Recent logs - v1.14.4-951-gaa66cc03f

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Game title Version Latest Report Message
無双OROCHI2 Special v1.14.4-951-gaa66cc03f 2023-04-20 Error in shader program link: info: L0001 The fragment floating-point variable u_texelDelta does not match the vertex variable u_texelDelta. The precision does not match. fs: postshader #version 320 es precision mediump float; precision highp int; layout(binding = 0) uniform mediump sampler2D sampler0; uniform vec4 u_time; uniform vec2 u_texelDelta; uniform vec2 u_pixelDelta; in vec2 v_texcoord0; out vec4 _RESERVED_IDENTIFIER_FIXUP_gl_FragColor; in vec4 v_texcoordNC0; in vec4 v_texcoordNC1; in vec4 v_texcoordNC2; in vec4 v_texcoordNC3; mediump int SEPIA; mediump int GRAYSCALE; mediump int NEGATIVE; mediump int PSPCOLORS; vec3 processSHADEBOOST(inout vec3 color) { float sat = 1.7999999523162841796875; float brt = 0.699999988079071044921875; float con = 1.10000002384185791015625; float AvgLumR = 1.5; float AvgLumG = 1.5; float AvgLumB = 1.5; if (SEPIA == 1) { sat = 0.00999999977648258209228515625; brt = 1.75; con = 1.0; AvgLumR = 0.439999997615814208984375; AvgLumG = 0.2599999904632568359375; AvgLumB = 0.07999999821186065673828125; } if (GRAYSCALE == 1) { sat = 0.0; brt = 1.0; con = 1.0; AvgLumR = 1.0; AvgLumG = 1.0; AvgLumB = 1.0; } if (NEGATIVE == 1) { sat = 1.0; brt = 1.0; con = -1.0; AvgLumR = 1.0; AvgLumG = 1.0; AvgLumB = 1.0; } if (PSPCOLORS == 1) { sat = 1.0; brt = 1.0; con = 1.0; AvgLumR = 0.959299981594085693359375; AvgLumG = 1.0738999843597412109375; AvgLumB = 1.46039998531341552734375; } vec3 AvgLumin = vec3(AvgLumR, AvgLumG, AvgLumB); vec3 conRGB = vec3(0.5); vec3 brtColor = color * brt; vec3 intensity = vec3(((brtColor.x * 0.2125000059604644775390625) + (brtColor.y * 0.7153999805450439453125)) + (brtColor.z * 0.07209999859333038330078125)); vec3 satColor = mix(intensity, brtColor, vec3(sat)); vec3 conColor = mix(conRGB, satColor, vec3(con)); vec3 mixColor = AvgLumin * conColor; color = mixColor; return color; } void main() { SEPIA = 0; GRAYSCALE = 0; NEGATIVE = 0; PSPCOLORS = 0; vec3 color = texture(sampler0, v_texcoord0).xyz; vec3 param = color; vec3 _127 = processSHADEBOOST(param); color = _127; _RESERVED_IDENTIFIER_FIXUP_gl_FragColor.x = color.x; _RESERVED_IDENTIFIER_FIXUP_gl_FragColor.y = color.y; _RESERVED_IDENTIFIER_FIXUP_gl_FragColor.z = color.z; _RESERVED_IDENTIFIER_FIXUP_gl_FragColor.w = 1.0; } vs: postshader #version 320 es uniform vec2 u_texelDelta; out vec2 v_texcoord0; in vec2 a_texcoord0; in vec4 a_position; out vec4 v_texcoordNC0; out vec4 v_texcoordNC1; out vec4 v_texcoordNC2; out vec4 v_texcoordNC3; void main() { v_texcoord0 = a_texcoord0; gl_Position = a_position; v_texcoordNC0 = a_texcoord0.xyxy + (vec4(-0.5, -0.5, -1.5, -1.5) * u_texelDelta.xyxy); v_texcoordNC1 = a_texcoord0.xyxy + (vec4(0.5, -0.5, 1.5, -1.5) * u_texelDelta.xyxy); v_texcoordNC2 = a_texcoord0.xyxy + (vec4(-0.5, 0.5, -1.5, 1.5) * u_texelDelta.xyxy); v_texcoordNC3 = a_texcoord0.xyxy + (vec4(0.5, 0.5, 1.5, 1.5) * u_texelDelta.xyxy); }
Marvel Nemesis™: Rise of the Imperfects™ v1.14.4-951-gaa66cc03f 2023-04-08 __KernelStopThread: thread 359 does not exist (helper deleted)
Def Jam® Fight For NY™: The Takeover v1.14.4-951-gaa66cc03f 2023-04-06 sceDmacMemcpy(dest=0981bf80, src=08400000, size=641344): overlapping read
TOCA Race Driver 3 Challenge v1.14.4-951-gaa66cc03f 2023-04-02 Ignoring possible texturing from framebuffer at 08e61bc0 +0x-10581 / 64x64
TOCA Race Driver 3 Challenge v1.14.4-951-gaa66cc03f 2023-04-02 Ignoring possible texturing from framebuffer at 08e61bc0 +0x-3350 / 64x64
TOCA Race Driver 3 Challenge v1.14.4-951-gaa66cc03f 2023-04-02 Ignoring possible texturing from framebuffer at 08e61bc0 +64x-11762 / 64x64
TOCA Race Driver 3 Challenge v1.14.4-951-gaa66cc03f 2023-04-01 Ignoring possible texturing from framebuffer at 08e61bc0 +0x-31488 / 64x64
WRC v1.14.4-951-gaa66cc03f 2023-04-01 __KernelStopThread: thread 324 does not exist (helper deleted)
Need for Speed™ Shift v1.14.4-951-gaa66cc03f 2023-04-01 Ignoring possible texturing from framebuffer at 04176000 +1536x85 / 512x272
Prince of Persia The Forgotten Sands™ v1.15.4 2023-07-23 UNIMPL sceIoDevctl("usbpspcm:", 03415002, 0986f01c, 4, 00000000, 0)
Prince of Persia The Forgotten Sands™ v1.15.4 2023-07-23 UNIMPL sceIoDevctl("usbpspcm:", 03415001, 0986f01c, 4, 00000000, 0)
Star Wars Battlefront II v1.14.4-951-gaa66cc03f 2023-03-29 __KernelStopThread: thread 421 does not exist (helper deleted)
Bob Esponja: Atrapados en el congelador v1.18.1 2025-01-09 Bad VAG samples address? 08ed7e24 / 38732367
DTM Race Driver 3 Challenge v1.14.4-951-gaa66cc03f 2023-03-27 Ignoring possible texturing from framebuffer at 09279400 +64x-10681 / 64x64
TOCA Race Driver 3 Challenge v1.14.4-951-gaa66cc03f 2023-03-26 Ignoring possible texturing from framebuffer at 08e61bc0 +0x-4995 / 64x64
SOCOM U.S. Navy SEALs: Tactical Strike v1.14.4-951-gaa66cc03f 2023-03-26 sceDmacMemcpy(dest=08c60ea0, src=09a80c90, size=9232): overlapping read
Dragon Ball Z: Forever Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.18.1-362-g01b4eb41be 2025-01-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000800)
God of War®: Ghost of Sparta v1.15.4-785-gdeba52487 2024-11-27 Rendering to framebuffer offset at 04162000 +384x0 (stride 512)
LEGO® Batman™: The Videogame v1.17.1 2024-10-27 Unaligned icache invalidation of 086ca7f8 (086ca7f8 + 0) at PC=089741fc
ゴッド・オブ・ウォー 落日の悲愴曲 v1.15.4-717-g56c2974e5 2024-11-21 Rendering to framebuffer offset at 04162000 +384x0 (stride 512)
絶体絶命都市3 ─壊れゆく街と彼女の歌─ v1.14.4-951-gaa66cc03f 2023-03-20 sceDmacMemcpy(dest=04110000, src=09800740, size=557056): overlapping read
The King Of Fighters - The Orochi Saga v1.16.5 2023-10-14 sceKernelLoadModule: unsupported options size=00000014, flags=08b50000, pos=0, access=1, data=2, text=2
God of War®:降誕の刻印 v1.15.4-76-g2675d6ea4 2024-10-28 Rendering to framebuffer offset at 04162000 +384x0 (stride 512)
God of War: Ghost of Sparta Demo v1.15.4-69-gca75e2015 2025-01-02 Rendering to framebuffer offset at 04162000 +384x0 (stride 512)
God of War®: Chains of Olympus v1.15.4-717-g56c2974e5 2024-10-05 Rendering to framebuffer offset at 04162000 +384x0 (stride 512)
God of War: Chains of Olympus v1.15.4-69-gca75e2015 2025-01-14 Rendering to framebuffer offset at 04162000 +384x0 (stride 512)
God of War: Chains of Olympus v1.15.4-900-g38357a2c1 2025-01-09 Rendering to framebuffer offset at 04162000 +384x0 (stride 512)
God of War: Chains of Olympus v1.15.4-954-gfabcaf6e0 2025-01-14 Rendering to framebuffer offset at 04162000 +384x0 (stride 512)
God of War™: Ghost of Sparta v1.15.4-89-g5d149e379 2025-01-14 Rendering to framebuffer offset at 04162000 +384x0 (stride 512)
God of War®: Ghost of Sparta v1.15.4-97-geb872b7a8 2025-01-13 Rendering to framebuffer offset at 04162000 +384x0 (stride 512)
God of War®: Ghost of Sparta v1.15.4-97-geb872b7a8 2025-01-14 Rendering to framebuffer offset at 04162000 +384x0 (stride 512)
God of War™: Ghost of Sparta v1.15.4-900-g38357a2c1 2025-01-11 Rendering to framebuffer offset at 04162000 +384x0 (stride 512)
God of War: Chains of Olympus v1.15.4-89-g5d149e379 2025-01-13 Rendering to framebuffer offset at 04162000 +384x0 (stride 512)
Iso Super Heroes Tenkaichi V5 Final A.O v1.16.6 2024-01-12 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000800)
Burnout™ Dominator v1.14.4-951-gaa66cc03f 2023-05-12 Ignoring possible texturing from framebuffer at 04176000 +0x163 / 512x272
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.18.1 2025-01-13 Texture cache ran out of GPU memory; switching to low memory mode
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.18.1 2025-01-01 Unknown GetPointerWrite 00000000 PC 08816148 LR 0881615c
eFootball 2023 By Tutoriales Bendezu v1.9.4 2025-01-15 Savedata version requested: 3
Crazy Taxi: Fare Wars v1.18.1 2025-01-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000800)
ISO CRIADA POR: VICTOR MODDER TTT v1.15 2023-07-27 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000800)
Burnout™ Dominator v1.14.4-951-gaa66cc03f 2024-03-11 Ignoring possible texturing from framebuffer at 04176000 +1664x83 / 512x272
DB Xenoverse Tag Tea v5 by Legend Crack Z v1.18.1-40-gc9c5435a86 2025-01-12 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000800)
Prinny: Can I Really Be the Hero? v1.18.1-549-gcc040ab251 2025-01-14 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000000)
Indiana Jones™ and the Staff of Kings v1.18.1 2025-01-14 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000400)
イレギュラーハンターX v1.18.1 2025-01-14 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000000)
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force5 v1.18.1-38-g2daca0fedf 2025-01-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000800)
AngryBirds v1.18.1-745-g0974c17fa3 2025-01-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000400)
The Godfather® v1.18.1-92-gfe6db07f0d 2025-01-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000800)
God of War®:降誕の刻印 v1.18.1-92-gfe6db07f0d 2025-01-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000800)
ゴッド・オブ・ウォー 落日の悲愴曲 v1.18.1 2025-01-14 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000800)
Sonic Rivals™ v1.14.4-951-gaa66cc03f 2024-12-21 Ignoring possible texturing from framebuffer at 04176000 +0x80 / 128x272
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.18.1-635-g41bd984a7e 2025-01-14 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000800)
Rock Band Unplugged™ v1.14.4-951-gaa66cc03f 2024-11-07 Ignoring possible texturing from framebuffer at 04198000 +0x136 / 256x272
MLB 11 The Show™ v1.18.1-87-gda0168f41a 2025-01-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000400)
Jak & Daxter®:The Lost Frontier™ v1.14.4-951-gaa66cc03f 2024-11-16 Ignoring possible texturing from framebuffer at 04154000 +0x144 / 256x272
Jak & Daxter®:The Lost Frontier™ v1.18.1 2025-01-14 00000000=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000000)
Jak & Daxter®:The Lost Frontier™ v1.18.1 2025-01-14 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000000)
WRC v1.14.4-951-gaa66cc03f 2024-09-24 Ignoring possible texturing from framebuffer at 04154000 +0x128 / 128x272
ISO CRIADA POR: VICTOR MODDER TTT v1.9.4 2025-01-13 avcodec_decode_audio4: Error decoding audio -1094995529 / bebbb1b7
God of War: Ghost of Sparta Demo v1.18.1-635-g41bd984a7e 2025-01-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000800)
El Padrino® v1.18.1-623-g7d3dcaac1b 2025-01-14 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000800)
Mega Man Maverick Hunter X v1.18.1 2025-01-14 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000000)
God of War: Chains of Olympus v1.18.1 2025-01-14 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000800)
刺客信条 血统 汉化版 PLAY汉化组 v1.18.1-8-g2384c17439 2025-01-14 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000400)
Call of Duty : Roads to Victory™ v1.18.1-792-g1a03d60022 2025-01-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000400)
Ratchet v1.18.1-810-g841eb115e2 2025-01-15 00000000=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000000)
Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines™ v1.18.1-792-g1a03d60022 2025-01-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000400)
Worms Open Warfare 2 v1.18.1-38-g2daca0fedf 2025-01-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000400)
Disney•Pixar Cars 2 v1.18.1-87-gda0168f41a 2025-01-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000800)
Def Jam® Fight For NY™: The Takeover v1.18.1-759-gaa752ade6c 2025-01-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00001000)
God of War: Chains of Olympus v1.18.1-670-g63c7c73fa0 2025-01-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000800)
Def Jam® Fight For NY™: The Takeover v1.18.1-89-gc6e7a50830 2025-01-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00001000)
MONSTER HUNTER PORTABLE 3rd v1.18.1-92-gfe6db07f0d 2025-01-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000400)
God of War™: Ghost of Sparta v1.18.1-635-g41bd984a7e 2025-01-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000800)
Call of Duty : Roads to Victory™ v1.18.1-593-g5b5bb0c626 2025-01-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000400)
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.18.1-670-g63c7c73fa0 2025-01-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000800)
LittleBigPlanet™ v1.18.1-38-g2daca0fedf 2025-01-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000800)
HUNTER×HUNTER ワンダーアドベンチャー v1.18.1-443-g4a861dfdbe 2025-01-14 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000800)
Burnout™ Dominator v1.14.4-951-gaa66cc03f 2024-04-30 Ignoring possible texturing from framebuffer at 04176000 +0x191 / 512x272
Burnout™ Dominator v1.14.4-951-gaa66cc03f 2024-07-23 Using texture with dynamic CLUT: texfmt=5, clutfmt=3
God of War®: Ghost of Sparta v1.18.1-451-gb73075f33c 2025-01-15 Rendering to framebuffer offset at 04161800 +64x0 (stride 1024)
MONSTER HUNTER FREEDOM UNITE™ v1.18.1-92-gfe6db07f0d 2025-01-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000400)
MONSTER HUNTER PORTABLE 2nd G v1.18.1-659-g4f873614e7 2025-01-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000400)
God of War®: Ghost of Sparta v1.18.1-92-gfe6db07f0d 2025-01-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000800)
God of War®: Chains of Olympus v1.18.1-92-gfe6db07f0d 2025-01-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000800)
God of War®: Ghost of Sparta v1.18.1-92-gfe6db07f0d 2025-01-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000800)
God of War: Chains of Olympus v1.18.1-92-gfe6db07f0d 2025-01-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000800)
FINAL FANTASY 零式 ディスク1 v1.14.4-951-gaa66cc03f 2024-09-13 Ignoring possible texturing from framebuffer at 04176000 +0x40 / 256x136
Army of TWO™: The 40th Day v1.14.4-951-gaa66cc03f 2024-10-24 Ignoring possible texturing from framebuffer at 04154000 +0x128 / 256x272
北斗の拳 ラオウ外伝 天の覇王 v1.18.1-539-g79940fe58a 2025-01-09 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000000)
Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team v1.18.1-92-gfe6db07f0d 2025-01-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000800)
MONSTER HUNTER PORTABLE 3rd HD Ver. v1.18.1-92-gfe6db07f0d 2025-01-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000400)
Silent Hill®: Origins v1.18.1 2025-01-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00001000)
Ratchet v1.18.1-810-g841eb115e2 2025-01-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000000)
God of War®: Ghost of Sparta v1.18.1-458-gee2f221938 2025-01-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000800)
Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition v1.14.4-951-gaa66cc03f 2025-01-11 Ignoring possible texturing from framebuffer at 04178000 +0x64 / 64x321
MONSTER HUNTER FREEDOM UNITE™ v1.18.1-92-gfe6db07f0d 2025-01-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000400)
Ghost Rider v1.18.1-8-g2384c17439 2025-01-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00001000)
God of War™: Ghost of Sparta v1.18.1-87-gda0168f41a 2025-01-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000800)
Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines™ v1.18.1-92-gfe6db07f0d 2025-01-15 00000400=sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation(00000400)