022-04-05 Unknown syscall in known module 'sceNp': 0x4b5c71c8
GODS EATER BURST v1.12.3 2022-04-05 Ignoring possible texturing from framebuffer at 04174000 +0x128 / 64x272
GODS EATER BURST v1.12.3 2022-04-05 sceKernelCreateSema(SNDMUTEX) unsupported options parameter, size = 167508176
GODS EATER BURST v1.18.1-593-g5b5bb0c626 2025-01-02 Waiting thread for 12 that was already waiting for 0
GODS EATER BURST v1.11.3 2022-02-12 sceKernelCreateSema(RealMutex) unsupported options parameter, size = 144296812
GODS EATER BURST v1.10.3 2021-12-02 ReadFromHardware: Invalid address 10baad94 near PC 0883621c LR 0883621c
GODS EATER BURST v1.10.3 2021-12-01 ReadFromHardware: Invalid address 10bb73a9 near PC 08bd78a4 LR 088479f0
GODS EATER BURST v1.10.3 2021-11-29 ReadFromHardware: Invalid address 109d7f14 near PC 0883621c LR 0883621c
GODS EATER BURST v1.18.1 2024-12-29 UNIMPL sceNetAdhocDiscoverInitStart(08e43380) at 08c1c200
GODS EATER BURST v1.10.3 2021-11-25 Failed decrypting the PRX (ret = -4, size = 3607100, psp_size = 3607440)!
GODS EATER BURST v1.12.3 2022-05-07 Video out requested, not supported: mode=0 size=0,0
GODS EATER BURST v1.11.3 2021-10-20 ReadFromHardware: Invalid address 05060606 near PC 05060606 LR 088387d4
GODS EATER BURST v1.11.3 2021-10-19 ReadFromHardware: Invalid address 01010104 near PC 01010104 LR 088387d4
GODS EATER BURST v1.11.3 2021-10-17 Error in shader compilation: info: Vertex shader compilation failed. ERROR: 0:162: 'outerProduct' : no matching overloaded function found ERROR: 0:162: '=' : cannot convert from 'const float' to '4X4 matrix of float' ERROR: 2 compilation errors. No code generated. 80000000:00006b18 HWX C T N Tex Bezier TessT TessRevN #version 300 es // Adreno (TM) 306 - GLSL 300 precision highp float; #define gl_VertexIndex gl_VertexID #define splat3(x) vec3(x) #define mul(x, y) ((x) * (y)) in vec3 position; in mediump vec3 normal; in vec2 texcoord; in lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform vec4 u_uvscaleoffset; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec4 u_cullRangeMin; uniform highp vec4 u_cullRangeMax; out lowp vec4 v_color0; out mediump vec3 v_texcoord; uniform sampler2D u_tess_points; uniform sampler2D u_tess_weights_u; uniform sampler2D u_tess_weights_v; uniform int u_spline_counts; vec2 tess_sample(in vec2 points[16], mat4 weights) { vec2 pos = vec2(0.0, 0.0); pos += weights[0][0] * points[0]; pos += weights[0][1] * points[1]; pos += weights[0][2] * points[2]; pos += weights[0][3] * points[3]; pos += weights[1][0] * points[4]; pos += weights[1][1] * points[5]; pos += weights[1][2] * points[6]; pos += weights[1][3] * points[7]; pos += weights[2][0] * points[8]; pos += weights[2][1] * points[9]; pos += weights[2][2] * points[10]; pos += weights[2][3] * points[11]; pos += weights[3][0] * points[12]; pos += weights[3][1] * points[13]; pos += weights[3][2] * points[14]; pos += weights[3][3] * points[15]; return pos; } vec3 tess_sample(in vec3 points[16], mat4 weights) { vec3 pos = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); pos += weights[0][0] * points[0]; pos += weights[0][1] * points[1]; pos += weights[0][2] * points[2]; pos += weights[0][3] * points[3]; pos += weights[1][0] * points[4]; pos += weights[1][1] * points[5]; pos += weights[1][2] * points[6]; pos += weights[1][3] * points[7]; pos += weights[2][0] * points[8]; pos += weights[2][1] * points[9]; pos += weights[2][2] * points[10]; pos += weights[2][3] * points[11]; pos += weights[3][0] * points[12]; pos += weights[3][1] * points[13]; pos += weights[3][2] * points[14]; pos += weights[3][3] * points[15]; return pos; } vec4 tess_sample(in vec4 points[16], mat4 weights) { vec4 pos = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); pos += weights[0][0] * points[0]; pos += weights[0][1] * points[1]; pos += weights[0][2] * points[2]; pos += weights[0][3] * points[3]; pos += weights[1][0] * points[4]; pos += weights[1][1] * points[5]; pos += weights[1][2] * points[6]; pos += weights[1][3] * points[7]; pos += weights[2][0] * points[8]; pos += weights[2][1] * points[9]; pos += weights[2][2] * points[10]; pos += weights[2][3] * points[11]; pos += weights[3][0] * points[12]; pos += weights[3][1] * points[13]; pos += weights[3][2] * points[14]; pos += weights[3][3] * points[15]; return pos; } struct Tess { vec3 pos; vec2 tex; vec4 col; }; void tessellate(out Tess tess) { ivec2 point_pos = ivec2(position.z, normal.z) * 3; ivec2 weight_idx = ivec2(position.xy); vec3 _pos[16]; vec2 _tex[16]; vec4 _col[16]; int index_u, index_v; index_u = (0 + point_pos.x); index_v = (0 + point_pos.y); _pos[0] = texelFetch(u_tess_points, ivec2(index_u, index_v), 0).xyz; _tex[0] = texelFetch(u_tess_points, ivec2(index_u + u_spline_counts, index_v), 0).xy; index_u = (1 + point_pos.x); index_v = (0 + point_pos.y); _pos[1] = texelFetch(u_tess_points, ivec2(index_u, index_v), 0).xyz; _tex[1] = texelFetch(u_tess_points, ivec2(index_u + u_spline_counts, index_v), 0).xy; index_u = (2 + point_pos.x); index_v = (0 + point_pos.y); _pos[2] = texelFetch(u_tess_points, ivec2(index_u, index_v), 0).xyz; _tex[2] = texelFetch(u_tess_points, ivec2(index_u + u_spline_counts, index_v), 0).xy; index_u = (3 + point_pos.x); index_v = (0 + point_pos.y); _pos[3] = texelFetch(u_tess_points, ivec2(index_u, index_v), 0).xyz; _tex[3] = texelFetch(u_tess_points
GODS EATER BURST v1.17.1 2024-11-05 sceKernelLoadModule: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=00000000, pos=0, access=1, data=2, text=2
GODS EATER BURST v1.17.1 2024-11-05 sceKernelLoadModule: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=00000000, pos=0, access=1, data=1, text=1
GODS EATER BURST v1.12.3 2022-04-05 Attempted set for logic op: f
GODS EATER BURST v1.17.1 2024-03-11 80630011=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(08f8ca20, 00000000): buffer too small
GODS EATER BURST v1.14.4-690-g2dc3a6b05 2023-03-29 sceKernelLoadModule: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=ffffffff, pos=0, access=1, data=1, text=1
GODS EATER BURST v1.11.3 2021-07-12 sceKernelCreateThread(name=god_g996_DlcError): unsupported attributes 00000006
GODS EATER BURST v1.10.2 2021-06-04 CALL to illegal address 0aa06470 - ignoring! data=a06471
GODS EATER BURST v1.14.4-690-g2dc3a6b05 2023-03-29 sceKernelLoadModule: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=ffffffff, pos=0, access=1, data=2, text=2
GODS EATER BURST v1.11.2-481-g1b5eb2ef6 2021-05-18 Waiting thread for 12 that was already waiting for 12
GODS EATER BURST v1.11.2 2021-05-06 ReadFromHardware: Invalid address 109d9f7f near PC 08836314 LR 0883621c
GODS EATER BURST v1.11.3 2021-04-25 ReadFromHardware: Invalid address 00000000 near PC 08982e20 LR 08825b28
GODS EATER BURST v1.11.3 2021-04-25 Unknown GetPointer 00000000 PC 08825e70 LR 08825e78
GODS EATER BURST v1.11.3 2021-04-12 UNIMPL sceIoChstat(ms0:/PSP/SAVEDATA/ULUS10518DATA/DATA.DNS, 09f919b0, 00000002)
GODS EATER BURST v1.15.4 2023-11-21 Waiting thread for 20 that was already waiting for 20
GODS EATER BURST v1.11.2 2021-02-20 Jump to invalid address: 04a990ec
GODS EATER BURST v1.11.2 2021-02-20 Jump to invalid address: 022d90e8
GODS EATER BURST v1.11.3 2021-05-30 sceKernelCreateSema(SNDMUTEX) unsupported options parameter, size = 145634952
GODS EATER BURST v1.11.3 2021-05-30 sceKernelCreateSema(SNDMUTEX) unsupported options parameter, size = 145543488
GODS EATER BURST v1.11.3 2021-05-30 sceKernelCreateSema(RealMutex) unsupported options parameter, size = 16
GODS EATER BURST v1.11.3 2021-05-30 sceKernelCreateSema(RealMutex) unsupported options parameter, size = 34520
GODS EATER BURST v1.11.3 2021-05-30 sceKernelCreateSema(RealMutex) unsupported options parameter, size = 143963980
GODS EATER BURST v1.10.3 2020-12-10 MPEG user data found
GODS EATER BURST v1.10.3 2020-12-02 sceKernelCreateSema(SNDMUTEX) unsupported options parameter, size = 149305684
GODS EATER BURST v1.10.3 2020-12-02 Render to texture with incompatible formats 3 != 1 at 04000000
GODS EATER BURST v1.10.3 2020-12-02 sceKernelCreateSema(KSAP_ThLockSema) unsupported attr parameter: 00000011
GODS EATER BURST v1.10.3 2020-12-02 sceKernelCreateSema(KSAP_FnLockSema) unsupported attr parameter: 00000011
GODS EATER BURST v1.10.3 2020-11-30 sceKernelCreateThread(name=scePsmf_library): unsupported attributes 00000006
GODS EATER BURST v1.10.3 2020-11-30 Ignoring func export scePsmf/0c120e1d, already implemented in HLE.
GODS EATER BURST v1.10.3 2020-11-30 Ignoring func export scePsmf/68d42328, already implemented in HLE.
GODS EATER BURST v1.10.3 2020-11-30 Ignoring func export scePsmf/9553cc91, already implemented in HLE.
GODS EATER BURST v1.10.3 2020-11-30 Ignoring func export scePsmf/5b70fcc1, already implemented in HLE.
GODS EATER BURST v1.10.3 2020-11-30 Ignoring func export scePsmf/5f457515, already implemented in HLE.
GODS EATER BURST v1.10.3 2020-11-30 Ignoring func export scePsmf/7c0e7ac3, already implemented in HLE.
GODS EATER BURST v1.10.3 2020-11-30 Ignoring func export scePsmf/4e624a34, already implemented in HLE.