Recent logs - v1.18.1-541-g34f3b724cd

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Game title Version Latest Report Message
真・三國無雙 MULTI RAID 2 v1.18.1-541-g34f3b724cd 2025-02-13 __KernelStopThread: thread 405 does not exist (ApctlThread deleted)
真・三國無雙 MULTI RAID 2 v1.18.1-541-g34f3b724cd 2025-02-13 __KernelStopThread: thread 405 does not exist (ApctlThread stopped)
Syphon Filter™: Logan's Shadow v1.18.1-541-g34f3b724cd 2025-02-05 Error in shader compilation: info: 0:1: F0002: Mali-400 GP register allocation failed for vertex shader. Please contact [email protected] with the shader causing the problem, along with this error message. Mali online shader compiler r7p0-00rel1 [Revision 96995]. 01f14480:00000b29 HWX C T N LM Light: 0: c:0 t:0 1: c:0 t:2 2: c:0 t:1 3: c:0 t:1 MatUp:1 Cull #version 100 // Driver: Mali-450 MP - GLSL 100 precision highp float; #define gl_VertexIndex gl_VertexID #define splat3(x) vec3(x) #define mul(x, y) ((x) * (y)) // 01f14480:00000b29 HWX C T N LM Light: 0: c:0 t:0 1: c:0 t:2 2: c:0 t:1 3: c:0 t:1 MatUp:1 Cull attribute vec3 position; attribute mediump vec3 normal; attribute vec2 texcoord; attribute lowp vec4 color0; uniform mat4 u_proj; uniform mat4 u_world; uniform mat4 u_view; uniform vec4 u_uvscaleoffset; uniform vec3 u_lightpos0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient0; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse0; uniform vec3 u_lightpos1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt1; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightdir1; uniform mediump vec2 u_lightangle_spotCoef1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient1; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse1; uniform vec3 u_lightpos2; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient2; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse2; uniform vec3 u_lightpos3; uniform mediump vec3 u_lightatt3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightambient3; uniform lowp vec3 u_lightdiffuse3; uniform lowp vec4 u_ambient; uniform lowp vec3 u_matdiffuse; uniform lowp vec4 u_matspecular; uniform lowp vec3 u_matemissive; uniform lowp vec4 u_matambientalpha; uniform highp vec2 u_fogcoef; uniform highp vec4 u_depthRange; uniform highp vec4 u_cullRangeMin; uniform highp vec4 u_cullRangeMax; varying lowp vec4 v_color0; varying lowp vec3 v_color1; varying mediump vec3 v_texcoord; varying mediump float v_fogdepth; vec3 normalizeOr001(vec3 v) { return length(v) == 0.0 ? vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) : normalize(v); } void main() { vec3 worldpos = mul(vec4(position, 1.0), u_world).xyz; mediump vec3 worldnormal = normalizeOr001(mul(vec4(normal, 0.0), u_world).xyz); vec4 viewPos = vec4(mul(vec4(worldpos, 1.0), u_view).xyz, 1.0); vec4 outPos = mul(u_proj, viewPos); vec4 ambientColor = color0; vec3 diffuseColor = u_matdiffuse.rgb; vec3 specularColor = u_matspecular.rgb; lowp vec4 lightSum0 = u_ambient * ambientColor + vec4(u_matemissive, 0.0); vec3 toLight; lowp vec3 diffuse; float distance; lowp float lightScale; mediump float ldot; lowp float angle; toLight = u_lightpos0; ldot = dot(toLight, worldnormal); diffuse = (u_lightdiffuse0 * diffuseColor) * max(ldot, 0.0); lightSum0.rgb += (u_lightambient0 * ambientColor.rgb + diffuse); toLight = u_lightpos1 - worldpos; distance = length(toLight); toLight /= distance; ldot = dot(toLight, worldnormal); angle = dot(u_lightdir1, toLight); if (angle >= u_lightangle_spotCoef1.x) { lightScale = clamp(1.0 / dot(u_lightatt1, vec3(1.0, distance, distance*distance)), 0.0, 1.0) * (u_lightangle_spotCoef1.y <= 0.0 ? 1.0 : pow(max(angle, 0.0), u_lightangle_spotCoef1.y)); } else { lightScale = 0.0; } diffuse = (u_lightdiffuse1 * diffuseColor) * max(ldot, 0.0); lightSum0.rgb += (u_lightambient1 * ambientColor.rgb + diffuse) * lightScale; toLight = u_lightpos2 - worldpos; distance = length(toLight); toLight /= distance; ldot = dot(toLight, worldnormal); lightScale = clamp(1.0 / dot(u_lightatt2, vec3(1.0, distance, distance*distance)), 0.0, 1.0); diffuse = (u_lightdiffuse2 * diffuseColor) * max(ldot, 0.0); lightSum0.rgb += (u_lightambient2 * ambientColor.rgb + diffuse) * lightScale; toLight = u_lightpos3 - worldpos; distance = length(toLight); toLight /= distance; ldot = dot(toLight, worldnormal); lightScale = clamp(1.0 / dot(u_lightatt3, vec3(1.0, distance, distance*distance)), 0.0, 1.0); diffuse = (u_lightdiffuse3 * diffuseColor) * max(ldot, 0.0); lightSum0.rgb += (u_lightambient3 * ambientColor.rgb + diffuse) * lightScale; v_color0 = clamp(lightSum0, 0.0, 1.0); v_color1 = splat3(0.0); v_texcoord = vec3(te
GOD EATER 2 v1.18.1-541-g34f3b724cd 2025-01-06 WriteToHardware: Invalid address 00000021 near PC 0880aaac LR 0880aaac
GOD EATER 2 v1.18.1-541-g34f3b724cd 2025-01-06 WriteToHardware: Invalid address 00000168 near PC 0880aaac LR 0880aaac
GOD EATER 2 v1.18.1-541-g34f3b724cd 2025-01-06 WriteToHardware: Invalid address 00000002 near PC 089333a0 LR 088c1314
โทคิเด็น คิวามิ - แพทช์อังกฤษ v3.0 โดย HoaiTrung 97 FT v1.18.1-541-g34f3b724cd 2025-01-03 WriteToHardware: Invalid address 00000088 near PC 0893b8f4 LR 0893b8f4
โทคิเด็น คิวามิ - แพทช์อังกฤษ v3.0 โดย HoaiTrung 97 FT v1.18.1-541-g34f3b724cd 2025-01-03 WriteToHardware: Invalid address 000008b8 near PC 0893b8f4 LR 0893b8f4
eFootball 2024 v1.18.1-541-g34f3b724cd 2024-12-27 Unknown GetPointer 0000ab00 PC 0884d7b4 LR 0884d7d4
eFootball v1.9.4 2025-02-15 Savedata version requested: 3
eFootball 25 Hend Asean New Season v1.9.4 2025-02-15 Unknown GetPointer 00000000 PC 0881c2c0 LR 0881c2d0
eFootball 25 Hend Asean New Season v1.18.1-993-ge80941403a 2025-02-15 Unknown GetPointerWrite 00000000 PC 08816130 LR 08816144
eFootball 25 Hend Asean New Season v1.9.4 2025-02-15 Savedata version requested: 3
Dragon Ball TAG VS v1.18.1-945-gb0182ed0e6 2025-02-15 AT3 header map lacks entry for bpf: 0 channels: 0
Dragon Ball TAG VS v1.18.1-783-g81015abef7 2025-02-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000800)
eFootball 2025 STAR PATCH v1.9.4 2025-02-15 Savedata version requested: 3
eFootball Chelito 19 v1.18.1-986-ga174fdb19e 2025-02-15 Unknown GetPointerWrite 00000000 PC 08816148 LR 0881615c
eFootball Chelito 19 v1.9.4 2025-02-15 Savedata version requested: 3
eFootball 2024 v1.18.1-541-g34f3b724cd 2025-01-08 Unknown GetPointerWrite 00000000 PC 08871374 LR 0887138c
eFootball 2024 v1.9.4 2025-02-15 Game install with no files / data
DBS TTT LATINO - LOS IJUE30S v1.18.1-986-ga174fdb19e 2025-02-15 AT3 header map lacks entry for bpf: 0 channels: 0
DBS TTT LATINO - LOS IJUE30S v1.18.1-635-g41bd984a7e 2025-02-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000800)
eFootball 2024 v1.18.1-908-gd7aa236e13 2025-02-14 Unknown GetPointerWrite 00000000 PC 08816148 LR 0881615c
eFootball 2024 v1.9.4 2025-02-15 Savedata version requested: 3
eFootball v1.9.4 2025-02-15 Savedata version requested: 3
eFootball Euro y Copa America By T. Bendezu v1.9.4 2025-02-15 Game install with no files / data
eFootball Euro y Copa America By T. Bendezu v1.18.1-92-gfe6db07f0d 2025-02-15 Unknown GetPointerWrite 00000000 PC 08816148 LR 0881615c
eFootball Euro y Copa America By T. Bendezu v1.9.4 2025-02-15 Savedata version requested: 3
EFOOTBALL NEW PATCH SEASON 2025.... v1.18.1-908-gd7aa236e13 2025-02-15 Unknown GetPointerWrite 00000000 PC 08816130 LR 08816144
EFOOTBALL NEW PATCH SEASON 2025.... v1.9.4 2025-02-15 Savedata version requested: 3
EA-Sports FC PC-V v1.18.1-541-g34f3b724cd 2025-02-14 Unknown GetPointerWrite 00000000 PC 08808448 LR 08808460
eFootball PES 2024 "SN3" v1.18.1-541-g34f3b724cd 2025-02-14 Unknown GetPointerWrite 00000000 PC 08816130 LR 08816144
eFootball PES 2024 "SN3" v1.9.4 2025-02-15 Savedata version requested: 3
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.18.1-993-ge80941403a 2025-02-15 AT3 header map lacks entry for bpf: 0 channels: 0
EA-Sports FC PC-V v1.18.1-541-g34f3b724cd 2025-02-14 sceNetAdhocMatchingInit(32768) at 08a719b8
ワンピース ROMANCE DAWN 冒険の夜明け v1.18.1-600-g3c1693224f 2025-02-15 AT3 header map lacks entry for bpf: 0 channels: 0
eFootball PC - V. v1.18.1-541-g34f3b724cd 2025-02-09 Unknown GetPointerWrite 00000000 PC 0882bbf4 LR 088113dc
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.18.1-993-ge80941403a 2025-02-15 AT3 header map lacks entry for bpf: 0 channels: 0
EA-Sports FC PC-V v1.9.4 2025-02-15 Savedata version requested: 3
eFootball PC - V. v1.9.4 2025-02-14 80630006=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(09a4ec00, 00004000): fmt definition too small (16)
eFootball PC - V. v1.9.4 2025-02-15 Savedata version requested: 3
eFootball PC - V. v1.18.1-986-ga174fdb19e 2025-02-15 Unknown GetPointerWrite 00000000 PC 08816148 LR 0881615c
Syphon Filter™ Dark Mirror v1.18.1-541-g34f3b724cd 2025-02-04 Failed to read valid video stream data from header
Syphon Filter™ Dark Mirror v1.18.1-541-g34f3b724cd 2025-02-04 Could not setup streams, unexpected stream count: 8435
Syphon Filter™ Dark Mirror v1.18.1-541-g34f3b724cd 2025-02-04 Unexpected mpeg first timestamp: b1a32090100 / 12207136506112
Syphon Filter™ Dark Mirror v1.18.1-541-g34f3b724cd 2025-02-04 sceKernelLoadModule: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=00000000, pos=0, access=1, data=2, text=2
eFootball 2024 By RH12 Official v1.9.4 2025-02-15 Savedata version requested: 3
eFootball Chelito 19 v1.9.4 2025-02-09 Unknown GetPointer 00000000 PC 0884d5b0 LR 0884d7d4
eFootball Chelito 19 v1.18.1-92-gfe6db07f0d 2025-02-15 Unknown GetPointerWrite 00000000 PC 08816148 LR 0881615c
eFootball Chelito 19 v1.9.4 2025-02-15 Unknown GetPointer 00000000 PC 0884d7b4 LR 0884d7d4
eFootball Chelito 19 v1.9.4 2025-02-15 Savedata version requested: 3
MotorStorm®: Arctic Edge v1.18.1-800-gb5c843ff72 2025-02-15 ELF relocation HI16/1(16) pair (instead of LO16) at 0882f858 / 0882f864
eFootball Play-C v1.9.4 2025-02-15 Savedata version requested: 3
eFootball 2024 Beta By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.9.4 2025-02-15 Savedata version requested: 3
eFootball 2024 Beta By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.18.1-783-g81015abef7 2025-02-15 Unknown GetPointerWrite 00000000 PC 08816148 LR 0881615c
EFOOTBALL PSP NEW PATCH SEASON 2024 v1.9.4 2025-02-15 Savedata version requested: 3
WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2011 v1.18.1-541-g34f3b724cd 2025-02-10 Rendering to framebuffer offset at 040cc000 +64x0 (stride 512)
Jackass™: The Game v1.18.1-541-g34f3b724cd 2025-02-12 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000800)
WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2010 v1.18.1-592-gf88b6abb5d 2025-02-14 Rendering to framebuffer offset at 040cc000 +64x0 (stride 512)
The Godfather™ Mob Wars v1.18.1-759-gaa752ade6c 2025-02-14 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000800)
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 3 v1.18.1-635-g41bd984a7e 2025-02-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000800)
Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines™ v1.18.1-792-g1a03d60022 2025-02-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000400)
Disney•Pixar Cars 2 v1.18.1-87-gda0168f41a 2025-02-15 00000800=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000800)
Disney•Pixar Cars 2 v1.18.1-87-gda0168f41a 2025-02-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000800)
Def Jam® Fight For NY™: The Takeover v1.18.1-846-gab47c3cb1f 2025-02-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00001000)
God of War: Chains of Olympus v1.18.1-846-gab47c3cb1f 2025-02-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000800)
MONSTER HUNTER PORTABLE 3rd v1.18.1-92-gfe6db07f0d 2025-02-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000400)
Silent Hill: Shattered Memories v1.18.1-787-ge63dbd888e 2025-02-14 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00001000)
Call of Duty : Roads to Victory™ v1.18.1-846-gab47c3cb1f 2025-02-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000400)
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.18.1-92-gfe6db07f0d 2025-02-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000800)
MONSTER HUNTER FREEDOM UNITE™ v1.18.1-92-gfe6db07f0d 2025-02-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000400)
God of War®: Ghost of Sparta v1.18.1-92-gfe6db07f0d 2025-02-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000800)
God of War®: Ghost of Sparta v1.18.1-92-gfe6db07f0d 2025-02-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000800)
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.18.1-92-gfe6db07f0d 2025-02-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000800)
MONSTER HUNTER PORTABLE 3rd HD Ver. v1.18.1-92-gfe6db07f0d 2025-02-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000400)
MONSTER HUNTER FREEDOM UNITE™ v1.18.1-92-gfe6db07f0d 2025-02-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000400)
Ghost Rider v1.18.1-816-g008aaa8327 2025-02-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00001000)
God of War™: Ghost of Sparta v1.18.1-87-gda0168f41a 2025-02-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000800)
Silent Hill® Origins v1.18.1-92-gfe6db07f0d 2025-02-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00001000)
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force v1.18.1-670-g63c7c73fa0 2025-02-14 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000800)
God of War: Chains of Olympus v1.18.1-92-gfe6db07f0d 2025-02-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000800)
God of War: Chains of Olympus v1.18.1-820-gea36cb7036 2025-02-15 Rendering to framebuffer offset at 04161800 +64x0 (stride 1024)
โทคิเด็น คิวามิ - แพทช์อังกฤษ v3.0 โดย HoaiTrung 97 FT v1.18.1-541-g34f3b724cd 2025-01-03 Jump to invalid address: 055ae5c0
โทคิเด็น คิวามิ - แพทช์อังกฤษ v3.0 โดย HoaiTrung 97 FT v1.18.1-541-g34f3b724cd 2025-01-03 Branch in Jump delay slot at 0956b980 in block starting at 0956b970
โทคิเด็น คิวามิ - แพทช์อังกฤษ v3.0 โดย HoaiTrung 97 FT v1.18.1-541-g34f3b724cd 2025-01-03 Jump to invalid address: 0560fd00
โทคิเด็น คิวามิ - แพทช์อังกฤษ v3.0 โดย HoaiTrung 97 FT v1.18.1-541-g34f3b724cd 2025-01-03 Jump to invalid address: 055dcb40
โทคิเด็น คิวามิ - แพทช์อังกฤษ v3.0 โดย HoaiTrung 97 FT v1.18.1-541-g34f3b724cd 2025-01-30 Jump to invalid address: 05384940
God of War®: Ghost of Sparta v1.18.1-993-ge80941403a 2025-02-15 Rendering to framebuffer offset at 04162000 +256x0 (stride 512)
God of War®: Ghost of Sparta v1.18.1-993-ge80941403a 2025-02-15 Rendering to framebuffer offset at 04162000 +256x0 (stride 512)
God of War®: Ghost of Sparta v1.18.1-908-gd7aa236e13 2025-02-14 Rendering to framebuffer offset at 04161800 +64x0 (stride 1024)
God of War™: Ghost of Sparta v1.18.1-993-ge80941403a 2025-02-15 Rendering to framebuffer offset at 04162000 +256x0 (stride 512)
God of War: Chains of Olympus v1.18.1-993-ge80941403a 2025-02-15 Rendering to framebuffer offset at 04162000 +256x0 (stride 512)
eFootball Chelito 19 v1.18.1-945-gb0182ed0e6 2025-02-15 Unknown GetPointerWrite 00000000 PC 08816148 LR 0881615c
eFootball Chelito 19 v1.9.4 2025-02-14 Game install with no files / data
eFootball Chelito 19 v1.9.4 2025-02-15 Savedata version requested: 3
NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja Impact v1.18.1-816-g008aaa8327 2025-02-14 Truncating vertex count from 24576 to 21845
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.18.1-574-g0fa88652f1 2025-02-14 sceNetAdhocMatchingInit(32768) at 08812dc8
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force v1.18.1-670-g63c7c73fa0 2025-02-14 Drawing region rate add non-zero: 0164, 0100 of 017b, 010f
SOULCALIBUR: Broken Destiny v1.18.1-846-gab47c3cb1f 2025-02-15 sceNetAdhocMatchingInit(32768) at 08930b4c
BURNOUT DOMINATOR v1.18.1-635-g41bd984a7e 2025-02-15 sceNetAdhocMatchingInit(9816) at 088fc4e8